Saturday, April 21, 2012

Franz Bardon
(Excerpts from the book Gates of Initiation)
Stage I

The magic of water

Water plays a major role not only in everyday life. It is necessary, for example, for drinking, cooking, dishwashing and laundry, in the production for a couple, but also in the development of our magical element of water can be a significant factor. The element of water is subject to magnetism, or the force of gravity. Just this property we want to use for our development. In the books of the sacred magnetism, radiation of the fluid and other things known fact that water attracts or is likely to be fluid charge. Less known, however, how to enhance this ability, or otherwise use it.

Not only water but also any liquid have a specific ability to attract and, due to the attraction, keep, no matter whether it is with the good or evil influences. Therefore, the element of water, especially grubomaterialny can be regarded as a battery. The colder the water, the greater its accumulative power. At full proportion, that is, at 4 ° C above freezing water in this area is most active. This knowledge is not determinative, since the differences in the receptive capacity of water (or other fluids) to 6 ° C above zero are small and so poorly differentiated that only an experienced magician able to tell them apart. If the water is warmer due to increased temperature, the storage capacity of water is sharply reduced. Between 36-37 ° C, it is neutral in terms of magnetism.

Attention! We are talking only about the special ability to attract and practical significance of this ability in terms of magnetism that comes from the knowledge of the interaction of the elements and should be accepted for granted.

Impregnation (impregnation) of each item, as well as the physical desire for water may be performed for each subject at any temperature. That is magically charged may be a piece of bread, a cup of coffee or a bowl of soup. But this charge does not depend on the accumulative capacity of the element of water, and carried out by means of the causal principle of the fifth force acts through the element and the corresponding elements of the electromagnetic fluid. To avoid misunderstandings should take into account this difference. For example, a plate of hot soup can not be mesmerize as accumulative capacity of the element of water can be neutralized by the power distribution of heat contained in water, or to prevail if the temperature rises above +37 ° C. However, the soup can be impregnated (impregnated) corresponding desire .

Consider now the magic of water from the practical side.

With each hand washing think hard about what you wash off with water, mud not only your body but also your soul. Think, for example, that a failure, anxiety, frustration, illness, washed with water, that is carried over into the water. Wash under running water if possible, so that dirty water immediately merged with and think that with the receding water, and leaving your weaknesses.

If you are at your disposal only a sink or tub, the water should be used immediately merge to a single person could not have come into contact with it. You can also throw up a minute in cold water, and concentrate on how to astral-magnetic force of attraction would be absorbed, then there would be pulled, all the weaknesses of your body and soul. At the same time be convinced that any failure will go into the water. Very soon you'll be surprised at the results of this exercise. This water should also be immediately pour.Extremely effective this exercise, if done it in the summer on the river while bathing in it, when the water is the entire body (except head).

You can perform this exercise, and inversely, when the water in the tank, which are going to go swimming, pre-magnetizing or saturate (impregnated) to your desire, you will need firmly to make sure that bathing the power goes into the body and the wish will come true.Who has enough time, can combine the two exercises, freeing the water from the bad (say in running water or in a separate bowl) and then washed with water, nourished by a certain desire. In this case, the first exercise, when they want to get rid of all bad, use soap. Women dedicated to other than the above two options have yet a third, namely, they concentrate their magnetism on the fact that water has made their face look fresh and young, more flexible and attractive. Well it does not just wash the face and dip it for a few seconds in water. This procedure should be repeated at least seven times in a row.For this purpose, you need to add the water a pinch of boric acid.

The magician is given another opportunity, which is an eye bath. In defending (the best one day before it boiled) water in the morning the magician lowers his face and it opens your eyes (in a basin of water should be poured up to half). He was rolling his eyes in all directions, and repeat it seven times. The initial burning stops when the eyes begin to get used to the water. If you suffer from the weakness of well water, add a weak solution of tea eye (Herba euphrasia).

These eye baths contribute to the stability of the eye to the temperature fluctuations, eliminate eye fatigue, thus enhancing the vision, and make the eyes more bright and shiny. Do not forget that the water used for these purposes, you must mesmerize and permeate concentration of his desire. Advanced students who are trained clairvoyant, thus also provides an opportunity to strengthen their ability to clairvoyance.


(To be continued).