Saturday, April 21, 2012

Paul Ferrini


The need for miracles

Miracles - a manifestation of the Divine Consciousness within your consciousness and experience. Now, more than two thousand years ago, people in need of miracles as teaching aids. Every miracle is confirmed by the fact that love - stronger than fear.

Do not underestimate the extent to which your world is created out of fear. Look around you. Look at your own thoughts. Will there be an area where there are no lurking fear?

I propose to look around, not in order to plunge you into despair. I just want you to look at things realistically. I hope you saw everything in your world as you are.

Revising their own thoughts. You can not come to love, until one realizes the extent to which your thinking is implicated in fear.

Awareness of your own thoughts, full of fear, opens the possibility of alternatives. But please do not try to replace negative and frightening thoughts positive. These are just trigger a conflict in your head.

Instead, let the work realization. Just Realize your own and feel it.

When did you feel it in full, say: "Now, Father, I am ready to step over your own. Help me, please. " And get ready to accept help, which had asked for. You will not be denied, I assure you.

Asking for help, you acknowledge that there is a force that is greater than your fear. You will also be willing to play along with this force to remove the fears and conflicts of his life.

I want to give one advice. Recognize that asking for help, you're asking about how to change your mind.

So please let it sounds like this: "Father, I am ready to change the view on this situation.Help me, please, see it not through the prism of fear, but as you see it. Help me to see her, feeling the same love for himself and all others. "

This is my brother, a powerful prayer. Never forget about it. Leave it to her strength and peace. And may God's answer sounds in every word, every gesture, every action. You will not experience a miracle, if you do not want to get it.

To experience a miracle, you need the following:

You should know that it needs.

You should really ask about it.

You must be willing to accept it.

And as soon as all this will be met, the miracle is revealed.

Alas, it also happens that when a miracle is manifested in your life, you do not recognize it. Why is this happening? Because you have a preconceived notion of what should be a miracle. So, even when it is near, you can not recognize it.

What good is a miracle, if you can not find it? If you want to let a miracle in my heart, please understand that it may be different from what you imagined. Be open to his presence in my life and let him open up to you.

Someone might ask: "Why did not God send a miracle to me, which I ask him?" This is what a miracle, of whom you ask, most likely, will not set you free from fear.

Therefore, it will not be wonderful, and the fear just recreate the circumstances that forced you to ask about the demonstration of a miracle.

Allow yourself to God to answer your prayer. Do not try to tell him what you need. He knows it better than you.

Open up his presence in your life. Became willing to learn from Him and know Him. Your fear will dissolve in this desire. With it you wake up to the attainment of its true nature.