Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Confess relentless love

Robin S. Sharma

Confess relentless love
Self-discipline is a golden thread runs through a person's life, making it relevant and successful in all respects. Self-discipline makes a man do all the work, which he understood the need, but that all the time trying to avoid.

Without discipline we can not clearly define its goals, effectively manage time, a good attitude to people, take care of their health or to abstain from evil thoughts.

Habit of internal discipline I call the "relentless love," because to be demanding with himself - it's a great gesture of love. By forcing yourself to be collected, you begin to live more purposefully, in accordance with its principles, and not just react like opavshemu from the tree, persecuted the wind sheet.

At one seminar I said: "The more demanding you show to yourself, the easier it will develop your life." The content of a person's life is ultimately determined by the correctness of his choice or decision. This happens when we think of the beloved profession or interesting to us a book about what time to wake up in the morning is best, or what you should consider during the day. When a man constantly takes willpower, making the right with his point of view of choice, and ignores the easier ways to solve his problem, he gains control over their lives. People who live a bright and fulfilling lives, not wasting their time on such a decision unnecessary tasks that do not deliver them to unnecessary trouble. They have the courage to, to listen to the voice of reason, to take a wise decision in any situation. It is this ability makes them great.

"A successful man used to do what losers do not like to do - once noted writer and thinker EM Gray. - It is not necessary to successful people love to do it. However, they are able to subordinate their desire goal. "

When he came to the same conclusion, an English writer of the 19th century, Thomas Henry Huxley said: "Perhaps the most important result of all education is the ability to make something that should, regardless of their desires."

Somewhat differently expressed this thought wise Aristotle: "Man in the life of a well is given that on which he is hard at work: a good builder, for example, will be only those who have a lot of builds, and a good harpist - someone who plays a lot of the harp. In the same way as a matter of justice, we are fair. By controlling our actions, we are gathered, and performing daring deeds, we are brave. "