Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Attacks by mysterious creatures
In August 2002, the world press reported that in several parts of eastern Uttar Pradesh due to the attacks of some mysterious creatures began a real panic, not reduced for more than a month. The newspaper "Hindustan Times" wrote, for example, that the fears generated great excitement in Hurdmau and other villages of the state.

Mob decided not to go to the authorities and voluntarily made short work of those who, according to the villagers, sends them a mysterious creature called muhnochva. Residents Hurdmau torched stores and shops belonging to those who allegedly secretly been associated with these beings. It did not help that the police arrested nine people. On the contrary, the crowd blocked the road in protest against the detention of their fellow villagers. Police barely managed to disperse the protesters, and then only after numerous reinforcements had arrived even arrange all pickets to keep his raging masses.

What all this outburst of popular indignation? Of unexplained injuries in August 2002, killing at least seven people, and many were injured. Were particularly frequent cases of assault in rural areas near the city of Mirzapur is where night flying creature got its name - muhnochva, meaning "one who breaks claws face."

In the most affected area, 600 km to the southeast of New Delhi, the nation is afraid to sleep outdoors, though the heat is hellish. In Shanve villagers have formed self-defense groups and regular patrols. Walking around the village, beat drums and chanted "Battle stations! Beware of the attacks! "

In some villages people so terrified that after sunset the village look completely deserted. Locals do not face the street, and if there is someone around here, it quickly becomes a victim muhnochvy.

One of the villagers, who decided to still sleep on the roof, on the night of July 21, woke up that he was attacked, "ape-like creature growing five feet." Fortunately, everything worked out just scratches. However, after this incident, the people resumed night patrols on the streets - a group of people walking through the night with lighted torches. Put torches on their verandas and terraces to the streets was lighter: it is known that most of the attacks are under the cover of darkness. As one of the doctors at the public hospital in Basuane, the whole city turned into insomniacs.

The state government is trying to dispel the rumors, asked a group of experts to deal with the problem on the spot. Mandated by the experts of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur city, and they are determined to find out what is behind all this nightmare?

Invisible claws

August 6, hundreds of people rushed to Birhai, as it became known that there has another victim: 16 year old girl Rajni Sahu was bleeding from a deep scratches caused her invisible muhnochvoy. Rajni left hand was deeply lacerated, which caused great suffering to the girl. Physician Atul Harbanda, assist Rajni could not understand what led to this injury? In special medical literature does not meet the description of such cases. No muhnochvy or hashochvy (another local name being), there is not mentioned. However, she's bleeding. The fact remains.

After this incident, panic increased. Near the family home Sahu gathered many people who came to look at Rajni and ask her how it happened. Rajni said that helping his mother in the kitchen one day, suddenly noticed that out of the many, out of nowhere who took scratches on her arm dripping blood. It was on Monday - August 5.

- First, we thought that maybe Rajni bitten what that insect, - says the girl's father, a merchant site Lal Sahu. - I went and poured kerosene wounds. Bleeding of the scratches stopped, but then there were new. Tuesday morning Rajni noticed with horror in his new elbow injury. Here hand was swollen, and she was taken to the doctor immediately Harbandu. First, the doctor decided that Rajni is engaged in self-harm, but now he is absolutely convinced that there were wounds themselves.

And what can we do all intrigued, so this continuation of the story. On Tuesday afternoon, about five o'clock, Rajni sat with their parents at home. Her left hand was bandaged. Suddenly she noticed that on the outside of his left hand there was blood! Households found that very fresh wounds. By night scratching began to ache. Neither Rajni or her parents can not understand what is happening, who is this invisible, crippling a girl? A day before the incident with Rajni in Mirzapur was attacked 18 year old boy by the name of Chandan. On Sunday evening, August 4, the young man was driving somewhere on the bike, and he was attacked muhnochva. Injuries were so severe that the boy had to be hospitalized. And later, when doctors washed the blood and cleared the wound on his face Chandan quite clearly could see the scratches in the form of letters «LIF»

About the same time a mysterious creature attacked two other Indians - Sudhari of Vhodapura and Shard of Babhni Dubey. Everyone expected that the authorities will take anything. But the administration staff can not understand whom to fight, and even more so - how. Perhaps, at least that is able to find a group of researchers? At least, though certainly know what it looks like this creature?

Who is it?

Doctors mostly about any muhnochve not want to hear. They blamed everything on mass hysteria.

- Most people unconsciously put itself the injuries themselves - says Narrotam Lal, MD Medical College of King George in Lucknow.

The police explained - beetles.

- This winged insect length of about 7 cm, which leaves the skin rash and people supposedly supernatural wound - confidently told reporters the news agency Press Trust of India Senior Police Inspector Kavindra P. Singh.

Why such confidence? It turns out that the residents of a village found extremely large insects, which have never been seen before.

But here's news agency Associated Press, referring to his correspondent, reported August 12, 2002, that the inhabitants of poor peasants district Shanva attacks at night is not an insect, but a sort of circular flying object emitting red and blue lights. Those whom he does not kill, then complain about the very severe burns. And based on those reports, which were obtained in the first few days of investigation by scientists from Kanpur, people saw as "a strange, brightly lit object approaches the victim, and when the flies away on their body found claw marks." According to the same reports, the object sometimes scare away even the police. Some witnesses describe as a mysterious creature like a football, others claim that it resembles a turtle. But all agree that it is brightly lit.

- A mysterious flying object fell on him at night - says Razhuradzh Pal of his neighbor, who died recently in Shanve. - His stomach was ripped. And two days later the poor fellow died.

Many others were scratches and superficial wounds. People claim that the attack was committed while they were sleeping. Recently, in the village of Darra mysterious "something" attacked Kalavati 53 years, after which the injured were blackened forearms blistering burns.

- It was something like a large soccer ball with sparkling lights - says Kalavati. - It burned my skin. And now because of the pain I can not sleep.

And on August 13 in the American press published an article, which was titled: "The Indians were accused of assaulting a UFO." In it, in particular, about the fact that residents accused local authorities of inaction and unwillingness to catch intruders.

Amrit Abhidzhat of Mirzapur district magistrate says that he managed to film the UFO on film, and therefore has no doubt that it is connected with the aliens.

And on August 14, an article appeared with the new version - all the fault of fireballs! This conclusion, it appears, came Professor Ravindra Arora of the Indian Institute of technology, when examined sent him pictures. He believes that during the drought fireballs hit the ground constantly, their brightness - roughly a 100 watt bulb, the size - from a tennis ball to a football. Usually they are harmless and go into the ground, unless encountered the man. When will the monsoon, all this must stop, says the professor. And while standing heat and drought, reduced electrical ground, lightning can "wander". By the way, they come in different colors - blue, green, yellow or red. And no mystical puzzle is not here.

However, after about a year's break again fell short stories about how what the "monkey Man" that is, ape, snaps, bites to the blood, scary scratch their claws. According to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, this figure being human, and the face - a monkey. Panicked at this time the area around the Indian capital, and no soothing explanations victims were provided.

Looking from the outside

And what is the reaction of people to these posts outside India? It's easy to find out by asking the internet. Some who wrote in their reviews that this is like a cheap tabloid stories of little books. But many of those who took someone else's misfortune to heart, having made many sensible suggestions. A similar disease, they say, science is already known. And what happened to the 16 year old Rajni Sahu, whose new wounds on the hand appeared in the presence of witnesses, can be attributed to a viral illness. When the virus is introduced into the skin through an open wound, it begins to multiply rapidly, as if eating away the fabric inside. The affected area of ​​the body and actually swells, and tissue necrosis occurs very quickly, right before your eyes. The disease destroys the tissues of the human body at a rate of three inches per hour, and in some cases death occurs in less than a day, beginning with the first symptoms. The disease is triggered by the bacterium streptococcus group A - the same one that causes scarlet fever, skin infections, rheumatic fever. Catch such a scurvy trick is possible through common goods - spoons, forks, etc. Fortunately, the disease is extremely rare. In the so-called civilized countries a year sick no more than 2-3 people per million.

So really it is a rare disease in the mass strike was the people of India? Where are these stories about flying biting things?

Minister S. Deepti Vilas made August 7, 2002, and said that so far there is no direct evidence to support the version of the attacks being known as muhnochva. Moreover, the test shows that many of these stories invented. He gave the example of a woman in Hardy, who said if the scratches on her face - the result of an attack muhnochvy, and doctors determined that muhnochva nothing to do with, and the woman admitted that she scratched the face in the fall. Minister Vilas also recalled the case of the 11 year old boy who died in Dzhonpure: cause of death is still unknown, an autopsy did not clarify, but people continue to argue that the blame muhnochva. The minister believes that there is no competent person will understand the situation, the rumors will continue.

You have to think he's right. And while there are still many questions that have no answers. If it is a viral disease, why the outward signs often resemble bloody scratches? Where deep burns and blisters? Why do people see strange glowing objects form? Ufologists are inclined to believe that flying "Balls" - is the probes that are sent from the board of UFOs, because they are so brightly lit with colored lights.

But the locals, of course, tend to suspect evil spirits and trying to get rid of it by any means. Minister Vilas confirmed that for the first month, when the "attack", taut and frightened villagers lynched half a dozen people, taking them for muhnochvy accomplices. Indeed, twice as scary terrible if it inexplicably ...