Saturday, April 21, 2012

Robin S. Sharma

Learn to be silent


William Wordsworth wisely observed: "When the world is vain for a long time separates us from the best that is in us, when worries are unbearable, and the pleasure of a burden, - how sweet and pleasant it is solitude!"

Say, when was the last time you managed to keep quiet and feel the peace? When was the last time you could not sparing his life cut off from a large chunk of time to get enough energy alone, is able to recover, transform and revitalize your mind, body and spirit?

All the world's great wisdom traditions of understanding one thing in common: to upgrade ties with their true essence and for the knowledge of their own inner greatness you have to regularly be in silence. Of course, you are very busy.

But as Thoreau said: "Being busy is not enough: as such there are ants. The question is, what are you busy. "

When I think about how important it is sometimes silent, I remembered the story of an old lighthouse keeper. He had a certain amount of oil, with which he maintained the fire in the lantern beacon to passing ships could go around the rocky coast. One night an old man who lived next door asked the superintendent a little oil to light their home, and he graciously agreed. When it was the next night, he was visited by a tired traveler and was begging for a little oil for your lantern to light your way in darkness. The inspector did not remain indifferent to this request, he gave the traveler as much oil as he requested. The next night, the superintendent was awakened by the door of the lighthouse, a woman knocked loudly. She begged him to give her the oil, without which it could not cover your home and feed his family. The inspector could not refuse, and at this time. Soon he had not left the oil, and the lighthouse was extinguished. Many of the passing ships ran aground, and sailors were killed - all because the superintendent has forgotten its primary task. He neglected his primary duty, for which others paid with their lives.

Every day, staying alone at least for a few minutes, you'll be able to concentrate on their main priorities in life and do not become neglected their priorities, which so often happens in the lives of many of us.

And say that you do not have time to be alone with him - it's like not to fill your own car with petrol, referring to the fact that driving takes all your time. Do not fill up - you will not go.