Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jill Edwards In search of a wild "I"

Jill Edwards

In search of a wild "I"

Several years ago, just after dawn in the mountains of Colorado, I went in search of vision under the leadership of the local shaman. Objective: to be reunited with their wild selves. I dressed in jeans and a light shirt with short sleeves. Over the shoulder bag, which are: a tiny candle, a nearly empty box of matches, a quartz crystal, a sweater, a thin blanket and a small bar of chocolate (as offerings to the Earth). No eating, drinking, sleeping bag or hours. I leave the camp immediately after a special ceremony at dawn and headed for the mountains.

First, through the meadows, then along a mountain stream, then climb the steep rocks and made my way through the forest thicket, looking barely visible path. Gradually I began to feel an intolerable desire to be quick to find himself in the backwoods. And after a while I find myself on the edge of the ravine, offering a panoramic view of the valley and the high snowy peaks of mountains rising above many miles away from me. Here where I stand now, and will be my sacred place. I collect small stones to mark their range, and laid them in accordance with local traditions. Then I bury my offering to the earth deeper into the soil. Then I sit down on a blanket under the twisted gnarled trunk of an old tree, which will protect me from the scorching rays of the sun. I begin to pray, then comes the turn of hymns. I have to stay here, on my sacred place, the next twenty-four hours, and I already feel that my throat was dry.

While I sit and meditate, I begin to realize that we humans are totally dependent on the Earth. The water that I drink every day without even thinking about it, is the gift of the Earth. I remember those products that are eaten, and understand how far from the land meets the eye sandwich with cheese or, for example, a bar of chocolate. A feeling that they are made by people from the air with mysterious spells. I start mentally listing all the things we use every day: candles, matches, blankets, radios, sofas, VCRs, - each of these items ultimately comes from the Earth. I'm starting to feel deep gratitude. Only now I realize how much I had taken for granted.

It takes an hour by hour, and I'm slowly beginning to feel the cycles of time. Sun moves around me, shadows are getting shorter, the animals gradually calm down, and by noon, many of them did die down, waiting for the heat. And I begin to understand the cycles within cycles: the days in the month, the solar cycles - within the seasons, and each individual item. Thus, it appears that time itself is circulating. Sitting in his holy place hour after hour, I realize that begin gradually reunite with only natural, with Wild Women who are inside me. She "knows" that everything: birds, trees, and stones - live and have their consciousness. She listens to the voice of the wind and the wisdom of the mountains. She knows that every stone has its own song. This wild child throw up a plant by the roots - but only the first having obtained this permission from the plant itself. It will take from the earth only what it is really necessary. This wild woman herself belongs to the Earth. For their surprise, I suddenly find that although the time comes, I do not feel much hunger or thirst. The sun was completing his day's journey, and I am so merged with the land and felt part of it, that hunger and thirst seemed superfluous. All I need is here. I am calm. I am safe. Wild prairie dog went to the very edge of my sacred circle, eyeing me with curiosity and twitching all over.Hawk circling in height. We also "talk" with him.

Everything around me has their own voice. I "see" the spirit of Native Americans. This is a proud and muscular young man. He stands on a flat stone in front of me, fixing his gaze forward. I feel that now he went hunting. For some time I watched him, and so the image fades away. Everything that happens seems to me quite natural. Finally, the sun disappears behind the distant mountains. There comes a night. I'm always afraid of darkness. Even the possible proximity of the mountain lion or a bear is not so much scared me, as an approximation of the night. My tiny candle burning out soon, and the flame goes out. The night was moonless. Around is totally dark. I do not see even his own hands. Inside of me starts to grow panic. My heart beats more and more frequently. "And suddenly ...?" I remind myself of rhythmic breathing and dismissed away his fear. Focus on your breathing. Voltage gradually decreases. Slowly: inhale, exhale, then the next breath ... I begin to move through the tunnel of fear ... I met the mountain coolness tonyusenkoe wrapped in a blanket, but I do know that I can survive. Dedication to the mystery. The first glimmer of dawn, I stretch my hands to the stars, which, I think, become unfettered. Star Woman. Woman-Hawk. Wild Child, not boyascheesya night.

The sun rises. Now I am seized by admiration at the sight of the greatness of the landscape. I never felt so alive. My heart is torn with delight, and I climb to greet the sunrise. The night slowly turns into day, and I, even with some reluctance, to pack a blanket and begin to understand its sacred place. It becomes a bit sad about the thought that he had to return back to the civilized world. I want to stay here. I find your missing piece among the wild mountains. My heart sank into the body, and now I feel as if he finally reached home.

Ecstasy Life

Living in the modern technogenic world, many people have lost contact with the natural ecstasy of life. They did not notice the purple glow of a winter sunset, the first drops of spring, the warmth of summer breeze, blowing your skin lingers in the air scent of jasmine violet, fiery red fallen leaves in autumn forest. Not for them, and sensual pleasures that accrue from the most savage dances or taste of ripe plums straight from the tree, making love on the cool satin sheets or walk barefoot on the ground. They do not know what is at liberty to swim in the ocean or climb down a mountain river. They are available ecstasy of art: the bliss of Mozart's symphonies, inspired by the works of Blake, the admiration of Impressionist paintings. Or a simple pleasure, received each day of friendship, love or comradeship.

When we are separated from their wild selves, our natural selves, the simple pleasures of life no longer satisfy us. They no longer fill our being and are not curative. We can walk in the beautiful garden, lying in bed with your loved one, attend concerts and at the same time not feel that we are present there. Rather, we feel ourselves to be a bystander - an empty, untouched and uninterested nothing. Colors seem dull, muffled sounds, and, indeed, all feelings are blunted. We are so busy with his thoughts that the space for life simply does not remain. As if the body, mind and soul are separated and are independent of each other. And at the same time, we are surprised by what is happening to us.

The mystical approach to the restoration of our spirits is to reunite our bodies with sensuality, with passion, with our natural, wild self. Once I happened to hear on the radio address by a young woman. She does not yet turned twenty, but she managed to circumnavigate the British Isles on a yacht in complete solitude. She asked many questions and, in particular, is this: if she did not feel lonely during this trip?

The woman responded with surprise that, of course, nothing like her have not had to. Already during the preparations for the voyage, she became friends with his yacht. And at a time when the explorer set sail, it already has been a reliable friend and companion - her own ship. In addition, because it was possible to communicate with the sea, and with a variety of its inhabitants. "How could I be bored?" - She wondered. Then, on the radio, I heard the voice of a true embodiment of mysticism, the magic of the Child, Wild Child, which is located inside each of us. This is our sacred selves, and thus the key to a life of carefree times.