Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jill Edwards Wild and free

Jill Edwards
Wild and free

Carefree time can be called a warm and humid. It earthly. Just seems like you're touching hands to the wet brown clay on a potter's wheel. Carefree time gently and calmly gets up most of our roots, it reaches the soul. Life then becomes wonderfully rich and exciting experiment.

Yesterday I passed along the path past the old walls, overgrown with moss and lichen, which flowed into myriad shades of green. I just stared down this wall, and those moments were for me a very rich experience. At some time, precisely at the moment, though I myself became a stone, warmed by the sun and dressed in the living skin of moss. It seemed to me that this is not a wall, and I had meandered along the trail, decorating a rural landscape. (My mind is owned by the difficult time, hardly noticed it at all is a miracle. At best, he pointed to the single word "wall" and then he would throw away. But I'm in that wonderful moment was a carefree time.)

Mythologist Joseph Campbell once said that people are not so eager to find the meaning of life, how to know the experience of existence, to feel alive. When we are in a carefree time, you feel ourselves truly alive. The key to this lies in unity with his body and nature. We are making way through the "ego" to the inner "I". This time, we feel ourselves to the tips of his fingers. Every experience deeply connects us with our own soul, with our body, our ability to feel alive. The wisdom of the body in a carefree time is a comprehensive, sense of time dissolves. This is the Life. This is the essence of everything. This condition allows us to achieve so much wildlife and the earth's spirituality, which Hildegard Bingensky, the great mystic XI century, called "wet and green.

We need to regain the lost wildness. This term does not mean that we should "lose control, lose control and begin to rage. This suggests that we are reunited with their instinctive mental forces, with our wise and knowing "I", with our heart. We have in mind is that our part, which at some level incomprehensible to us yet knows the answers to all questions. This sort of "gut" and we feel that are striving for, what we wish, what, how and when to do. This part of us is still connected with the unity. It is hidden under the veneer of our "civilized ego. This is our wild selves, and it feels great and is a carefree period of time.

During World War II in Alaska, there was a U.S. base air force. Sometimes it happened that in some aircraft detects a problem, perplexed even experienced engineers. But local residents - the Inuit, who had never seen such machines could simply go to the plane, with a smile, dig in the mechanism - and correct the problem. Like other primitive peoples, living in harmony with nature, the Inuit have remained in close contact with his inner self, which is part of All That Is. They are not limited to rational knowledge, because knowledge of our ego are only the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, the Inuit could obtain any information, penetrating into the indivisible energy field of Nature.

By the way, children often know what they are, it seems adults simply can not yet know. And it usually lasts as long as the children do not know that "this can not be." Investigations of paranormal mental phenomena in children, such as telepathy, clairvoyance and super-show that its highest peak, they reach the age of four years. (However, it should be noted that some phenomena, such as psychokinetic ability to bend metal objects at a distance, appear with the greatest force at the age of 7 to 14 years.)

These studies suggest that extrasensory perception is associated with a more "old", "primitive" parts of the brain: the cerebellum and the barrel. This fact only confirms the idea that, once such power is quite normal and subsequently were simply lost. Long before he finally grow up, most of us have sealed their psychic abilities in the box, mounted on his castle and provide the inscription: "This is impossible, therefore, forbidden to open. Since then, we already believe all paranormal or science fiction, or fairy tales.

However, our wild "I" continues to exist, and occasionally it is quite unique begins "sip our sleeve" in their own way. Our "savagery" speaks to us through dreams or images, visions, body language, intuition, "uninvited" memories, fantasies, and even physical symptoms. In those moments when we are alone and lonely, we can even hear her voice! He comes from the heart and full of love, but nevertheless has the passion, sensitivity, sharpness and almost tangibility. Therefore, it is more accurately defined as "growl" than as a "purr". (Incidentally, passionate and fierce love that a mother feels towards her child, comes precisely from the Wild Women, located inside herself.)

As noted by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, our wild selves helps restore a balanced cycle of work, play, creativity and sexuality, in accordance with the rhythms of nature. If we do not feel in his wildness, we can not tame her and to the necessary extent. We become too nice and straight and act in such a way that they themselves exhaust their vital forces, giving their energy to others. When we return itself to be a wild ego, it is wise, strong, able to create and intuitive. We fearlessly reveals his identity, have a passion and ease. Only then will our relationship takes on new meaning and depth. We live, listening to our hearts, and like all the best, becomes "wild and free."

In modern psychology, there is a young developing trend - Ecopsychology, which asserts that all of our anxiety, depression and addiction are not coming from childhood experiences and personal neuroses, but because of what we feel ourselves too civilized and cut off from the natural world. This, in turn, means that we have moved away from their own domestic and wild "I". Modern society is literally drives us crazy!

Currently, many of us live in the gray huge cities that are growing and in all directions every day. We are surrounded by miles of concrete roads and paved highways. That monotony here and there only brightens neatly trimmed lawns and rare trees. And the city lights shine so brightly that we almost do not see stars in the night sky. No wonder we feel alone and alienated.

Instead of listening to a symphony of bird song, babbling streams and rustling leaves, we are forced to make constant traffic noise, interrupted by sirens and honks of cars. At home and in the office we are waiting for phone calls and disjointed sounds coming from radios and televisions, the quiet hum of computers. Under artificial lighting we grow pale, and even to get a tan, use unnatural solariums. Our apartments and offices relied on to protect us from any weather, seasonal changes, as well as from birds and even insects. Many people spend many weeks and months, not once for all time not admiring the sunrise or sunset.

Of course, the majority does not think about and to what phase the moon is today. For many of us the natural world of wildlife becomes live their lives as dirty and prevents the stain. The only thing where we can perhaps get acquainted with nature, it is on television, and even between advertising washing powder and all kinds of deodorants, which are "disinfectant" and "harmless".

Of course, every human heart yearns for these meadows with wild flowers, impassable forests, raging oceans, rushing streams and tranquil lakes, because all this is part of the wild and the great world of nature. Our hearts are hungry for land. At heart, we understand that nature can be a mediator in the understanding of ancient magic, mystical, inscrutable, mysterious and sacred. Nature itself is wholly owned by Time carefree. Kalahari Bushmen have long noticed that the civilized man "again tends to walk under the moon and the stars." We want to once again become one with nature. We yearn to be free as a bird or a river.