Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pursue the merger of body and soul

Jill Edwards

Pursue the merger of body and soul

In "Ulysses," James Joyce described the man who "lived at some distance from his body." You may also have met such people: they seem to be some kind of distant and ghostly, as if hovering over his body. They talked quietly, often repeating the same thing. From the side it seems that they are in constant shock. At worst, these people barely cope with their daily activities. In such cases, the soul and the human body can be separated from each other, which usually occurs due to a serious emotional or physical trauma. Soul to protect themselves from possible damage and broke away from the body, keeping only the contact, which is sufficient to sustain life in man.

Although such events are rare, many of us have experienced this condition in a milder form, izvstnoy as "split mind" or "emptiness in his soul." We can feel the side of life, to perceive the world in a vague and unreal as experience of depression or apathy. At such times, reduced viability of the organism, decreased energy, loss of self-purpose and direction in which to move. Possible failures of memory, the sense of separateness from the body, there may be addictions. We no longer understand why we live, we feel a void, like something out of our lives and we really miss it.

If you are not completely in my body (probably because of the experienced events, a large amount of mental work, from a negative attitude towards one's own body or even overload meditation), you will not feel quite alive. According to the wisdom of the Huns, the body is a crucial link to your higher "I", so you will also find themselves cut off from the inner guidance, and the two cornerstones of the deeper reality: the knowledge that "I love" and that "there remain safely."According to William Blum: "You can not feel his safety, if not completely in the body and do not feel that it is part of the earth."

Here are five tips to help you achieve the fusion of soul and body

1. Walk in nature. Preferably barefoot. This will help you "land" in the physical body.

2. More fun. Enjoy the sensual pleasures. Hug with your friends, smell roses, lie on the grass, so that you feel like a body.

3. Love and appreciate your body. Sorry if you criticized or insulted him. Send him to thoughts of love. (Serezno! you feel the difference!)

4. Find out creativity. Imagination and creativity will enable sound mix for your soul, and therefore lead to the merging of body and soul.

5. Breathe! Many of us are limited to shallow breathing upper chest, and it suppresses emotions and sensory feelings.Breathe deeply, do not forget the belly. Breathing should be quiet and smooth. Dedicate this a few minutes each day.Relax and focus on your breathing.

According to ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine commandments: "If you can live in pure joy all the time, you will realize that this perfect health." This requires that the mind, body and spirit are in balance and have been combined. This means life in the deep reality - no worries.

When we constantly inhabit in a relaxing period of time, limiting or even eliminating negative beliefs, emotions flow in the body easily and naturally. Diseases are not compulsory, aging slows or even stops.

It is a sacred union of body and soul, spirit and matter. This is a true paradise on earth.