Monday, December 14, 2009

Liz Burba.

Studies have shown that the average human being at 90% not aware (aware of only 10%), that it does, says, thinks and feels. Amazing, is not it? This means that every day you spend 90% of their time doing, saying and thinking unconsciously. We will try together to change your "unconscious" state, because the awareness of feelings, thoughts, words and deeds is a tool to achieve what we want out of life.

The subconscious of man is in the solar plexus, between the heart and the navel. It is set directly on your emotional body. I'm sure you know the expression "gut feeling". The solar plexus responds instantly to any situation - it agreed with the subconscious and react before your conscious mind will have time to think.

It is interesting to note that the subconscious like a computer. It can record up to 10 000 messages per day. All messages are taken literally, the subconscious can not distinguish right from wrong information - everything is an indisputable fact. The subconscious mind has recorded everything that was said, seen, heard or seen thy senses throughout your life from the moment of your conception.

The subconscious mind understands only the images that reflect your mind. That's why, when someone says: "I do not want me to have had cancer, in his subconscious, there is the image of a patient dying from cancer. So people unconsciously causes a cancer. On the contrary, we must visualize what he really wanted to say: "I want to be healthy." In this case, there is the subconscious image of a healthy body.

Remember: the subconscious does not understand the positive or negative sense, which bear the words, it understands only images. When you realize what you do not want in your mind there is this image, but without the "no".

The subconscious mind lacks the ability to think, it accepts and processes the data like a computer. You can get back only what was given. When will you ask the computer how many there will be three multiplied by four (3x4), while intended to multiply four by four (4x4), he still answered "twelve" (12) - he can not assume that you made a mistake.

He sees those orders that you give to him. Similarly, your subconscious mind records every bit of information entered into it - and you act accordingly.

You constantly consume information, which may or may not be useful for you. How many times have you had read the advertisement of any product, casting a glance at a roadside billboard or watching the television broadcast, when you're not even aware at the level of the mind, what are you doing?

This information has been absorbed into your subconscious mind - the same process that is used in hypnosis! And suddenly you catch yourself in that wander around the supermarket with an irresistible urge to buy this product, not realizing that doing so makes you a kind of hypnosis!

Most of us do not even have the idea of the enormous amount of information we record and the extent to respond to this information. Realize the fact that you let into your subconscious - a problem of great importance. The subconscious mind only helps us to show what we have to feed it. This information flow should be controlled at least a little, otherwise the only possible manifestation becomes chaos.

Constantly fearful or surrounding himself with negative people and situations, you make your subconscious to know only the negative - and this is exactly what will be next to you in life.

The act, which seems so innocent - you just listen to the radio when vedesh car - leads to the fact that you fill your subconscious with bad news, you begin to worry and to feel fear. And in most cases do not even know why!

Your subconscious mind reacts, mainly on the latest information on any subject. Imagine, for example, that your subconscious mind - a taxi driver, and your mind - the passenger. The passenger asked the driver to take him into the first street to the house number 123. The driver is going in this direction, following the information he received.

A minute later, you decide what was wrong and you need to get to the house of 456 on Tenth Street. Driver is forced to change direction. Like the taxi driver, your subconscious mind responds to the majority of incoming information. You have to understand: to get you to where you want to go, your subconscious mind must receive a clear indication of the direction.

Like the taxi driver, unconscious, having received a number of different instructions, lose patience and say: "finally decided!" As soon as your subconscious mind will see that you really know your direction, you find yourself in no time at its destination.

And here is another example. You decided next year to move to a beautiful house on the coast. All your thoughts are occupied by this house - do you imagine every detail of it, vizualiziruesh it. It is important to remember that your subconscious mind understands only the images and words which these images are described. Visualize every detail clearly and consistently. Make this house in his imagination is so real that even a little - and it can be to enter. And a year you will have this house. How? What money?

Not focus on the obstacles and focus on goals and actions in this direction - you reap as much sown. Give an order to his subconscious and let it carries it out. You should do exactly the same as in the case of a taxi driver when he called him the address. No need to explain to the driver, how to get here - he knows the best way.

Do not let on you influenced the opinion of other people. It is best not to reveal to them his intentions, as a result of the reaction include your interlocutors - reactions that are based on their own difficulties.

When a person you would describe these difficulties, they will hear your subconscious, and they will become obstacles now in your way. You will begin to doubt their dreams. "Maybe I am too in a hurry" or "I will never be enough money to do it," or "Actually I do not deserve it (for what reason?" - Sure, you think they can set).

If you let doubt seep into your subconscious, then stop driving force. When you create obstacles, your subconscious mind interprets them as follows: "This result is not achieved. However, lost momentum can be returned, just reprogrammed the subconscious with appropriate positive motivational thoughts.

The subconscious mind responds only to the most recent, the most recent information.

We always have inconsistent in his thoughts. We must learn to increase their ability to concentrate - to focus - to get there, where to seek.

Begin right now! Visualize the ideal life for yourself. Do you want to be surrounded by love? To your relationship with your family become better? That you had a job that would satisfy you? Your subconscious mind will help you get everything you wish. Depends on you, to learn whether you work with him, learn to use themselves for the benefit of its force. Action!

If your work does not bring you satisfaction, take it and visualize how you find the perfect job for yourself. Come into raptures about it, try to feel this situation as if it actually happens. Turn on your subconscious, even though it will reveal to you "perfect job" - let them help you understand and "feel" it.

If you start too much to analyze what is required, so that your work has been perfect (that is what should be the boss, where it should be, etc.), you significantly reduce your chances to find her.

This minimizes your choice, because you offer your subconscious is much less places to look. It's like saying the taxi driver, which streets to go to come to take you to the destination ... it will be much longer, and even more expensive. Trust him that he uses all his skills to bring you the most appropriate manner.

Your subconscious mind is connected directly to your superconscious, which is an overview of all available options and the fastest way to them. Give your subconscious mind a picture of the finished product and places no emphasis on "how to get there." It knows the road.

You want to find a matching pair? Visualize yourself with someone who allows you to feel happy - with someone who "just for me." Again, if you are going to reduce their thoughts to ideas like "a certain eye color, a certain height, does not snore, does not use dentures, etc., you limit your chances of finding exactly who you wonder approaches - the one who will be for you the best of all possible.

This man is the finished product! According to statistics, the average in any city in North America have at least 10 000 people of the opposite sex that are compatible with you.

The superconscious is also known as our "Divine Self", or "Higher Self". It manages the big picture - our past and future lives, our life plan. It determines what road we must follow to reach the divine perfection. When you ask, want or think about what you really need, then the request to my subconscious.

But do not forget to ask your super-consciousness: is it really useful for you what you want. If not, the superconscious will give you a sign to abandon his desire - that will lead you to more meaningful results.

Perhaps the house on the coast - not what you need most. Perhaps in the world there is something that is much more accurately matches your desires and needs. Usually within a month after you requested to your superconscious, in your life to happen some event. It definitely gives you to understand whether or not you wish that you will benefit - and offer alternatives.

How comforting to know that this power is within you, and that it is directly linked to the great universal force, with the whole cosmos, and with the superconscious of every human being! All things are connected: the entire energy - one!

Your superconscious - your best friend! It is always there to guide and support you, every hour, every minute of your life. Learn to communicate with him, get a contact with him, and it shall never let you down. It would be good to give him a name - something like that, that would not be associated with any memories. For example, "Rum" (the word "amour" (love), read from right to left). Now you have someone who can be trusted ... someone who will not judge and with whom you can share the most intimate thoughts.

Having made these deeply personal, confidential relationship with their superconscious, you'll never be alone. You can fully trust his knowledge and be sure that he has no ulterior motives - only your ultimate benefit - because you are the one with him. It communicates with you voice, your intuition, and any decision you can count on his advice.

You never have to worry and lose sanity, endlessly analyzing the options when you are forced to make a decision. Now you can just stop thinking about it and recognize that your super-conscious and your inner God is always at your service. Trust them, yield to their deep knowledge and sincerity. So you come to a genuine closeness with their Higher Self

You receive signals or messages from your superconscious from birth, but do not understand where they come from. If you are living without proper coordination with its holistic self, if you're in a position which is not conducive to your spiritual growth, then in your life start to happen the following things: emotions take you over the top, there is discomfort and distress, you lack the energy, problems with weight, have accidents, there is craving for alcohol or dependence on drugs (as designated by a physician or other types), disrupted sleep (you sleep too much or not enough sleep becomes broken), a strong appetite followed by his absence and t . n.

All this time you are looking for answers outside. A need to act in another way: to accept what is happening to you and ask Rumu what he is trying to tell you. Thus, you free yourself from the pain caused by anxiety and the need to constantly analyze, and feel peace and harmony.

God created you in His image and likeness, and this image of perfect. Whatever happened to you that is not consistent with this law of perfection, your inner God, or super-conscious, will give you a sign to show that you're on the wrong path. What you swim against the tide. God gave us free will, so we are free to choose what happens to us in life.

If we do not trust his leadership, then spend much more time to achieve their goals. God loves you as his child. Parents often resist the desire of the child to leave their home and begin to live their own way. They want to protect it - but such an attitude will hinder its growth and learning.

When parents truly love their child, they trust him and always ready to send it, but not for him to live his life.

All of us - children of God, all of us, he gives her unconditional love and gives them the freedom to learn their own lessons. He is always there to guide us and give us strength and support. He is always ready to share with us their wisdom, when we asked him about it. All you need to do to become a master of his life - is to listen to the messages and act

1. Take a sheet of paper and write down everything that you believe was the result of the fact that you listened to the messages your subconscious. Try to remember as much as possible cases - pleasant or unpleasant. Perhaps you are afraid of something that should happen, and it happened. Perhaps something you wanted to have and was surprised when I received desired. Himself without realizing it, you programmiruesh your subconscious. Remembering each case and realizing how you made it happen, write it down. You will begin to understand that you have always had the opportunity to create their own lives.

2. Visualize something specific that you would like to see in their lives in the near future - possibly within the next few days. Let it be something simple, but you must be sure that for you it is very important. Visualize - and ask it to happen as soon as possible. Within days, think about it often, try to feel that you really achieved the desired result. Believe that you touched it or experienced it, so you now know from personal experience how it feels. Try to provide the desired so real, as far as you can. I know in my heart that this will happen soon.

3. Remember that the subconscious does not understand neither the past nor future. It is understood by only a picture, which takes place here and now. Therefore, when you then the second exercise, tell yourself "I am" or "I am" in the present tense. You must learn to see clearly the desired result and feel happy inside.

4. It is important that you had not told anyone about this exercise. Sharing with others, you weaken the possibility of success. At involuntarily will influence the opinions and doubts of those people, and your subconscious mind will catch them. Clearly focused on the immediate task.

5. Whenever you are left alone with his thoughts, repeat the following affirmation. Soon you discover that finally met his closest friend: I see my body as best friend and adviser on the ground. Again, I am learning to respect, accept and love him properly