Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ernest Wood: Removing the idle emotions.

Ernest Wood:

Removing the idle emotions.

The search for small pleasures, which do not give the rest, and indulging their emotions, which are not in line with your activities and thoughts, weakens the will. Your main goal should be your main pleasure, if it is not so, or purpose, or pleasure - not from healthy. All this concerns the concentration, preferably within everyday life. We now turn to the daily exercises in the control of the mind.

Exercise. Select the appropriate time, sit quietly and look up your mind to some pleasant thoughts. Put the watch with second hand, note the exact time and closed his eyes, think about the subjects chosen, trying not to lose sight of him. After a while you will notice that they forgot about it and think about something else. Then check in your notebook: 1) What you focused, 2) the length of time, and 3) to what you caught my thought. This exercise can be repeated several times, but if you get a sore head, you should immediately stop it. For the initial exercises should be chosen a simple and relatively uninteresting subject, such as a coin or a clock or a pen from the pen and the exercise must be repeated for long, but every day for, say, a week, with the entry of detailed labels in a notebook.

You will find that your concentration on this subject usually stops at one of the following reasons: impatience, anxiety about anything, boredom, physical disturbance, headache, breath, various interferences. It is often transmitted by the expression that "the mind is restless. Note There is that attention can be easily interference and, for some reason, internal or external, is encouraged to evade favorite subject.

How to overcome this avoidance? Create a habit of return ideas. How? If you execute the following instructions as they are presented, you will be successful.

Usually doing this: by adopting the usual position, more forward focus on a particular object and then return it back to the starting point every time it is something distracted. Practise busy, mainly an effort to keep the thought in his mind, and partly diligence not to let it slip away and turn to other things: and he always returned to his wandering attention. Take instead the following exercise. Vote for the one subject on which you want to focus, and then think about everything, about what you want, but do not lose sight of the chosen subject.

If doing this exercise completely and in due time, it generates a habit of returning thought, replacing the habit of wandering, and thus obtain a tendency of mind to return to the central thought, and attention may be delayed in continuing a long time on the same subject. At the same time, this exercise revives the mind, forcing him when thinking of a matter quickly grab all the points of significance relating to this matter.

The comparison, which can help us, will travel by rail on the rich plains of the mountain, vidneyuscheysya away. Sitting on the train, we can see a variety of subjects, rushing past us at close range: fencing, bushes, trees, houses in the road behind them - the village, field, river, forest, lake and all the constantly changing terrain that lies between them and the mountain and at the same time, we do not cease to recognize the presence of the mountain, which stands like the axis around which seemed to revolve all these things. This pre-exercise concentration must be like for such a journey, during which we look at the kinds of flashing, but the central object of concentration continues to rise above all.

Do these exercises for half an hour a day for approximately two weeks before proceeding further. Carefully write down the subject, which you thought when you notice that they lost sight of him, and those thoughts that you found on the site of the lost object of concentration.

Do not really matter what the subject elected to concentrate, though at first better to avoid anything extensive or complex, or associated with unpleasant memories. It is possible to take a picture or symbol. An object can be replaced by another a few days.