Sunday, May 9, 2010

Use your imagination

Jill Edwards
Use your imagination

Everyone has enormous creativity. There are no exceptions. In the end, we are all creative spark the Universal! To something came to light, first someone somewhere imagined it, even if that "someone" - the God / Goddess. Imagination is the source of all. It is a bridge between the visible and invisible realities.

Nevertheless, our creativity is very much affected in childhood. If a teacher or someone from the parent-child says: "With the drawing you have not so good" or: "You do not know how to write short stories, in this case, your inner artist or writer can shrink and hide, if not die. If you are blamed for what you come up a lot and fantasize, your inner dreamer may hide for a long time. In a society that lives in difficult times, much more "important" to know the capital of Paraguay, than to imagine that you are a snowflake or a tiger. However, when Einstein imagined how it would be great to ride on moon ray, his sleep-walking in the light of night lights gave life to the theory of relativity. Grow older, we return to our own precious ability to create, and then our imaginations once again becomes a wild and free.

True, not all express their creative abilities in a positive and healthy way. Some people prefer to express themselves, committing crimes, creating a life of tragedy and melodrama. Nevertheless, every person has the potential to realize their inner selves extremely positive ways, which can melt the internal lock, heal our inner Chado and even make a significant contribution to world art. Creativity connects us with the source. This is a healing process, one of the ways birth of your deep self.

If you have an outlet for creativity - it's wonderful! If this does not happen, then why not try to find it, and do so regularly? Spend the evening composing poems or writing anything that comes into your head for an hour or so. Buy bright colors, brushes, and large sheets of paper. Then start to draw. Let you be surprised by what will soon appear in front of you. Try to work with clay, papier-mache, cloth or anything else, what you push your imagination. Here there is only one rule: do not let your ego (or ego of another person) to discuss what you did, or give him an assessment. Let it be that you have failed. Or simply sit down and start to dream. Imagine yourself flying eagle, a meteor, an elf, rain cloud or a mountain in the Himalayas. And you can imagine what would happen if the time will run backwards. Or imagine being part of an infinite universe. You can think about and how you will create a new solar system.

In our daily life is useful to keep asking myself: "And what will be a creative approach to this case?" Or: "How would my inner artist / dreamer saw this situation?" If you want to learn to see aura, feel the energy or become clairvoyant, imagine yourself that you already possess these qualities. Thus, you reunited with his natural self, which knows how to do it all and, besides, a lot of interesting things.

Imagination is the gateway to a carefree time. It is also a door into our soul. It is also vital to the human spirit as breathing - body. Without imagination we would become like a zombie, who stupidly marching through life. When we turn on our imagination, we are dreamers, wizards, artists, we create our reality. We open the doors to the changes and transformations, to the healing and miracles.

I fantasize, I dream, I create. I'm an artist.

Colleagues. El Tat

El Tat: Law of karmic ties


How much trouble is happening to our Russian man because in his mind has no concept of "co-worker! That is, a person with whom connected only official and business relations.

People associated with us in the case, karma is closer than mere acquaintances. But they in no way be confused with friends and relatives. Otherwise, be very hurt and business relationships and friendships, and family. Not to mention the fact that the case itself may crumble into dust.

Interaction with peers can only go on the equivalent exchange. Personal relationships associated with compassion, with material support, with the understanding the plight of the "highly undesirable. If an employee asks for a further indulgence, someone asks to work instead of him, because he had problems, took all the money "to pay", gives, then takes over, then he should just change something in their lives dramatically. Such a situation is not normal.

Moment energopodpitki partner in business should go only for the cause, and even then it should not be permanently. The moment any negative interactions should ideally be absent, and in any case minimized.

Business Partner we take this for what it is, but take into account its peculiarities in the process. But if he does not suit us, we look for another, and yet there is no other, adapt to what we have. This is an area where justified purely pragmatic approach. Good work - good money. Poor work - learn to work better.

The venerable lady, the director of a shoe store, "for friendship" takes his daughter to his high school girlfriend. The girl has no special education, carelessly refers to the work, she went to work only because my mother put her condition: either you work or you will have no money for new clothes.

By coincidence, the girl gets into a situation where it becomes the cause of great trouble. The store, impeccable commercial workers, nearly put on trial. All in shock. School friend becomes an hated enemies.

Yet to blame only myself respectable lady. Do not bother me all my life in one pile! Keep on working only bona fide workers, whose relatives would they are. Business relations should only be built on a business basis. But the lady has not been fully realized his mistake, because the conclusion that she has learned from the lesson, read: do not do good to people. She again blamed it all in one pile.

The two partners engaged in joint business. One "out of friendship" asked the special conditions (well, it should be!), Another "out of friendship" could not refuse. Then the first right in stating that he was the chief, since he now had a greater stake in their business. Naturally, there was a misunderstanding, in which everyone was right in his own way. Wrong was only one thing: in their dealings crept friendship, and this is completely different energy. And now people have become enemies, but could still be a long time friends and partners. But they do not distinguish between two spheres of interaction and therefore does not understand "each other.

"Friendship is friendship, money - apart" - Russian proverb. And another adds: "The better the score, the stronger friendship. What we learn only in school!

One man in his gardening appealed to different employees with requests. And some of it laid the fire, others have built an addition, a third dug a well.

Every Russian knows the tradition: agreed, and sat down, drank, shook hands, paid a "avanets", and there - as God sends. Our friend had a different opinion. With each employee, he concluded a contract in two copies, both parties to sign. Cash at the end of work.

And no one was not offended, though tried to violate the agreement: they say, everything was more complicated and need more money. But the guy poking his nose into the contract: the money is finished and there is no end of work - no money. And reluctantly workers carried out their contract.

Of course, such a meticulous person disliked, and even laughed at the "eccentricity", too is "not in our opinion, but respected, because it is energetically correct business.

Anyone who wants to work honestly, always says: "Yes, that's correct." And only those who are looking for a kind of "snatch" is not working always adds: "Well, maybe not always so ..." But this is so. All friendship, and family relations should only be out of work.

On the colleague ends "series" of people far and even strangers. Our close friend and even my brother can be both a co-worker. The business relationship we build with him as a stranger, all the friends and family feeling will not deal with cases.

Listen to the voice of love, not fear. Jill Edwards

Jill Edwards
Listen to the voice of love, not fear

In any situation, we can either listen to the voice of love, or to the voice of fear. The voice of love, the voice of our deepest selves connects us with the greater reality of Oneness. He knows that everything is an aspect of our selves, and the fact that the universe exudes love and friendliness. This "calm quiet voice within us." He encourages us to spiritual growth, to expand our capabilities, makes us believe in miracles and to follow our dreams. (Knowing that our world is full of all sorts of ego, he can also warn us of potential danger, assuring us that we not fall into the "wrong" place in the "wrong" time.)

Voice of fear is the voice of our immature ego. It believes in the separation, he feels lonely and frightened, trying to artificially swell to feel great, but secretly realizes himself ashamed and inadequate. This is the same voice that rings in our head and said: "Do not do it! You do not know what might happen! It's too risky, "or" You can not do it! You do not get! There will be a catastrophe! "," Of two evils choose the least. It can set you and read: "Since you would be selfish to do just that. First, think about others. " Sometimes it can act as a "daunting commission", when in addition to everything you hear from other people expressing their own fear and doubt that one voice warn you about how dangerous to follow his dream.

Since we live in a society based on ego, fear is widespread and very powerful. It is a form of "mental pollution" that affects us on an energy level, even if we are not consciously aware of this. Fear attracts us all what we are afraid, so we need to find ways of protection from fear, or simply discard it. Here are some tips and techniques.

Do not try to suppress his fear, because in this case, the feeling starts to resist. Realize their fears, without identifying himself with them, and mentally send the love of each is afraid of its parts. Once you have a fearful thought or starts "mozgoval attack", smile and call for a light, choosing instead fear the positive and loving thoughts.

Imagine that situation or object that you're afraid, and see how well you deal with them. Thus, you do not let the scare you the situation repeated itself in reality!

Realize that what you fear has already happened. Many fears, for example, death in childbirth, the loss of a child or loved one, blindness, falling from heights, fire in the house - all these are often refers to one of your past lives. Sit back and ask for your deep "I" to show you that the PA actually happened then. Then convince yourself that the present life is completely different, and your fears belong to the past.

Imagine how you swing fear long slow exhalations, whereas during the breaths you love and light penetrates. Believe in each breath. You can also imagine that the fears and doubts arise whenever you remove the cork in the bathroom.

All that increases your energy, raise your spirit, relax or inspire you, help you listen to the voice of love. Or simply ask yourself: "What I said the voice of fear in this situation? And what can I say to the voice of love? "

(To be continued)

Physical basis. Lise Bourbeau

Lise Bourbeau
Physical basis

There are six basic needs of the physical body. Your body needs to breathe, eat, digest food, remove waste products exchange, explore new areas and getting adequate physical activity.

Breathe - the most important physical need of the body. If you stop breathing, even briefly, the results will be disastrous! There is no doubt that the physical body can not exist without air. Clean fresh air contains all the necessary nutrients for the body. With proper breathing body actually absorbs them from the air, getting the vital force or "prana", which goes directly to the cells of the body.

Proper breathing improves digestion, helps the body to better absorb nutrients from the write and reducing the need for her number. By learning to breathe correctly, you can reduce the need for food to one reception a day!

With proper breathing a deep breath, accompanied by breath holding, followed by a breath test which lasted twice as much inspiration. (If you inhale counted to two, exhaled should count to four.) So you excrete toxins and cleanses the tissues of the respiratory organs from unwanted substances. Engaging in regular and hard, you will eventually be able to increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

Breathe deeply, stomach, watching as he rises and falls. Keep track of the fact that not only expand the chest - so breathing is shallow, and hence will not perform its cleansing function. Concentrate on "filling the belly" air. At the same time bear affirmation: "I'm letting the life force to penetrate into my body."

Each deep breath will zoom you to the peace of mind.

There was only one inspiration is not enough to meet the physical needs. Making the breath, you should breathe life itself. Only the recognition of the vital force, which you inhale, allow you to get maximum benefit from the processes of respiration. If you feel that you suffocate some of life's problems, or if you are not okay with the respiratory system, then you do not inhale enough vitality. Further refusal to see what is happening in your life can lead to heart problems. A similar threat hangs over, and those who take life too seriously and believes that it consists only of hard work and serious effort. The signals that you get from the heart and lungs, have reported that you inhale less vital force than necessary. This life force - the main thing that is required for your existence.

Eating means the introduction of food and water in your body. Lack of food or water leads to certain death. Of great importance is the quality of water that you put into your body. Unfortunately, in many cities tap water is becoming less suitable for drinking. It is believed that the quality of tap water of North America is ahead of only Mexico. To ensure that your body optimal nutrition, try to drink as much as possible water quality. The market provides us with a large selection of good drinking water in bottles.

Quantity of water consumed, not less important than its quality. To maintain the optimum health of their cells is recommended to drink two to three liters of water a day. Before you put something into his mouth, hesitated for a moment: what your body says about their needs? I urge you to become a vegetarian against your will and do not require you to stop drinking tap water. I do not set myself the task to scare you. I just want you to be woken up. When you fine-tune to your body, the meat will no longer appear to you so good. Poor water also stops you pleasure. Listened carefully to your body. It is - your best friend, and it knows that it needs. Treat it with love and respect. Do not forget also that the body - the abode of the soul ...

Listening to the messages your body, do not be shy ask again, if the answer seems clear. If they want something specific, ask yourself: does this require the body or the desire caused by external influences. If after some time the desire not disappear, gave himself the pleasure, without feeling any guilt.

The ideas that we swallow, too, have a definite influence on our body - not less than the consumption of our food and water. When you do not get to easily accept new ideas, you might notice that you become difficult to swallow. It does not matter, these ideas come from you or from anyone else.

Good digestion is essential for maintaining good health, regardless of diet or new ideas do you feed your body. Accepting the idea that you "swallow" it. If then you decide to take the opposite idea, saying to himself: "No, actually it does not make sense", you risk to cause indigestion - the rejection of this idea. The body tells you that the rejection is unprofitable for you. Rejected ideas can cause problems with digestion, including the stomach, liver and pancreas. Liver - the accumulation of suppressed anger. Anger is contrary to the Law of Love. Understand that people are perfect so far as they can be perfect, at this time. With every word and act the way they express their love. Take this love - and you do not need to be angry. Then the problems associated with digestion, resolved. You will not be difficult to accept and digest the new idea.

Problems associated with the pancreas, manifested in the form of diabetes and hypoglycemia. These two disease states are typical for people who do not believe that they deserve happiness. These people enjoy and please the other, but not themselves, and their life is usually pretty dull. They do not accept and digest the pleasant situation around, continuing to passionately dream of happiness, which will be possible for them only when they feel that they deserve it. I've met a lot of years in my seminars people who got rid of hypoglycemia, just starting to please himself. To cure diabetes may need a little more time: this is a serious disease that carries a serious message. But nothing is impossible. I witnessed many cases of healing from diabetes.

The food must be well chewed until it loses its flavor and becomes almost liquid. This process helps digestion, freeing the stomach from excess work, and minimizes the effort required to swallow. Your body is sure to appreciate. Saliva contains enzymes necessary for decomposition of food. Every time you swallow food, not chewed it properly, you're complicating the process of digestion in the stomach - even if this dish does not require thorough mastication: pasta, soups, etc. Facilitate the flow of saliva into the stomach enzymes and then, in the digestive tract, you will live longer, and the quality of your life significantly improved.

(To be continued)

Danger area

Danger area

According to the British insurance company Lloyds annually in dangerous areas of our planet is in distress about 250 large ships. Most of them have to Bermuda Triangle and similar areas: for them, according to the American researcher A. Sanderson, not less than ten! In addition to Bermuda, among the most dangerous waters, the oceans are called "Devil's Sea (" triangle "between Hong Kong, the Philippines and Taiwan), the beginning of the Strait of Malacca between the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia) and Sumatra (Indonesia) and vostochnopoberezhny region of Africa, on the road from the port Mombasa north to the equator.

The version presented below is the result of the connection systems analysis of known data from a scientific conjecture, made by about two decades ago.

Recall of some phenomena discussed in articles about Bermuda and other phenomena: weather instability, rapid-onset, is a strange storm; deflection or buckling of the surface observed from an aircraft; giant spouts, whirlpools even noticed from satellites, disrupting , off-scale navigation equipment on ships, a sharp change in pressure in the area, unexplained change in altitude on the aircraft; unpleasant vibrating sensation experienced by human beings; uncontrollability of the ship, an aircraft during a storm.

We can find in the press the past years quite a lot of messages appearing regularly, the disappearance of a ship or aircraft in a "death trap" the place or the courts with the corpses of crew members and passengers, or even the courts, without the people ("Flying Dutchman." We take into account American withdrawal L. Kushe, check with several hundred cases in the Bermuda Triangle, that for the most part they are easily understandable and should not be regarded as anomalies.

Following the systematic method of analyzing the information, you can sift and events on the water and air caused by the traditional causes such as typhoons, tsunamis, modern pirates, the influence of weather and climatic conditions.

To explain the other events, and plenty of them, requires taking into account current scientific knowledge and intellectual effort. Known versions, and the hypothesis of navigational anomalies can be seen in several groups, such as: "the voices of the sea", ie infrasound vibration frequency around 6 Hz arising from the interaction of wind with the surface of the water and the destructive impact on man (horror, death); ship or aircraft (mechanical resonance, destruction); giant spouts, consisting of cold-core rings and warm water with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, resulting from "Breath of the Earth in its rotation with periodic changes in the location of the nucleus and, in turn, causes whirlpools - satellites, which are drawn and the vessels and aircraft wreckage, and finally, the "machinations" ubiquitous unidentified objects, which, of course, can all.

These versions, especially the first two, known to cause concern. But with their help can not explain the suddenness of water eddies and storms, deflection and buckling of surface water, off-scale navigation devices, a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, vibration. As a key new concepts to your attention of course the scientific version, given a system of communicating vessels, the solenoid, the vibrator, differential pressure, electromagnetic fields and waves. Example - Bermuda.

In the natural system of "communicating vessels" includes the anomalous part of the waters of the Bermuda Triangle and part (s) other nearby waters, such as the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea, or even the Pacific Ocean. Each pair of these waters is related grandiose tunnel, passing into and through the thickness of the bottom, respectively, the Florida peninsula, or island of Cuba, or Mexico.

If over these waters atmospheric pressure is the same, then the system of "communicating vessels" set the balance of forces. Abnormal conditions of navigation there. But if the neighboring area, for example, the pressure falls below the mark in Bermuda, then there rushes weight of sea water through the tunnel. And the excess pressure in the neighboring area is the reverse movement of water masses. In the first case occurs in the vicinity of Bermuda basin sea surface in the latter - its buckling and consequently reducing the atmospheric pressure and improvement.

According to the laws of hydraulics start of the movement of water masses coincides with a definite amount of pressure drop in these neighboring waters, and immediately accompanied by a "perturbation" of the ocean surface - a storm-water eddies. Changing the pressure and influence of these water events and the weather in this area, and disordered strong swell dramatically complicates management of the ship. The fall of atmospheric pressure in connection with the lowering of the sea surface (the formation of the concavity) may lead to lower altitude and loss of the aircraft.

Now imagine that the tunnel as a tube outer conductor with electric current passing through it and water as a carrier of the magnetic field of the Earth, represent a solenoid with a magnetic core and a vibrator, which create an electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic wave almost instantaneously and the impact on navigational instruments, ships, and possibly humans. It is also the influence of magnetic anomalies.

This mechanism of "work" natural communicating vessels, supplemented, seems to be vibrating masses of solid rock and sea water from the overflow of the turbulent last through the tunnel. Vibration causes the spread of harmful low-frequency vibrations.

Note that, according to this version, and the Sargasso Sea surface algae - "member" of the natural communicating vessels. Looking at the map, you will notice that the powerful Gulf Stream on the one hand the Sargasso Sea and ocean currents opposite directions - with his other hand as if he creates a torque. As a result of centripetal forces seaweed held in the central part of the sea, and seems to grow well there because of periodic water exchange and electromagnetic effects.

For information about other waters with anomalies similar to Bermuda, suggest, that the natural mechanism of communicating vessels operating not only here in Bermuda. And education itself underground connections waters refers to the time of tectonic upheavals of the Earth.

From a geological and geophysical sciences is well known that the giant faults of the continents, deep tunnels and canyons in the ocean bed formed in the process of formation of the modern face of the Earth. It is believed that the biggest catastrophe occurred in the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras (200 250 million years ago) when the Universal Land - a single giant continent Pangaea, surrounded by general ocean is divided into parts - modern continents, and fragments - of the island. Then a drift of continents on the mantle of dense rock, which occurred due to the forces of rotation of the Earth.

Looking at the map, it may be noted geological similarity of the continents of America and Africa on both sides of the Atlantic, and not only them. Apparently, this is the first discovery made by British philosopher Francis Bacon in 1620, French researcher F. Place in 1658, but an attempt to reconstruct the original situation of the continent - an Italian scientist A. Snyder in 1858. The founder of scientific hypothesis of continental drift became Wegener in 1912. This courageous German scientist died in 1930 in Greenland, where he went for the vindication of his hypothesis ... In 40 years most scientists have supported the idea of continental drift.

Breaking Pangaea associated with the dynamics of the Earth's rotation: after all, during the aforementioned catastrophe length of day was 9:00. Follow-up and then slowing its rotation, is considered a consequence of the influence of the lunar prilivnootlivnyh forces of the oceans. But I think one can not exclude the possibility of impact from space, to an abrupt halt rotation of the globe and causing tectonic revolution. It is known that later, "only" 65 million years ago, another catastrophe was caused by an asteroid, crashed into the ground.

Due to drift apart in Africa and America was formed 120 million years ago, the Atlantic Ocean continues to grow. From the Caribbean Sea and the Florida peninsula in the Arctic Ocean region ran a powerful stream of warm waters of the Gulf Stream - as a result of the forces of the Earth's rotation and, apparently, the inclined part of the coastal ocean floor to the north.

The cataclysm of the fault and the drift of continents supplemented complex mechanism of tectonic dislocation crust in its lower basalt layer (total for the continent and the ocean) and the intermediate cortex (in the transition zone from continent to ocean), exposed to constant tectonic movements. Tectonic faults (discontinuities, fractures, faults, changes, reverse faults, thrusts) generate the formation tunneleobraznyh voids, hollows and troughs, filled with sea water. At the bottom of the Atlantic are found not only a deep canyons with steep edges, tectonic faults, leaving the body of the continent, and concealing them from the top strata of volcanic lavas (eg, lava Sierra Geralya have a thickness of up to one kilometer).

Therefore, we can assume that beginning in the Bermuda triangle natural communicating vessels include, first, the crater of a volcano or one of the basins at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea (eg, the failure depth of 7110 meters), and secondly, associated with the hollow tunnel results of deep tectonic fault and thrust, or a volcanic eruption - the piercing as insular or continental rocks, and, third, and another deep dip in the "neighboring" area (eg, Trench off the island of Puerto Rico, the depth of 8742 meters or the Central American trench depth of 6489 meters near the western part of Mexico) .

As in the neighboring waters are not observed sverhfenomen like Bermuda, it can be assumed that the exit from the tunnel into the water "neighbor" multi-channel, ie, branched, that "obscures" there is an external manifestation of the effect of communicating vessels.

So, what can be explained by natural but contained a scientific hypothesis? Let's see how the situation in a quiet area the Bermuda Triangle since the beginning of "work" the giant of communicating vessels, and as a result of being drawn into the tunnel mass of sea water: there is a sudden storm with disoriented waves, turning the ship and how it would be punishable in them on the concave surface area of the ocean above the entrance to the tunnel; "spin up" natural water vortex and eddies as a result of tightening the flow of water flowing into the tunnel with uneven along the perimeter of the entrance boundary conditions, the weather is spoiled because of the pressure drop, humidity changes, the development of wind low-frequency vibration as a result of the joint action of the turbulent flow water in the tunnel and dynamic contact with the surface wind shtormyaschego Ocean disrupted navigation devices due to electromagnetic waves, enhancing the magnetic anomalies, reduced flight stability of the aircraft in a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure.

Familiar. El Tat

El Tat
The law of karma links


These are the people with whom we frequently or not very often, but it occurs in life, sometimes working together very pleasantly, sometimes not very nice. In the category of friends, we can not record them because I do not feel a great affinity with them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are for us, except that just acquaintances.

It's friends, neighbors, permanent hair stylist, attendant, school teachers of our children and parents of school friends of our children. Category is the most extensive in our lives. And how differently we behave in a bath and a parents' meeting, so in many ways we build our energy relations with different friends.

Familiar - a measure of versatility, or, by contrast, focused our personality; indicator of what we called the karmic problem solved in this life.

If any of the familiar human dominated the narrow circle of people such as scientists certain disciplines or teachers, doctors, military, etc., hence, his karmic problem is defined and associated with one of the areas of human activity. For example, you are a doctor, and among your acquaintances, almost all - people, one way or another connected with medicine. Therefore, to treat people - your karmic task, and most likely you have it pretty well - well you work off their karma.

But there are strange things. The man is connected with the technique of the profession, and all his friends - musicians. Or a man - a musician, and all the familiar - cooks. This happens when passion or hobby takes people much more than their profession.

Happens, life is clearly divided into two parts: my work and my hobby, and the first unpleasant, and the second is very interesting and pleasant. This indicates that correctly chosen life path, and hence the great unrealized creative potential of man. It would be nice to make a difference in terms of basic professional activity. And as close to her favorite pastime. Without a doubt, you will be living off in all aspects of life: improve your health, mood, relationships with loved ones will be favorable. You will feel full of energy and creative ideas.

However, this is the case, when the vital tasks of man have a specific, narrow focus of karma: art, science, teaching, healing, agriculture, machinery, etc.

There are people with other, broader and more abstract karmic challenges. Circle of acquaintances of these people are not just very large, but very diverse. They fascinated the process of communication devices of human affairs and relationships. They are interested to organize a variety of cases to solve other people's problems.

Such men feel equally comfortable in any society. They understand all find a common language and a man without a fixed residence, and a prominent scholar and poet, physician and musician, dustman and a factory engineer. They believe their in the world of art and respect those in power. Often, people of this nature using their ability to live well, to make money. Due to "connections" they "knocking together capital, or placed at work in the" dust-free "place where pay so much that you can live comfortably.

And yet such people a huge karmic challenge. They always feel it as a huge potential of its missed opportunities. And even with all imaginable joy in life, always feel a vague sense of dissatisfaction with not having done something important ... Indeed, the problem of such people - to serve the public in the broadest sense.

Well, when they have a plan and the possibility of its realization. Then they start to lead the business, shopping, become co-sponsors, led by government programs, etc., carrying ideas improvement of life and society. In doing so they have a lot of money, but do not envy them - they have a talent business. In addition, with more money more trouble, and if you knew what trouble it would renounce them willingly. In business these people are great to assignments of public organizations, various committees on ecology, education, etc., as well as judges, investigators, managerial and administrative work. It is their destiny and karma - the service of society.

All of us, the inhabitants of the Earth, are one and alike, and we have common objectives. The way each person lives, depends the whole society as a whole, which means that each of us.

The energy interaction with the category of the most familiar variety. We know each other can be perceived as very close and friendly people who love them more than family, be with them spiritually united, and we can take anyone of them even hostile. Depending on this we build our relationship with them. But let us remember that this category is quite far from us by the law of karmic ties.

Algorithm training patience

S.Y. Klyuchnikov
Algorithm training patience

I had a lot of work on themselves, educating themselves in this quality, and I gradually created for itself certain rules and an algorithm to maintain stability, peace and endurance in collisions with monotone-violent world, these rules and methods that I try to cultivate themselves and who are trained in seminars and consultations of interested people, as follows.

When you are experiencing frequent and painful psychological blow in communication and life in general, do not let the conscious mind, that pressure will last forever. Try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and even if you do not see it yet, then at least remember it - ahead. There is no pressure and eternal darkness. Negative life bar must be replaced by a positive and a light period.

Learn to perceive the very force of circumstances, strokes, and a negative attitude on the part of other people, not as a dead mechanism and reinforced concrete walls, which are strangling your freedom, but as a live game of energy, time concentration of currents, which is bound to dissolve over time. Then you will be much easier to go through all the trouble.

Learn to enjoy the light volitional effort in itself, aimed at better introspection and vision of itself as a whole, the self and the development of a soft but very strong will. Constant internal doing yourself vyleplivanie of itself a strong confident winner of obstacles creates an internal energy security and patience, which is more powerful than the energy of external aggression.

At the pressure and aggression, there are three most effective response:

- Do not respond at all;
- Consistent with the softening of force;
- Meet the outwardly tough, inwardly calm.

When choosing a particular response, try to fill it with energy of patience. Your patient response suggests that you are able to extract from the depths of the body and mind its own internal resources and hidden forces. If a person is unable to connect to these forces and re-charging itself in the case of mental exhaustion, he will not be able to be really patient.

Having done all that can and should be independently refer to higher sources for help. Calls on the forces and energies of the beginning, when its own forces at the end of a tired arm and is ready to release a saving rope. Remember that true patience - a gift from heaven, but he is given only to those who behave properly on the ground.

If you apply these methods and add their own discoveries and know-how, then your security will be much stronger.

(To be continued).

Ideal Weight

Lise Bourbeau
Ideal Weight

In discussing the problem of weight is equally important to stay as excessive obesity, and in extreme thinness. If you're too thin, then you attach little importance to their material life. Underweight indicates a sense of guilt that arises within you at once with admiration material things or a desire to deliver a material pleasure.

It may also mean that you spend too much time worrying about world problems. Disturb you very easily - you always are interested in the events surrounding world and deplete its own resources, slinging the responsibility for others.

A third reason may be that you give more than receive. You have to learn to accept gifts of life. Change your attitude to yourself, begin to appreciate yourself - and your weight will become more balanced. It is important to allow the body to function in its own pace. Listen to him.

The problem of the opposite kind - you different excessive fullness or too easily gain weight - points to a few points. "Sitting on a diet", a man shows an absolute inability to take responsibility for their lives. He wants to change the result, having found no cause.

The success can be achieved through diet - no more than an illusion. Therefore, it is always temporary (statistics show that 98% of the persistent success achieved can not). The body must respond to the mistreatment of themselves: after the diet, most people "recruited" more than they managed to lose.

Remember: the body - it's your best friend, who with the help of the superconscious supported in touch with you. To communicate your body uses a variety of ways. And you instead of gratitude to resist. You think that your body should look different, that it is not like you want - that you and strive to change it. Through communication with the body you can get to the source of the problem, and then losing weight will be simple and natural process.

Number of pounds of discarded each person will be different, but I can assure you: weight, which you get to be the ideal and most comfortable for you. Do not expect that ten kilograms, which you typed in for many years, disappear for a couple of weeks. Give your body the time needed to adapt to your inner transformation. Change your mindset - and all else will follow.

Because the causes of a set of excess weight may be different - the habit of overeating, trying to satisfy emotional or sensual hunger, - in its approach to weight loss you should start from a specific motivation.

The use of food in quantities greater than necessary to your body, will lead to the accumulation of fat. This is one of the ways used by your body to convey your message. It should be noted, however, that this provision applies not to all people without exception. I am sure among your friends there is at least one person who eats a lot, but not improving at the same time or per gram.

These people simply increased metabolism - their digestive system is constantly running at high revs, and the calories they consume, burn up faster. As a result of such a man, apparently, soon burn - his body is aging rapidly. Everyone gets their own internal communications. Our body, our best friend, always finds a way to tell us about your needs.

To avoid problems, the best is when you're hungry, and stop eating once you feel a pleasant satiety. This is the only practice that can lead to weight loss! Listen to your body - you get all the necessary signals. Do what these signals.

Excess weight may reflect not only the accumulation of material wealth. Often it can be an external manifestation of the accumulated ideas and thoughts. The person who accumulates too much of anything was afraid of losing their savings. The basis of excessive obesity may lie precisely this fear. He - the fear left with nothing - makes people save insurance policies. Those people are usually very attached to their things, and the attachment of this kind is harmful to your spiritual growth and development. Learn easily let go and trust that you will always be only in prosperity.

Maybe you would like to have a lot of material wealth, but you're even afraid of himself to admit it. Secretly, you dream of others have more. In this case, your superconscious sends you the following message: "Your birthright to live in a beautiful - material things can be very spiritual."

Obesity may be an indication that you do not accept or love yourself. You feel unloved, unworthy and eager to win the approval and love of others. You're afraid of being rejected, but rejection of you around - just an illusion. You get so much love, how much it away. Look around - and you'll find that they love you more than you think.

Obesity may also be a manifestation of "connection" with a kind of person that needs to be broken. When you were younger, whether in your life fat person you could not take? Fear to become like him, you created exactly what feared.

This is a lesson that you should learn - about acceptance. Look at yourself and try to accept and love this man as he was - physically, mentally and emotionally. Then you discover that you can take yourself and your weight will no longer be a problem for you.

Perhaps when you were younger, in your life was someone whom you loved, who admired - and this man was very thick. If you admire some qualities of this man, take it without regard for the physical data.

Weight problems that have plagued you since birth may be linked to past life. Like other congenital physical defects, it may be necessary to you to take lessons, tempered you in this life. Learn to love and accept myself as is. You have to go through life in that form until one realizes sending you a message or a cause that lies behind the physical, mental or emotional weakness.

It happens that the handicapped from birth people miraculously healed completely - that is normally associated with a profound spiritual revelation. And the problem of excess weight is no exception. No one should live life, copying everything on the "karma" from previous lives. Only you can decide when to stop this.

Problems with weight often have a spiritual aspirations of people, because their souls vaguely remember about other dimensions, and yearn to go there. Such people often say that they are "not of this world". They subconsciously tend to be in a better place. Consciously, these people may not think about suicide, but some of them would prefer to not be there.

Excess weight in some degree allows them to gain a firm foothold on Earth. The message they receive goes something like this: "Please accept, once and for its presence on Earth. You are here has a purpose - you must learn to love and accept themselves and others. " If this is your case, try to look around and see the beauty of nature. Start to love yourself and take their place in the universe.

Excess weight can also be attributed to the fact that you get more than you give. Are you afraid to open another? You may be fenced wall, because you feel vulnerable. You open delishsya their thoughts and feelings or you think that others should experience the same pain that you, and go through learning the hard way "?

Break your attentively and try to understand why you still hold within - are afraid to cause someone pain or fear that you will not accept and love such as it is? Or maybe you're one of those people who are happy to discuss other people's secrets and problems, but do not dare to share their own? Find the courage to get rid of the emotional load - and you get rid of the physical goods.

Thy superconscious know thousands of ways to convey your message - so learn to hear it and realize that it speaks to you. Messages may be manifested in the form of pimples, redness or rash on the body, in the form of explicit or implicit conditions. Learn to notice them.

Look at the way what is happening inside you. To get to the cause - a result take care of itself. Diets do not solve the problem - it is only temporary assistance, besides they are contrary to the natural flow of processes in the body. Drinkers drink to forget about their problems. But the next morning all the problems again with him and appear with a hangover even worse.

For similar results lead and diet. Even if you managed to temporarily lose weight, cause of obesity has not disappeared and will continue to bring you a constant internal dissatisfaction. If you want to once and for all to reach their ideal weight, look for the cause and work with it.

Remember: you should not worry how long it may be necessary to achieve the goal. Know how to follow their body rhythms. Much more important is that you have learned to be your own boss and, ultimately, the master of their destiny.

So, if you really decided to lose weight, forget words such as "diet" and "violation of the diet. Nobody breaks. If you think you are breaking the diet, it means that deep down you are still sitting on it and allows your mind to control the decisions of the body.

Feeling that "are breaking the diet", ask for forgiveness from his body. Say: "Excuse me, can discuss, for ill-treatment. I gave you too much food - I did not listen to you. I tried a little harder; was very patient - we have with you one goal. " Working side-by-side with your body, you protect oneself from unnecessary guilt, which is often accompanied by "diet".

Make a list of all products that you are depriving yourself. Include the products that you wish to eat or drink, but do not you mind to it from fear of gaining weight. Acknowledge that some of your still "sits on a diet.

1. Accept the idea that you can have what you want and when you want. It is your bodies. You are not one but himself, is not obliged to report.

2. Begin to listen carefully to what your body says about their needs. Try to realize any of its "addiction" and to determine their basis. Before I eat something, ask yourself whether you're hungry, and that there is food that will benefit your body. Eat consciously.

3. Remember that self-programming by the words "impossible" and "should not" can only lead to the emergence of obsessions. These words will lead you to a result directly opposite to what you're trying to achieve.

(To be continued)


Lise Bourbeau

If you have an accident, it indicates that you feel somewhat guilty. Human beings themselves reflexively punish themselves in order to neutralize the guilt. For example, you peel potatoes, and suddenly you start thinking: "Oh, I forgot again, so-and-so - this is an idiot!" - ... And you cut my finger.

You may think that the cut because of his inattention: your mind has been absorbed by something else and you are not watching their actions. But in reality you subconsciously punishing myself for what you're "an idiot".

Once you feel somewhat guilty, your body gives you to know about it - either through a minor accident, whether in the form of an accident. Accident - a warning, which contains the following message:

"It's time you realize that the feeling of guilt - this is a useless emotion that may lead nowhere. Think again. This may seem to you somewhat excessive, but just try to remember any accidents that occur to you and you will see how closely they relate to your sense of guilt.

Having carefully observed the metaphysical reasons, their ailments or diseases, you will be to act in accordance with the principles of the healing process and learn how to manage their health.

In my second book, which will soon be in English, you will find a complete description of the metaphysical meaning of many specific diseases. Below we consider techniques that will help you identify personal reasons for their illness.

Carrying out exercises for the chapter, you begin to understand that any physical discomfort, illness or accident, which happened to you - nothing like a warning or a signal from your superconscious. Having realized that the body sends you message, paused for a moment and respond to it with love and positive attitude.

To stop the disease from you do not need more energy than it took to create it. Just your energy was not directed to where it should. When the disease wanes, you'll find that your energy level has increased.

If the disease does not let you hard, it indicates that you want to manipulate the other person. Perhaps, the disease can you get the attention that you so wanted, but could not get another way. If so, figure out who this man, whose attention you so crave, and for my own health try to win his attention some other way!

In each message, which sends you a body, there is one common point. It tells you: "Stop wasting forces on the negative thoughts - all that is done, the better."


1. Make a list of all kinds of physical ailments that you now feel.

2. Disturb at least at one of these ailments. Choose if you want, the most insignificant and make it disappear! Having done this, you will understand the connection between physical and metaphysical.



One day around Christmas, when I studied in college graduating class, I came home for the holidays. Parents were going on holidays in Boston, and I stayed two brothers to look for a shop. The day before the trip my father took me into his office, situated at the rear of the store. The room was so small that it fit a piano and a couch. Bed supply was nowhere to go, otherwise we would sit on the floor or near the piano. His father went to the piano and took from the back wall of the box from under the cigars. Opening it, he showed me clippings from newspaper articles. At that time I was reading a detective Nancy Drew, so the clippings of newspaper articles are not made right impression on me.

- What is it? - I wondered.

- This article written by me and several letters to the editor that were published - seriously answered his father.

I read all the newspaper clippings, and under each article was signed "Walter Chapman, Esq.

- Why you never told me about this? "- Surprise me.

- Do not want to know your mother - my father replied. - She has always insisted that I was not educated to write articles. I dreamed of becoming a politician, but she persuaded me. I think she was afraid that the failure crushing me. However, I am writing articles in magazines and newspapers, but keep it a secret from her. I decided that one day I will give this box to the closest person that is you.

After you have read, I looked at my father and noticed that his eyes shining tears.

- Yes, I dreamed of a better percentage, - he said.

- And in the last time you sent somewhere article? - I asked.

- Yes, I sent a few of their comments and suggestions in a religious magazine on the more careful selection of members of the church committee - said the father. - But it has been three months and the answer I had not yet received.

I do not know how to comfort my beloved father, the talents and aspirations which had not even suspected.

- Wait, maybe the answer will come soon - I said.

- All right, all right - smiling and winking at me, "he said, closed-box, a cigar and put it behind the piano.

The next morning our parents got on a bus, next to the railway station, Haverhill, from where trains depart for Boston, and my brothers were in the store. All day I was thinking about a cigar box and the passion for his father. Brethren, I nothing said, I wanted the mystery of his father he did not know anybody. Mystery box of cigars belonged only to me.

In the evening I looked out the window shop and suddenly saw his mother coming out of the bus. She was alone, without a father. His mother crossed the area, and quickly went to the door of our shop.

- What happened? - Chorused my brothers. - Where is father?

- Father died - in tears, she replied, and went to the kitchen. At painful amazement we followed her mother. It

told me that when they walked through the crowd to move through the station Park Street, his father suddenly fell. A woman, obviously, the nurse bent over him, and then, glancing at her and said: "He's dead."

Mother speechless stood over his father's body lying motionless, and the people, bypassing them, hurrying about their business. Came up and the priest said: "I'll call the police" - and disappeared. His mother stood beside his father for nearly an hour until he finally came to the ambulance. His body was taken to the morgue, and his mother drove him to pick up personal belongings. Then she sat on a bus and returned home.

When my mother told us about his father's death, her voice and her hands trembled, but she did not cry, trying to restrain himself. We have always admired her composure.

Soon came into the store buyer and asked us:

- And where the old man?

- He died - I replied.

- Oh, Lord ... - Muttered by the buyer.

I never thought about his father as an old man, and the problem customer I was unpleasantly surprised. However, on reflection I concluded that he was right: my father was 70 years old, and mother - 60. But my father never complained about his health, looked cheerful and happy ... And now he was gone. I never hear his jokes, songs that he sang softly in the evening closing the shutters of the shop. "Old Man" left us.

On the morning of the funeral I was sitting at a table in the store, looking through cards of condolences sent on the death of her father, and laying them in a scrapbook. Suddenly my eye fell on the latest issue of the religious magazine that was lying on the table. Normally I never look in those magazines, considering them to be boring, but at that time decided to look through it. But suddenly there was printed an article my father? And really found it!

I grabbed the magazine, ran into her father's study, closed the door and burst into tears, Actually, I always try to keep myself in hand, but an article on me a deep impression. I read it and wept, her tears. Then pulled out the piano cigar box and found a letter among the clippings on two pages, addressed to my father, in which the editor thanking him for sending me the proposal. At the bottom was the signature: Henry Cabot senior.

Have passed since many years, but I still had not told anyone about the box from under the cigars. Let it remain our secret with her father.

/ Florence Littauer /

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ties that bind

Ties that bind

Under the "ties" I understand the invisible threads, formed from the moment of your birth. Thanks to your reactions, they continue to link you with people who are authority figures to you throughout your life: parents, grandparents, older siblings, relatives, children, babysitters, neighbors, teachers, etc. The reluctance recognize these threads leads to a protracted bonds, which continue to hold your attachment to these people and situations.
Try to remember your childhood from birth to seven years and think about those who were close enough to you to have an impact on your very existence. Infants and young children are living according to their instincts. What they say and what they learn from experience, they take just a fact. But although they dominated by instinct, they make conscious decisions about everything happening around.
The first conscious decision in your life - even though you do not remember - was the choice of your parents. By choosing them you took and loved them for what they were. But even so, since the birth you wanted to change some features of their behavior, which are directly related to you. Any failure of attitude creates a "thread".
This invisible link that always exists between yourself and your parents is the cause of internal stimuli. It always reminds you: you are exactly repeat what you did not like your parents. It is fair to all whom you ever had to condemn.
Here are a few examples. Suppose your father had been a closed person. He did not speak their mind, never expressed his feelings and did not like to communicate with other people. You rarely spoke to him, and he never told you that he loves you. Without taking such behavior, you're disappointed.
Break your own behavior now: you are open to people openly express their thoughts and feelings - or are you saying what others want to hear? If you do not take the behavior of his father, you're likely to find that behave exactly the same way as he behaved.
Your mother was a domineering woman who took care of you too much, always invading your space? She always gave you unwanted advice and taught you to live? If you find this intolerable, unacceptable, drawing attention to his behavior now. If you have any doubts as to how others interpret your behavior, ask them. Most likely, they will tell you that you are "exactly like your mother!"
If you refused to recognize the authority of their parents, now you're going to inherit them. You can express it differently, and yet so be it.
If you are unable to accept that someone of your parents were too submissive, carefully look at yourself: When you do something, you're doing this because obliged to do, or because you want to do this?
Your mother is overly worried about purity? How do you feel about untidiness and disorder? Obviously, the same way.
Familiar with these examples, you may remember something that you do not take in his mother and can not find any trace of their current facilities.
"I am - the exact opposite!" - You say. Obviously, you put so much effort into something to be the opposite of his mother, that it will not let you express your own personality. Whether you are repeating their mother or agreed to be its complete opposite, you continue to respond and carry his load. When you're struggling to be like her mother, a thread break even more difficult than when you are just like her.
As long as you continue to respond to the behavior of those who have provided for your influence, you will not get the necessary freedom to pursue their own goals. Your perception will always be clouded past, and you will repeat the same mistakes again and again.
The hardest thing to accept a situation where there is violence. If you are a victim of any kind of violence, it is essential to your development that you allow it in your heart. If you do not recognize and do not get over the anger that you feel about this, and his inability to forgive, in the worst possible time to discover that everything is already at the surface and is ready to break out. I'm sure you worked diligently over the years in order to keep it all inside, but the internal struggle will continue for as long as you do not knowingly'll tear bond.
Everything that you could not let go of his past, has a tendency to pop up again and again in your life today. Look around and look at those who have filled your life. Is their behavior is something that annoys you? This annoys you because it is exactly what you need to know about yourself. As soon as you admit it and will you take, it will no longer annoy you. Break the connection - and you tear the circle!
Eventually you learn to love others, despite the indifference, violence, excessive desire to patronize or rejection, because you learn to see the fear that conceal their actions. If you, for example, felt that was born as a result of unwanted pregnancy, you could be born a sense of rejection, which you through life and that manifests itself in all its spheres.
Tear off the thread - free yourself to be who you really are, and leave yourself the opportunity to grow. When tear this link, your development will be quickly and easily.
If you have kids, paying attention to their attitude towards them. Have you noticed that often scolded them, make comments or punish? You resorted to brutal words? You know that you love them, but you want to be sure that they learn to do everything as you, - "correct." You love their intellect, not the heart - just like your parents loved you.
When you suddenly lose your patience, it is because you express your love no heart - only his head. You're afraid to tell them that you feel really out of fear that they will not take this seriously. You do not want them to repeat the mistakes committed by you. This is understandable, but they must live their own lives and learn, going their own way.
To break this bond with her parents and finally allow yourself to be who you really are, you have to admit that your parents (or other authoritative figure) trying to do as much as possible, drawing on the knowledge of what they had. They loved you as much as they could, and showed their love, as they could.
This may sound strange, but seemingly indifferent, which show a truly loving parents, usually synonymous with trust. If the mother or father unconditionally loves his child, their relationship harmonious and fully take into account the nature and abilities of the child. With such a disposition of the parents know that the child is able to take decisions himself. The child knows that parents are always there to support him. Unable to understand the dynamics of someone else's relationship, looking the part, so do not judge parents who seem indifferent to their children.
Picky parents constantly criticize and "guides" for their children, in fact, believe that their children do not use the opportunities available to them. Do these parents unreasonably high expectations - and when they scold their children, for every word hidden love.
Others are doing everything possible to protect children from any difficulties or was necessary to make a choice. Perhaps these parents have lived a hard life, and sincerely believe that permanent guardianship of their children, only help them. But this is quite the opposite. In order to grow and gain maturity of children need to learn to make decisions in difficult situations. At the same time, his father, who himself is weak and will never be solved object, may resort to violence. He wants his son to "become more rigid and was not in the same position as was his father. He loves his son, but he loves reason.
Mothers often impose onerous demands on their daughters, "pushing" them and making extraordinary efforts to have her daughter was a "better life" than the mother herself lived.
These parents are not severed their ties with the past, and this is reflected in their understanding of their parenting role.
Most parents really want their children had more than they are to children's lives was more successful than them, but that desire often leads to expectations unrealistic. Excessive guardianship or excessive severity in relation to children - these are manifestations of the most proprietary varieties of love.

Lise Bourbeau

The more a person is afraid, the more his love is determined by the intellect!

The more a person is afraid, the more his love is determined by the intellect!

Please recall the definition of love: "Love - means accepting, even if you do something you do not understand or something does not agree."
There is no child who would fully agree with how parents express their love for him, because every human being is unique. All children, regardless of cultural environment and social situation, would prefer to be loved differently. Every parent's own way of existence and its lessons, which he must pass.
We must accept that our parents have evolved and continue to evolve today. Collect everything that bothers you (how are your parents fulfill their role), and let go!
Understanding that there is love is stronger than possessive love, emerged relatively recently. Previously, parents do not have such information, and their love could be determined only by the fact that they knew. People in our culture does not recognize or understand the existence of internal capacity.
Happiness is dependent on those around them, so they became the responsibility one way or another to control the behavior of others. How could your parents teach you to love, if they do not know how!.
If you gather everything you'd like to change in their parents, and will continue to remember all the conflicts and all accusations against them, then over the years to discover that connects you to the thread grew and became very thick.
When you begin to realize that, no matter how they express their love, they loved you as best we could, that their every act, their every word was love, you begin slowly, fiber for fiber, cut this thread until your heart does not overflow with love for him.
You will look at parents with different eyes and in my heart you'll know how much they'll really love.
Who would you have kept any offense, it continues to have on your influence and creating bonds that makes you a prisoner. These bonds give rise to dissatisfaction, which influences everything that happens in your life. Are you depressed inside. What you know now, can you get rid of this depression - let the pain and hurt that you carry with you, and you'll find an unprecedented freedom. Liberate your heart to love and be loved, and you never going to look back!
To cut those ties, not necessarily understand the parents. Seeks to understand your mind and your heart does not need to understand, it takes them like to eat. You only need to feel the love that this man felt for you at that time. These feelings known to your heart, not head. Stop thinking. Make contact with their feelings. Attempts to forgive these people will inevitably lead to the following ideas (or similar):
"I know, their life was not easy - a big family, poverty. My mother had to endure many difficulties ... and so forth. Forget all that! Soak them with love, feel it - and his love for them. Try to feel their fears, their weaknesses and constraints to their limits. Initially, this may frighten you, because you'll be forced to give way to emotions. You can revive the love that buried many years ago.
Most of us are afraid to take people such as they are. In our opinion, this is tantamount to saying: "I agree with you." But in fact you say something quite different: "I love and respect you enough to accept that in this case, you're doing the best of what you can do. Even if this is not the way of action, which I prefer.
You can survive the ties you with your primary school teachers. Maybe you even began to resemble someone out of them. Try to understand what may trouble you in this regard.
Small children are very impressionable and reactive - they take everything they say as infallible truth. "Read between the lines, talking to people, they have yet to learn. As a result, they are so frightened by the prospect begins to look like the others, so they absorb these thoughts, that they begin to neglect their own development.
Inside each of you live a unique creature who loudly demands to open it! Do you hear how your soul cries out for you? You - the only one who can rescue her from the chains and remove from isolation. Your soul needs to develop, the ability to breathe and get the space for their growth!
Misled by the opinions of others we are not even aware of it the report are becoming more and more like them. Even if you do not recognize their authority over them, it still has a direct impact on you.
Nurturing a dissatisfaction with the authorities, you increasest own authoritarian or begin to control their own behavior. Without even realizing it, you decide that in order to survive, you must try to control everything that happens around you. And becomes the captive of the decision.
If you continue to restrain their anger increases your ego. Do you think that you were treated unfairly. You always nosishsya with this idea, paying an exorbitant price? This is your constant "willingness to fight" will cost you dearly, in whatever relationship you may be entered.
It will be a constant threat to your happiness and health, and therefore your body and the superconscious will persistently send messages, reminding you that you are going against the universal law of love. There is only one way out - sorry!
The first thing you should do - forgive yourself for what you are condemning a given person. Then forgive this man, whatever, in your opinion, nor was his fault. (To do this, imagine yourself in his skin and try to understand why this man did what he did.) Doing so, you automatically forgive others.
And most importantly, meet and talk with this person. Openly shared their feelings (in this case does not necessarily go into the fine details). Ask him to forgive you for what you were blind and not see his love, and explain to him that led you to such a strong rejection.
If this person is no longer alive, sit in a quiet place and try to relax every part of his body. When you feel that you do it, imagine that you're sitting next to the dead. Talk to him - tell him what you feel, and ask his forgiveness. Even if physically he is not with you, his spirit is here. This lesson may seem to you too emotional, but it provides a wonderful cleansing action. Do not be afraid to open up and in touch with their feelings.
Nurturing grudges against another person, you do captives both of you, because your feelings you associate. Formed thread draws spiritual energy from both, that leads to mental and emotional exhaustion.
Exempt from these feelings, you auto mat cally frees another man, returning him to his own space and energy, which allows you to grow and develop both of you. After freeing him from the shackles of their feelings, you'll help him to continue to grow, even if it is no longer alive.
If you're waiting on another person, that he would feel guilty before you, you do not cut the thread. If you hope to hear: "Poor thing! I never thought I could cause you such pain! "- This is not the voice of your heart.
You expect that the other will take responsibility for your emotions - though it made you think of his love for you is for him is not the main thing. No one can make you feel anger or sadness. That you decided to become angry, or sad.
Observe how you feel, talking to other people. You express their feelings, to learn to love their companions, or so that they can you understand? Try to just share their feelings. Understand whether you agree it with you - not so important. You're doing this to get free, just for myself.
If you oscillations arise regarding their actions for fear of causing anyone harm or to be misunderstood and ridiculed, it is a sign that your ego takes over ... and after the very first step you have to retreat. You keep on wallowing in their suffering and stagnate. Fear makes you free.
If you're the oldest child in the family, you can have more connections with their parents than other children. The first child always has the smallest space, because most parents expect their first child. After the appearance of the second and third child, they become large realistic. As a result, older child has to deal with their expectations and requirements that may not please him and he can not justify.
Quite often it turns out that one of the parents would prefer to have a child of the opposite sex. This is explained by the fact that he was not satisfied with his life and fears for the child life would be a grave burden. Upon learning of this preference of his mother or father, you can feel rejected. But do not give rein to this feeling. Their desire does not affect on you. They just want to see your life is better than theirs.
Be firm. Every time focused on one situation and breaks off one thread - and gradually you'll be free. Do not try to do everything at once, as the acquisition of practice each thread will yield easier and easier.
One of the common for all the very important issues is the attitude to money. For the parents of most of our money was of paramount importance - they had to "save". Happiness is often dependent on the material side of life - the money has been synonymous with security.
Happiness was a direct consequence of financial strength, and parents wanted you to have money, because I wish you happiness. This is a manifestation of their love. If you are prone to certain extremes in matters of saving or spending money, you are likely to react to the attitude of their parents.
Universal Law of Love requires that children and parents loved each other. It could not be. Children and parents binds deep beautiful love - do not forget that your soul is consciously decided to go precisely to these parents.
So, you know, what should they learn, understand that the more difficult it will be a lesson, the more it will benefit. Hugging each of the threads connecting you to remember this and try to understand all your heart, how much, in spite of everything, your parents loved you really are. You have chosen each other, not without reason.
When you manage to break ties, you will learn to love and respect their parents for what they are and what they were. You will be able to forgive them and ask them for forgiveness ... you feel bliss and unprecedented inner peace. Heavy loads will be dropped from his shoulders, and you will feel easy and free as a bird.
Be very attentive to your offense does not evolve into hate. Energy, nurtured by hatred, the most destructive and poisonous of all energies, whereas the energy of love always heals. Living with hatred in your heart, you change their bodies at the chemical level, triggering the mechanism of serious and painful illnesses. Hatred destroys, in whom it settled.
Laboratory studies have shown that breath-hating man, if to send it to the rat, can instantly kill the animal. Each and every thought, full of hatred could be compared to swallow poison. Established hate thread so strong that in order to cut her, has put a much greater effort. This is explained by the fact that hating people more removed from its center of love.


1. Take a sheet of paper and write down everything as you remember, bothered you in your parents when you were a child (from birth to 18 years).
2. List everything that bothers you in other people, who have provided for your influence in the same period of your life.
3. Choose one of these situations and try to take responsibility for the role you played in it. Using the same situation, try to see are rooted in her love. After that to meet this man and try to express to him how you feel. Forgive him and ask him to forgive you.
4. This is important: It is essential that you have completed these exercises before you go over to the next chapter. You might find that will float a variety of emotions. Do not be afraid - you open the door, which will release you to freedom.
5. How can often repeat the following affirmation:
I forgive all those who are condemned, and dismissed from the bonds, which hindered me to live in harmony with itself. My love is more and more comes from the heart.
6. If there is someone to whom feel the love is particularly difficult, the following affirmations will help you open your heart.
I completely forgive (someone - a person's name, that - a situation or attitude in question) and wish him / her nothing but good, and so I forgive myself and my attitude to this situation - because he grew that the condemned

Lise Bourbeau

Illness and accidents

Illness and accidents

I do not know what they mean for you the word "disease", and "accident", but most people seems to think these events are the result of misfortune or bad luck, manifestation of injustice in life, especially if the disease "hereditary" or picked up from someone else. Such an attitude to such phenomena, contrary to the great universal Accountability Act.
The idea of taking responsibility for themselves in relation to accident or illness may seem a bit strange, but what we are unconsciously attracted them in their lives. Unconsciously - that's why it is so difficult to believe that we still bear responsibility for them. The disease - it's just the message that sends you your body.
This signal is given to you with your superconscious, or your internal God, to tell you that in your minds, or behavior that something is contrary to the great universal Law of Love - The Law of Responsibility.
Blaming the nature or angry when you're sick, pointless. Instead, open a message, sending you your body, and thank Roumois for him. If you do not quite understand what you say, ask for guidance - requested clarification of the message so that you could understand and fully accept it. This will allow you to gain peace of mind, which is required for healing. Take your inner God.
"Why is this damn cold, no runs? - You ask. - I'm tired of pain! I guess I'll never feel good! "Or:" I have a migraine again! "Or:" I will finish my loins! .. "With these affirmations, you refuse to take responsibility.
Ask your superconscious, and it is sure to give you the answer. Until you uncover information sent to your superconscious, you will continue to suffer from the disease. If you clearly hear and understand the message sent out to you, you should take appropriate steps to restore their health.
To give an analogy:
Outside, dark, and a neighbor knocks on your door to let them know that you are not turned off the headlights of his car. Do you ignore this message, but he continues to knock and is doing everything to attract your attention. He sincerely wants to help you, but you think that it is causing you concern in vain. If you completely proignoriruesh it, you will eventually discover that the batteries in your car and sat down.
Likewise, do unto you your superconscious. If you ignore or misunderstand its signals, it continues to send them to you. They will come up until in the end you will not develop cancer or not, had a heart attack - that will shock you and make changes in their lives. If you proignoriruesh and this message - the final will be sad.
Do not be wiser to be a little more attentive and sensitive to the fact that tells you your body?
If you just thanked my neighbor for his trouble, threw to coat and immediately turned off the lights, then immediately decided to be a problem. If you tell a neighbor that take care of the car, but do nothing, he will come again: "I'm afraid you misunderstood me, when I went for the first time." The same thing makes your superconscious. Sending you repeat the message it prompts you to act.
Is not it amazing that you live this friend who loves you unconditionally - someone who consistently sends you back to health and happiness, who are here just for you? Accept it with gratitude - he'll never let you down.
Whenever you experience physical discomfort, your body sends you signals. The disease is never just physical - it is a physical manifestation of the metaphysical (standing outside the physical) messages.
The seriousness of the disease is in direct proportion to the seriousness of the message. If a serious illness, she had long gained strength. Your soul cries out for help: it's time again to get acquainted with the great healer - love.

Glade Secrets

Glade Secrets

"Round about 200 250 meters, clearing chiming induced terror: on the bare ground here and there could see the bones and carcass taiga small animals and even birds. And over the clearing overhanging branches of trees were charred as from near the fire. Polyana was perfectly clean, devoid of any kind any vegetation. dogs, who were on the "damn cemetery, stopped eating, became lethargic, and soon perished - this is an excerpt from a letter Michael Panova from the village of Ust Cova Kezhemsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The author gave what he had heard before the war from a seasoned hunter.
It was first widely notified about the mysterious phenomenon, received later the name "devil's graveyard". These places seemed to be deliberately located relatively close to where there was a terrible Tunguska catastrophe ...
And here I am in Kezhma - old Russian village on the banks of the majestic in these places Angara told the reporter. Main village street runs along the coast for three miles. Behind the church a club - an empty bookstore, and further wooden bridge across Kezhemku, which immediately flows into the Angara. Then the road turns to the taiga. Well, it turns out not to pass me the rural executive committee, the local government, which is obliged to know everything. A few minutes later I was knocking at the door with a sign "Chairman of the Executive Committee Nikolai Vereshchagin.
Owner of the office is selected from the table, shakes my hand and offers placed. I immediately begin to:
- Perhaps you will find a frivolous topic of interest to us, but she worries a lot of people. Somewhere in your region, they say, there is a place which is called the "devil's graveyard" or sometimes "death trap". Do you know about this? Vereshchagin confidently nodded.
He got up, walked to the window and looked thoughtfully at the Angara, on the middle of the river lies the green island, where grazing terribly moved there cow.
- I was born in these places - stop watching the chairman of the executive committee. - And of course, this story I know. Such a place in the forest there. Somewhere in the vicinity of the river lie in wait, a tributary of the Angara. I myself "damn clearing" is not seen, but many times heard the stories of those who hunted nearby.
According to Vereshchagin, for the first time about the "death trap" learned in Kezhma in late 30's. An old hunter - mother's grandfather neighbor NN certain Tamara Sergeyevna Simutinoy - as he told relatives about the mysterious event that happened to him in the forest on the river or its tributary Cove Kakambare ... At Winterland Rozhkovs in remote inaccessible place for many miles from the latter at Cove Karamyshevo village, and so I lost an ox. As he there? It turns out that the local people in the past were not afraid to walk through the taiga, and even driven them to the tracks managed to overtake cattle. Lies in those places so-called Chervyanski tract - forest road, where it was possible to get to the north to the Angara and farther into the headwaters of the Lena River. Siberians often chasing herds of this the hard way, by delivering it to sell the mines.
Summer of 1938 turned out to be extremely dry. The channels of many rivers in the taiga such utter hot dry instantly, and shepherds, reducing the path, often drove their cattle directly on the stones. Reaching way to the cabin, the shepherds stopped for the night, and let their cattle graze. It is clear: far from home pet will not go - afraid. And when the morning shepherds rushed to round up a herd of one bull were missing. Searched the coastal thickets, a little deeper into the wild taiga. And suddenly saw something terrible - black, as if scorched by the circle clearing and her dead bull. Hide it was singed. The dogs growled at the sight of dead bodies, but the clearing did not.
Witnesses did not tell his grandfather what happened next. They decided if they set foot in the accursed circle? Most likely, rushed headlong out. Then, according to the old hunter, a spot was not great, just some 12 meters 15 ...
But did master cabin, where to look for that "fucking glade? He said that he knew. He took me there anyone else? Maybe someone from the local hunters would like to check out this incredible story?
- Apparently, the fables of old interested in only one man - a local agronomist. He first went to the "devil's graveyard". Better to simply ask my friend, the correspondent of the regional newspaper. He was looking for this agronomist and even found some old file that his true story.
Note the location of journalist Shakhov, I asked him before leaving:
- And you, Nikolai, believe in the "devil's graveyard"? Not invented it from the beginning this story?
- Why not believe? But I really have not found it. When hunting in those parts, to find the way to winter quarters was difficult. Curious clearing, according to the deceased before the war began the master cabin, located on Karamysheva forty kilometers, roughly the same amount he had to go to a small forest lake, about which too much was told. In fact, some people find healing from their sores. How to get to Karamyshevo? This village, consider no longer. No there is no longer live. The last time I was there ten years ago, and even more. We lived there for two vzdymschika - seasonal collector gum.
Shakhov home I did not catch, he soon found me in the hotel - a neat one-story structure. Boris, as befits a journalist, was informed. In Kezhemsky area he lived for more than fifteen years, and he was born in St. Petersburg. About the "devil's graveyard" himself had written several times in the local newspaper? And thereby contribute to the revival of interest in a forgotten phenomenon, and did not receive his explanation, he also was one of the organizers of the expedition into the mysterious region, which in recent years, it turns out, there were several .
- Glade so we did not find, - said Boris distress. - Probably not there looking for. Old people who have seen "Ferris cemetery with my own eyes, they all died ... in our local press reported these facts appeared in 1940. The publication I was looking for a long time.
Binder local newspaper, it was then called "collective farmer" in Kezhma, of course, not preserved. I had to go to Moscow and exhumation of the vaults of the Lenin Library. And then found, you know, reprinted in the local newspaper. In the old paper dealt with the agronomist Valentine Semenovich Salyagine. This man is the nature of their work was often in the most remote corners of the taiga region. I had to get up to Karamysheva there and then he heard about the "damn graveyard." Probably told this story, the owner cabin, which is called the meadow "progalyznoy.
"In a small mountain seemed dark bald head - so already reported with the words Salyagina prewar reporter Kezhma. - Land for it is really dark, crumbly. Vegetation was no. On the bare earth laid carefully grouse and fresh green leaves. After a while, learned back . At the slightest touch of needles fall off the branches. grouse outwardly unchanged. At the opening of the interior had a red tint, as it were burnt. during these short periods finding about this place in humans, there appeared a strange pain. "
There were also reports that Salyaginu once again able to visit on the same mysterious place. The picture was the same. The compass needle at this point though came in a strong oscillation.
The next summer, it was reported in the article, local lore is going to organize a campaign (posovremennomu - expedition), but the war. And Where is Salyagin?
Old-timers will remember this and say that before the war where he had disappeared. His fate could not learn.
From the analysis of the stories of eyewitnesses, we can say, the preparation of modern expeditions to the mysterious place. Soon the path Salyagina went searching group. They mostly consisted of local hydrobuilders. And only then they were joined by enthusiastic mystery of the Tunguska meteorite, scientists from different cities.
There have been reports about a phenomenon, whose existence has been difficult to confirm, and in the central press. That's after the expedition began to prepare a solid.
Organizer hydrobuilders was deputy chief surveyor of trust "Boguchangesstroy Pavel Smirnov. This is the first time he, perhaps, passed along Cova winter skiing, but never found the "devil's graveyard". Later, he met with the researcher, who gave his explanation of unearthing evidence of the disappeared agronomist. This is at the Institute of Applied Physics, Tashkent University, Alexander Simonov. Knowing nothing, he claimed, of stirring kezhemtsev enigma "burnt meadow", he arrived in Angara to test their hypothesis about the place of the actual incidence has not found the Tunguska meteorite. Simonov seriously interested in astronomy and independently done the calculations, according to which the outer body, which fell on Tunguska plateau searched and continue to seek still not where you want. The epicenter of the explosion, the force of an explosion equal to a medium-sized atomic bombs, was the region Stony Tunguska River, near the village of Vanavara, who is now the center of neighboring Kezhemsky Vanavarskogo Area Evenki National District (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Simone, a meteorite that exploded, but not on the ground, and 'in its atmosphere. Shockwave cosmic body was dropped hundreds of miles away. According to scientists it appeared that the meteorite fell to the forest somewhere near the Angara River in Kezhemsky area. It was formed in the forest logging, but to him, because of the remoteness of housing, no one paid attention. Simonov was searching for a meteorite near Kezhma, four hundred kilometers from the place of most expeditions. And it is easy to imagine that the story of "burnt meadow" he connected with the Tunguska catastrophe. Simonov suggested that this "trace" fallen meteorite, which had gone deep into the ground. Hypothesis and unexplainable phenomenon coincided, and the latter became an unexpected and attractive interpretation.
The newspaper "The Soviet Angara in 80 s rather elaborated on several expeditions, starting from the village Kodinsky River Cove, which were organized jointly by Smirnov and Simonov. In 1988, their expedition was well equipped. Simonov brought with him equipment for high magnetic measurements. Smirnov has formed several search teams moved up into the taiga helicopter.
This scale would not have been possible without the help of gatherers of the forest plant Kezhmales. His leadership has provided his helicopter available to search engines, would attract the interest of specialists to the taiga Deshembipskomu lake, which was in the area of logging, and most importantly - save it opened in most of the taiga wilderness amazingly beautiful corner.
When flying over a large area of green screens Kovoy electronic catcher not detected bursts of electromagnetic radiation, as eagerly awaited expedition members. At the same time combing the surface of the taiga, but the search also did not bring encouraging. During the last flyby instruments suddenly responded and confirmed the long-awaited burst of magnetic activity just above the river flow Cova Kakambaroy ...
Immediately after the radio contact with the group, which was the place closest. In practice nothing strange here is not noticed: The usual hilly terrain with tall pines and babbling brooks,. Allocated only one hill. From the light compass pointed in an unusual direction, the magnetic meridian when you move a few steps "swam" at 30 40 degrees to the side. Specialists geologists have confirmed that found a pronounced magnetic anomaly. However, as said, then physics, it was magnetostatic, the usual manifestation of the magnetic field, and not magnetodynamic that would confirm the original hypothesis Simonov. But background radiation here was slightly higher.
And this time failed to find conclusive evidence of the existence in our time "death trap".
Nevertheless, in the upper streams deer and Tactical one of the search teams stumbled upon the mysterious fields that avoided animal trails, and people felt there creepy feeling. The trees around such places were covered with calluses. However, a detailed survey clearing with the help of instruments and did not have time ...
- In a word, "death trap" to find so far failed - shrugged Shakhov. - A mystery remains. Although, I think, to explain the mystery may be easier ... But still interesting to once again go look for her.

The features and quality of the protected person

The features and quality of the protected person

What features and qualities have positive and light-protected persons? First of all, the inner spirituality is not synonymous with formal religiosity, coupled with higher sources. It tells him some inner light and a special organization aura felt by other people, stretching up to him and in many cases does not even think about any attacks on him. Often Higher Will assigns him any strikes, because the connection to the person it says it a special property, which is perceived by others as luck.
A truly secure person can not be perpetual fascination with his egocentric, terry selfish, closed introvert. He has a healthy openness to the world and in the collectivist soul, capable of easily establish relationships with the outside world, with people and with its nearest neighbors. Contact, openness, kindness in helping him communicate freely to attract all the new friends who protect him in a difficult moment.
Protected man has managed to rein in a deep aggressive, and therefore in dealing with people he is not inclined to make sudden movements and to cause rash strokes, inevitably causing response. He transformed his innate aggressiveness in hardness and will to achieve. He is kind and forgiving, but for these properties had somewhere in the hidden depths of a powerful core, inner strength, which comes to the surface only if there is a real danger.
Protected person does not rely so much on the attitude of other people for himself, but rather on how he relates to his own personality and behavior. He is, above all, a man of honor, and just words of Pushkin: "You yourself - your Supreme Court." He is self-sufficient, or aspires to be such, and in the course of communication can rely on himself, not looking for a permanent self-sustaining. It is not afraid to express their views, even if they disagree with the majority. He knows how to defend their own interests, relying on the code of honor. He is able to make decisions and carry them for a reasonable risk.
A really secure people do not tend to painful Introspection and mentally analysis of others' opinions about their own person. It is the whole man, for whom thought and action are inseparable to each other. He may, for a time to seriously ponder whether to commit him to a certain action or not, but if the decision is made, it will no longer fluctuate and be able to put aside all doubts. In most situations, for him it is more important than the nuances of relationships, although he can insist on their views and their own decision, without hurting other people and properly explaining them the reasons they made a personal choice. If he is by nature very sensitive and thin-skinned, he gradually forms a kind of corset security, soften the blow.
Protected person - this is a purposeful personality. In any situation, he knows and remembers what he ultimately wants. It does not wander along the winding paths of life, and tries to choose the road, most short path leads him to the goal. The memory of the goal and move towards it creates in his life a kind of magnetic connection to, which performs the protective function and gives him extra strokes and problems.
Protected persons - is a person with the right attitude to time. He always has time to time do things trunk of his life and one that is already defending itself against possible recriminations, dissatisfaction and high expectations. He lived a full life in the present and at the same time, always focused in the future. He was able to learn from the past, adopt all useful, for which he had met in my life, and at the same time cope with the majority of psychological trauma. Meeting with situations similar to previous ones, is traumatic, it is not compressed like a rabbit frozen in mute horror at a boa, he remains calm and confident in the fact that this situation he would be able to pass with dignity. He remembers that in the end, as Solomon said: "And it will pass!"
Protected persons in his life followed a certain order, clarity, and systems. In his daily existence is no place to chaos and confusion that could interfere with the efficient achievement of goals. As a result of its actions become such a good beat, which carries a protective force and absorbs many shocks. People feel this rhythm, unconsciously imbued with his power and begin to adjust to it, and they did not occur impulse to aggression.
Protected person has as a healthy self-confidence and self-esteem, which radiates its aura around him and creates a special atmosphere that you do not want to violate dissonant actions. People automatically imbued with an atmosphere of self-esteem, which bears the person, and then can not rebuild itself on a different wave. Energy self-esteem is contagious in a positive sense, and therefore protected by human aura is woven not only of its own, reaching energies inside, but outside of energy pulses emitted by other people who are imbued with respect for this man and also begin to defend him. This multiplies the confidence and creates a more secure identity.
Protected persons properly react to obstacles. Barriers not only suppress it, but on the contrary, inspire him to new efforts and achievements. Such people only get excited when a new obstacle and always set to overcoming them. He is protected from depression and doubt, even if his path appeared a significant obstacle, which is called invincible. But in this case he will find out: a retreat, will accumulate strength and fighting on the line-crushing blow, breaking his defense, or find workarounds or perezhdet when an obstacle is naturally subside and liberate his way. Even if the obstacle from an external point of view, absolutely in the principle, it would still be his assault at least to toughen internally and train to overcome it. Only thus can develop their strength and patience. If the obstacle on his path of life are people protected person is not afraid of fighting with them and, as a true master of martial arts, is not afraid to be beaten or live - physically or metaphorically - the psychological sense.
In case of failure, intractable problems or mistakes protected person is able to enjoy a good method of protection, which immediately devalues threat, reducing its strength - with humor. He uses this medicine is not only to direct the enemy or others involved in the conflict, but to the whole situation, being able to look at it as if from the side and laugh at her. He is highly capable of laughing and of ourselves as alone and in front of other people that are very good strikers disarms people who expect that he will suffer victim syndrome, always reacting to the threat of excessive seriousness and domestic terminals. Comedy protected rights on the one hand can be regarded as a manifestation of his excess of vitality and inventiveness, the ability to always find the unexpected break the deadlock, or to offer him a look from a different perspective and laughing over the apparent deadlock, but on the other hand - it is a manifestation of the deep human wisdom , are well aware that nothing is eternal under the moon, and therefore should not be so serious and to heart to take a lot of problems, threats and psychological blows. Such humor requires the ability to instantly find the words man and resourcefully respond to any attack or an attack against him.
Protected persons - this is a balanced man who could calmly accept malicious attacks, outburst and threats. He is in harmony with itself, able to accept yourself for what he, as a starting point for further improvement and perfection, and has a close relationship with the center itself, with its own soul and spirit. He appreciates his state of emotional equilibrium more than the profit or the desire to spite the other person and therefore does not accept easily and thoughtlessly change for him at the dubious pleasure of anger or irritation, an assignment that still does not bring the desired result. He deliberately maintains internally stability and calm and try to make these qualities in their behavior that is regarded by others as self-restraint and good manners.
Protected persons must possess considerable reserves of vitality and health, to strongly reflect any attacks attack. This also applies to cases of passive reflection when a person silently and calmly listened to threats, attacks or temper tantrums, but inside is not broken and remains stable self, and in cases of active defense against aggression, when it comes to tough dialogue, issues scathing replies, parries accusations or countercharges irony. Vital Force provides internal elastic the aura and strengthens its external borders. It helps the harmonious work of subtle energy centers of the individual - the chakras, providing them with good tone and coordinated activity.