Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lise Bourbeau. Value system

Lise Bourbeau
Value system

From time immemorial, mankind is guided by its vision of what is good and bad, right and wrong. Unfortunately, this representation varies from person to person and is determined by individual perceptions of each. What defines a person as "bad", usually based on fear. However, what scares one person may be absolutely terrible for another. What one interprets as "bad", others may be perceived as "good."

In fact, what is often perceived as "bad", is only part of the great divine plan. This is sort of a lesson, intended for human development. Here is an example of differences in perception.

One man ran through the park with a naked torso, enjoying his morning jog under the warm rays of winter sun. At this point, from my point of view, he was doing "good." He felt, as it is poured vigor, vitality, he was one with nature. Despite the fact that the air smelled of frost, a man absorbed energy, which will maintain it throughout the day.

Met him a passerby was very surprised that there is no runner on his shirt. He quietly remarked: "Lord, but it is also folly! The guy apparently decided to die of cold! "Bring this passer-by to run without a shirt, he would undoubtedly have caught a cold. For him to run in the frost with no shirt - wrong, wrong.

We can give countless examples of judgments on "good and bad." Have to "podzapravit" your body - is "good." Does this mean that we will be healthier if you let us eat more? Not necessarily. So what is the criterion of right and wrong of anything?

Whether you are building every hour of his life, based on their own understanding of what is good or bad? How often do you stop yourself from doing what you want, because it would be wrong or because you worried about the opinion of others? Refusing to do what we feel internally, to do, we often injure themselves. Taking the external view of what is right and wrong, we become slaves to habits and build around them their lives.

The Law of Divine Order requires that humanity lived in peace and harmony.

Humanity is experiencing discomfort only when his life is contrary to the law of nature.

According to the Law of Cause and Effect, there are good and bad - there are no mistakes - only life experience!

The notion of "error" - this is another human invention. It is based on what the fed us from generation to generation, referring to the notion of "correct" and "wrong." What if the word "Satan, sin, wrong, wrong, mistake, fraud, etc., would never have been invented? If they did not exist - you would think about this? These examples - only a tiny portion of the negative dictionary, which was invented by human beings and long ago accepted as fact. Those who think that their knowledge above God's law, invented their own laws, its own vocabulary, which has become one of the pillars, they have created to maintain his own power.

The planet needs now is in the spiritual development and inner peace, and we begin to understand that it is time to return to the simplicity of his own nature. Values, practices, habits and principles that have led humanity to the brink, no longer apply.

Take a good look at its own set of principles and values. They actually coincide with your goals? Do you believe in them wholeheartedly, and they bring you happiness and peace of mind? Your need to live in accordance with external rules and beliefs suggests that the concept of good and bad "still play an important role in your life. Such behavior limits your growth and leads to continuous internal conflicts.

"I should not ... I can not ... I just do not have the right ... "- that's typical style of behavior for those who can not let myself. These people can not get rid of restrictions and to rejoice with his inner child.

People with a strong personality is usually guided by their egos. All of them are somewhat similar to one another: feeling superior to others, they are constantly trying to change them according to their own ideas about what is good and bad. They think that they are able to distinguish right from wrong, so it is difficult to accept other people as they are.

Truth is relative and depends on the perception of the individual. What is the truth for one is not necessarily true for another. Each has its own level of development and its idea of ​​"truth." None of the "truths" are no better and no worse, no correct or incorrect the other - it corresponds exactly to the spiritual development of man.

The more people in more developed spiritually, the more he realizes that there is no "absolute truth", no right or wrong - only accord with his own soul. Rather than seek to change others, it takes them like there is with their own truth. Every new experience becomes a lesson, the possibility of change, opportunity for growth.

When you have set overly stringent ideas about what is good and bad, your judgments about yourself and others become too severe. You lose the "moment", you lose now, living so as to be ... could be ", criticizing and condemning. When you stand on the sidelines and judge, all the great and beautiful in life pass you. You lose contact with the power and joy of the moment and with a potential life-force, which is next. You cease to live. You can feel the internal tension and dissatisfaction.

(To be continued)