Monday, December 14, 2009

Jill Edwards The birth of our ego

Jill Edwards

The birth of our ego

It was a long time ago, long before the start time itself. People were not yet aware of themselves as individuals. Like a flock of fishes, swirling and rotating at the same time, though they are a "single mind", we also have the collective consciousness. We were part of the land, part of nature, part of each other.

In the heart of every man hid the divine light that poured sparkling light energy in the universe, and, taken together, these lights were a single light. If we wanted to know where there are the sweetest fruit, or wander where our child, or whether the favorable weather tomorrow's trip, we just looked into their hearts. It was at this time we learned the correct answers to all your questions. There was no disunity among us. There was only a great light. We lived in harmony with each other and with the planet. Time then changed to a circle, that is, me, in fact, only four seasons, cycles of birth and death, the rhythms of nature. Everlasting, a timeless era described in our mythology as the Garden of Eden.

Then appeared the first glimpses of our identity. We began to understand what it means "I". Consciousness continues to evolve, and we have to distinguish between such concepts as "you-are-not-me". This marked the birth of our ego. People decided to investigate his "masculine" energy, their individuality and separateness. Gradually (at first it was hardly noticeable), we have begun to separate from our unity with all things: from nature, from the source from each other, and from the Light. This is a new sense of separateness has led to anxiety and restlessness. The light in our hearts changed clouded by fear and gradually began to die away, leaving our minds.

Last millennium, and the ego has to exercise its control over us. It has risen as dark warship, from the vast ocean of the "female" energy, from our "Unity". Came into the world of patriarchal religion, implying the existence of "God in heaven": Judaism and Christianity. With their help, were brutally suppressed by the ancient religions of the earth, glorifying the goddess. Holy Trinity, representing the maiden, mother and ancestress, soon gave way to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Goddess Temples were destroyed, its zabylis holidays, and there were others belonging to the heavenly gods. (In God / Goddess, which previously had been all, it is now allocated to the male principle. Thus the creator was separated from us.)

We began to feel like exiles in a strange and hostile country. Our bodies were a prison. Instead of loving Mother Earth - our real home - we began to plunder, exploit, fun and even trying to manage it. We fought and killed each other. The world has ceased to be a paradise. He was unfriendly and dangerous place to live. All the time, had to strain in order to somehow survive. None of the pleasures and delights which was no longer the question. Our lives completely mastered fear, and we tried as best they could, to protect themselves and ensure their own safety. Losing touch with their inner, wisdom, with the Light, we have to seek assistance from external sources. We were looking for guidance and safety of the priest, guru, "experts". We trusted them and the accused when they were wrong.

Deep within ourselves we realize the loss of our unity, integrity pashas, our Light. We have deprived themselves of a sense of the sacred, his reverence for the miracles, lose the feeling of joy and delight to have forgotten that such dreams, myths and magic. We left the world of spirituality. Been replaced by worry, anxiety, loneliness and alienation. We are living in difficult times.

But then - among all the confusion, anxiety and fear appeared establishment, who remembered, and some of them even saw the light. Others initially treated them like mad. They were intimidated, threatened and even physically destroyed. But, nevertheless, these people became more and more. Just some of them were silent about this out of fear, while others believed that the light belongs to the supreme beings who must worship. But there were also those who saw the light, everywhere. They felt it pulsing in their own hearts. These men sought to prove that light belongs to the universe. And now is the time when they boldly talked about it.

Most people still interpreted with caution and to all the stories about World reacted with doubt. Or simply ignore such stories, because people and so were too busy with their own affairs. Yet, over time, many people began to listen to these people. Some even dared to believe in the existence of Light and the credibility of stories about him. At large and bustling market squares of light is still ignored. But in private homes, where, silence reigned, tranquility and solitude, among those who knew how to listen attentively and to find meaning between the words and the clouds of doubt and fear gradually dissipated and the eternal light up with a bang. People began to live by the dictates of his heart, to work in harmony with each other and in harmony with ourselves. They again found that paradise on earth exists. So, on the planet once again revived the light of a new golden age ...