Thursday, April 29, 2010

El Tat. Overcoming karma.

El Tat. Overcoming karma.

Any meeting in life - karma. Each for something and for some reason given to you. Each puts its imprint in your destiny. One adds only a small discreet bar, you do not remember about it and not notice the traces left by it, but it is ... Another meeting is all over your destiny, an integral part of your personality and life itself. Throw it - and nothing will remain. The fate will be different, and you - a completely different person.


These are the people with whom we frequently or not very often, but it occurs in life, sometimes working together very pleasantly, sometimes not very pleasant. In the category of friends, we can not record them because I do not feel a great affinity with them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are for us, except that just acquaintances. It's friends, neighbors, permanent hair stylist, attendant, school teachers of our children and parents of school friends of our children. Category is the most extensive in our lives. And how differently we behave in a bath and a parents' meeting, so in many ways we build our energy relations with different friends. Familiar - a measure of versatility, or, by contrast, focused our personality; indicator of what we called the karmic problem solved in this life.

If any of the familiar human dominated the narrow circle of people such as scientists certain disciplines or teachers, doctors, military, etc., hence, his karmic problem is defined and associated with one of the areas of human activity. For example, you are a doctor, and among your acquaintances, almost all - people, one way or another connected with medicine. Therefore, to treat people - your karmic task, and most likely you have it pretty well - well you work off their karma.

But there are strange things. A man connected with the technique of the profession, and all his friends - musicians. Or a man - a musician, and all the familiar - cooks. This happens when passion or hobby takes people much more than their profession. Sometimes, life is clearly divided into two parts: my work and my hobby, the first being disagreeable, and the latter is very interesting and nice. This indicates that correctly chosen life path, and hence the great unrealized creative potential of man. It would be nice to change your life in terms of basic professional activity. And as close to her favorite pastime. Without a doubt, you will be living off in all aspects of life: improve your health, mood, relationships with loved ones will be favorable. You will feel full of energy and creative ideas.

But this is the case when the vital tasks of man have specific, narrow focus of karma: art, science, teaching, healing, agriculture, engineering, etc.

There are people with other, broader and more abstract karmic challenges. Circle of acquaintances of these people are not just very large, but very diverse. They fascinated the process of communication devices of human affairs and relationships. They are interested to organize a variety of cases to solve other people's problems. Such people feel equally comfortable in any society. They understand all find a common language and a man without a fixed residence, and a prominent scholar and poet, physician and musician, dustman and a factory engineer. They believe their in the world of art and respect those in power. Often, people of this nature using their ability to live well, to make money. Due to "connections" they "knocking together capital" or placed at work in the "dust-free" place, where the pay is so much that you can live comfortably.

And yet such people a huge karmic challenge. They always feel it as a huge potential of its unrealized potential. And even with all imaginable joy in life, always feel a vague sense of dissatisfaction with not having done something important ... Indeed, the problem of such people - to serve the public in the broadest sense.

Well, when they have a plan and the possibility of its realization. Then they start to lead the business, shopping, become co-sponsors, led by government programs, etc., carrying ideas improvement of life and society. In doing so they have a lot of money, but do not envy them - they have a talent business. In addition, with more money more trouble, and if you knew what trouble it would renounce them willingly. In business these people are great to assignments of public organizations, various committees on ecology, education, etc., as well as judges, investigators, managerial and administrative work. That's their destiny and their karma - public service. All of us, the inhabitants of the Earth, are one and alike, and we have common objectives. The way each person lives, depends the whole society as a whole, which means that each of us. The energy interaction with the category of the most familiar variety. We know each other can be perceived as very close and friendly people who love them more than family, be with them spiritually united, and we can take anyone of them even hostile. Depending on this we build our relationship with them. But let us remember that this category is fairly far from us by the law of karmic ties.

(Prodozhenie follows)