Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jill Edwards Learn to say: "Enough!"

Jill Edwards
Learn to say: "Enough!"

My brother got me in France, an old barn, or rather, almost a skeleton on it. He immediately hired a team of builders, plumbers and other professionals, hoping to turn this ruin in a lovely house. It seemed that the failure haunted him, one after another from the beginning of the event. That wall collapses, then the basement flooded just at a time when the work of electricians ... But he noticed that the workers belonged to these adversities rather calmly. They just shrugged their shoulders and say: "Enough!" In the end, this was reflected in the behavior of my brother. In the case of any failure, he is easily waved his hand, saying: "Enough!"

The ability to say "Enough!" - An invaluable ability. When there is something unpleasant - so trivial as a broken plate or down a tire, or as serious as dismissal from work or a house fire - you always have a choice as to how to react. You can start to panic and exaggerate his grief, self-pity in every way - as a teenager, for which a pimple on my chin is tantamount to the end of the world, or simply to say: "Enough!"

Now, being a mother has just learned to walk baby, I often repeat this phrase cherished. Imagine: brand new, washed and ironed the tablecloth on the floor, smeared with the remnants of food, plates scattered on the carpet, yogurt poured out on the couch (while on it more closely resembled) ... I begin cleaning, and then pack cereal poured into the washing machine! And all this happens under the cheers of my baby! (By the way, the children offer us innumerable chances to develop your patience, the ability to restrain, as well as a sense of humor!)

If we talk about more serious problems, it reminds me of when I first learned that my father's doctors discovered cancer of the intestine. I realized that I have a choice. I could endlessly bleed for him and for his mother, worry and cry without ceasing, in fear because of what he might soon die. Or I could say the famous "Enough!" From the heart to send him love and positive thoughts and make sure that in any case, everything will be fine. I chose the second option. It helped me to fully maintain its internal peace during this family crisis. (Two years later, it became clear that the tumor had disappeared, and now a father again enjoying life.)

You can use other phrases, more emotional, or conversely, calm ("Well, figs with him!" Or "Everything will be fine.") If you are late for your train or plane, if offered the coveted post is not for you, but to another, if you are redundant, if someone decided to break off relations with you, or your best friend moves to another city, say the sentence and believe in its power. It sure will help you move into a wider state of consciousness.

When you say "Well, all right!", This does not mean that you are resigned to an unpleasant situation or do not feel grief. It's your attitude to how you perceive the event and your sincere belief in what is still all right. This means that you have embraced what happened (which means you can move on and stop not expected), believe in something that will be able to adequately cope with the situation, and you know (because we live in a friendly universe), which in the end, it really would be great. This phrase is at the same time will take you to a carefree time.

Focus on the positive.

We get what we want. This is one of the basic laws of our universe, and mystics know it has many thousands of years. Our thoughts and emotions reminiscent of magnets that can attract certain people, situations and events to us, or, conversely, repel them. Thus, the outer world "magic" reflects our inner world. That is why light-hearted, and hard times are a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Every thought is a prayer. If you think positively about your favorite people, and the dreams that you are approaching, if you believe that everything in your life well, so you will attract more and more like it. If, however, your thoughts are negative or full of fear - for example, about what is about to leak roof or run out of money, you are experiencing due to the fact that your child is in a bad mood, the car stalled grip, your mother-in-law / mother in law forever you "fiddle", pain in the stomach does not let go, and so on - then you, thus attracts more and more trouble.

If you really need something to experience, then give yourself a limited period of time, say ten minutes, and then begin to rage furiously, without thinking about anything except the splash of emotions from your system! In these moments you worry about all that can happen, consider a worst side of the events that have already taken place, jumped at the opportunity complain, complain about my life in general. Do not let yourself be distracted for a single positive thought. Most likely, after a while you yourself burst into laughter. I seriously doubt that you soak your own "mourning", even for ten minutes. (If you do happen, and you will not find anything unusual, then you have built up a really serious problem!)

Of course, very useful to calmly analyze the problem, look at it from the side and ask: "What is really happening?", Without feeling guilt or shame. Perhaps your intuition immediately tells you the reason, and you'll know what to do in this situation. This is a very different approach, and it differs from the endless excitement and empty chatter, which only add fuel to the fire.

If you think you are worried too often and long, it makes sense to talk with a restless man, inside the case yourself. For his part, he, of course, tries to help you, perhaps, protecting you from shock or disappointment, "preparing you for the worst. Perhaps he thinks that if you're something to worry too much, only then you will find a solution. You can explain to him that we get exactly, what are focusing their attention, so the excitement attract more and more other problems. The answer there soon, if we try to throw away their problem, rather than going to keep her in the head and chew like a bone. " Ask your Worries worry about what you truly want, for example, about your dreams, to feel the support, and not brake on the way.

If you hold a positive attitude to life, then, that whatever happens, you will be able to make best use of any situation. You make out opportunities in every crisis, if you ask yourself: "What can I learn in this case?" Or "What is the gift of this situation?" (At first glance seem strange to you, what could be a "gift" that have You flooded the kitchen, a migraine, or you suddenly redundant. But I can safely assure you that it exists.)

It is important to pay attention to what you think at that moment, when you lie in bed, ready to depart for the night. This is a very powerful time, because your subconscious is open to any suggestion. Worried you about their problems? Or focus on everyday affairs, which you will be tomorrow? Or thinking about what gifts to give to you today? Or maybe you're just filled with gratitude for all the good things in your life, and then you dream your dream? We get exactly what our thoughts are directed, so think about good things.