Saturday, April 21, 2012

Paul Ferrini

The openness of a divine

Until you realize that everyone is good, you will be hard to find good in yourself and in others. You used to find the good along with the bad. "It's - well, as it is - it is bad." So you judge about himself and about his brother. It will never bring you peace.

Your brother is neither good nor bad - just like you. Both of you - just good. In you there is nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps you believe that you have something bad - and indeed can be assumed that you are too little or no good - but this is false belief.

As long as you think so, you will deal with each other or with other people.

What I mean when I say about you is only good? Does this mean that people are not capable of negative thoughts or actions? Of course not, otherwise you will not be located where you are.

Your world - a set of negative thoughts and actions, mixed with positive. People live in a world of shadows - a world where the mixed and light and darkness.

But all this perceived thee the world is just out of ideas. If you are able to eliminate from their consciousness of the negative thoughts, we would live in a different world.

In a world where there are only "good" idea, a comparison is impossible. No comparison there is no interpretation, so there can be no failure, punishment, or suffering of victims.

Can you imagine such a shining world, a world without feeling guilty? You probably find it strange that such a world is possible, and yet, create it as easy as one in which you are dwelling!

You can begin to create a world with the realization that neither you nor your brother of nothing wrong, only good. "Bad" seems real only because of fear of him.

Is the source of all negative fear. The concept of "bad" - it is thought, born of fear.

So what is there more than a prisoner in your good, obtained by right of birth? There are doubts as to whether you're good. There is fear.

Your life consists of good, corroded by doubt and fear. How many times during a day of doubt and fear does not give you a feel good? How many times they do not allow you to feel good in your brother of?

If you realize that you are constantly pursuing the doubts and fears, then you can consciously recognize them. And they will simply play a part of your consciousness. "Oh yes, I know I'm good. And what is wrong? "

That's what does a somersault consciousness. The dialogue that develops in one or another direction. But he gradually loses its judgmental tone. As soon as you take your own, he falls silent.

The conflict disappears from the consciousness of someone who realizes that he is good. And recognizing their own good, you can show it only one way: by spreading it to others.

If you think the other bad, then you are again admitted into the consciousness of doubt and fear.

The divine is free from any kind of duality or conflict. You open the divine, when you see the good in himself and in his brother, as one and the same. Divinity is always dispersed.It can not belong to some one.

Any exclusivity - a product of fear. Any conviction - a product of fear.

Just rejecting the bad, and taking a good, thou shalt possess the heart of fear. None of God's children can not be bad. In the worst case - it hurt. He attacks on others, blaming them for their suffering. But he - not bad.

Yes, your compassion should reach such depths. No person who does not deserve your forgiveness. No person who does not deserve your love.

You can come up with excuses and reservations, but I do not cheat. I told you the truth.Not in your best interest to distort it.

If you find it hard to forgive and love someone, say so. Do not condemn him to justify his own weakness. When you're scared, tell the truth. The truth is always heals.

Only those who are gripped by fear, condemn another person. You managed to break free from the grip of fear? If not, then understood his fear. Having realized it, you will not judge others. After all, you begin to realize that fear is always distorts perception.

Become aware of your own and be honest with yourself and others. Admit it: "Now I am gripped by fear, so I can not see things as they really are."

Give up judgment - it's just a senseless attack on the one in whom you can not see the good. Give me a try. Tell the truth, "Jesus, I can not see this brother so that's what it is, because it condemn it. Help me to throw my words and understand what creates fear in me of his behavior. "

Any judgment that you endure his brother, is exactly what you hate or can not accept in themselves.

You will never become hate another person, if he does not remind you of itself.

That is why any attempt to justify anger, fear and condemnation of the doomed. You're just trying to point to another person on your own mistake. It's dishonest. This is irresponsible.

Do you ever have the opportunity to end the stigma, but you, nevertheless, continue to find justification for it. Why not? Because you can not admit his mistake.

You probably would you prefer to suffer than admit that blundered. You probably would you prefer to pretend that you're perfect, than admit that you're here just a student.

What is incomprehensible arrogance! How can I reach out to those who, despite the pain, insists on his own perfection? I can not help you if you let.

Err is not so scary. The error does not deprive you of love and election. Do you think that way - but it is an illusion. And that really deprives the love, so this is an attempt to insist on being right when you're wrong. It does not make an adjustment.

Try, please, understand this. Wrong - do not mean to be "bad" and be right - do not mean to be "good." Each of you is both right and wrong a hundred times a day.

I assure you, it is impossible to count how many times have you been right or wrong for the local time of his journey.

This world - the school, and you came here to study. Learning - it means making mistakes and correct them. To learn - not to say all the time be right. If you've always been right, then why go to school?

Humble yourself, my friend. You are a student, and if you want to deal with the lessons, I must admit that this is so. If you do not recognize, I made a mistake, I can not help you fix it.

But you should admit his mistake, and it will be corrected, and with it comes and forgiveness. This is the way that I propose to you.

Do not try to be perfect, my friend. This is not the right target. Anyone who wants to be perfect, walks the path of long and painful suffering. Instead, his covet thee understanding each admitted mistakes to learn from it.

Perfection comes spontaneously and without effort, but when you tell the truth, when loosed from the desire to suppress the other, when the refuse from a false pride.

Those who ask for rectification - get it. And not because they are better than others, but only because they are asking.

Do not judge those who are not willing to admit mistakes. Just admit it your own and leave the rest to God.

Share your experiences, but do not try to force it to others. You do not know what they need, and you do not know about it.

Remember the good in your fellow men. Remember the good in themselves. Let all the fear and condemnation disappear as soon appeared. Admit their own mistakes and be tolerant of the mistakes of others. That's what I ask of you.

It's easy, is not it? So just what you always forget about it. But do not get discouraged.

If your desire for peace is strong enough, eventually you will come to him. If you decide that you want it, we can not not come home.