Sunday, April 18, 2010

Experiments showed that for the hyperfine energy of thought is no spatial limits.

Experiments showed that for the hyperfine energy of thought is no spatial limits.

Worldwide generated a lot of experiments which find telepathy as a fact, a real phenomenon of life. In Russia telepathy been studied by many researchers. And of course, one of the major classifications of telepathy is Professor LL Vasiliev. He describes the many cases he studied. He distinguishes spontaneous telepathy and conscious. In spontaneous telepathy, for example, one can observe a vague and uncertain expression - the woman at work, in broad daylight, flew anxiety, severe emotional distress, just at a time when her father died at home.

Vasilyev also describes and stories from his personal life. "I was only twelve years, I have just moved into a second class of high school and came to the country, lies near the city of Pskov. My mother, who suffered from painful liver, went with my father for treatment in Karlovy Vary, leaving my sister and brother to care of their younger sisters. We, the children received more than usual, discretion, and enjoyed it. One evening, we decided to repeat one of the adventures of children of Captain Grant, who escaped from a tree by the floods. Our choice fell on the spreading willow, bent over the water on the other side of the river. Paganel I portrayed, and so came into this role that, as he jumped from a tree and fell into the water and not being able to swim and began to sink. Just grabbing a branch that came to hand, I'm with great difficulty managed to get up the steep bank. My brother and sister watched in mute horror from a tree on the scene. Particularly worrying about the inevitability of punishment. Hide aunts from their adventure, we could not: I was soaked to the skin, and my new high-school cap with a white top - the object of my pride and admiration - caught by the current, drifted to the dam and disappeared in the foam and spray. our aunt's home, gritting his heart, decided not to write to parents about what had happened (to them it was also not beneficial), taking with us the word that we do not repeat anything like it. Imagine our surprise and embarrassment - and ours, and aunts - when the first day of arrival, the mother of all the details tell our story, pointed to the hapless willow, referred to the cap, uplyvshey to the dam, and so d. All she saw in a dream in Carlsbad, and waking up in tears and distress, persuaded her husband that same hour he sent a telegram home - everything is well with the children? father admitted that the telegraph office he had not gone as well, to reassure the patient, Half an hour nap in the hotel lobby, and returned, said that the telegram was sent.

In 1937, American Society for Physical Research conducted an experiment on the exchange of ideas between the Australian polar explorer Hubert Wilkins, heading for the plane to the North Pole and the American-skim telepathy researcher Harold Sherman. Trizh-ing week Wilkins sent in a certain time if your cape-Sherman, who led at the same recording. Sherman was at the time of the experiment in New York. After the end of each second session "exchange of ideas" at a distance of several thousand kilometers, the message sent to the Society of Physical Research. There they were fixed and the result came to the conclusion that more than 80 percent reporting Wilkins and Sherman's record match.

The experiments were conducted in Russia. In Moscow - Yuri Kamensky in Leningrad - K. Nikolaev, attempts were made to transfer mental images of objects. Experiments were also successful. September 24, 1962 Psychiatrist PM Goldberg presented his unique patient, capable of cutaneous vision. Subsequently Roza Kuleshov gained wide popularity in the USSR. She took to touch a variety of colors, could distinguish between pictures on the magazines, read with your eyes closed. Effect of Roses Kuleshova led some scientists to conduct a series of experiments that area. Professor VP Zinchenko, Academician AN Leontiev, BF Lomov clearly expressed that a number of years conducting research in this area. Wave study of psychometrics, telepathy, clairvoyance, which arose at the end of the last century, once again stirred the minds of Soviet and foreign scientists in the 70's. And finally, in connection with these events was obtained by the Kirlian effect of spouses. When taking pictures of living tissues in high frequency detected halo aura. We already have tools to diagnose patients by means of Kirlian photography, before it would be surprising. The man was phenomenal abilities N. Kulagina, proclaiming the ability of telekinesis is not only scientists, but also in a public statement in the program "The View." Reserved hundreds of works in the field parapsychic phenomena. For example, in 1974 the USSR State Register under the number 122 were recorded discovery of the phenomenon of "distant intercellular interactions of two tissue cultures. Scientists VP Kaznacheyeva, LP Mikhailova, SP Shurina was proven the existence of energy exchange of information both at the cellular, organismal, and so on, even population levels. This became the basis for numerous experiments by Soviet scientists.

But for some reason normal people do not pay attention to such a surprising phenomenon - if they do not exist. That could bring huge benefits to people who are not noticed. But many of these abilities may have a majority of people. So now in the world parapsychology moves from a theoretical angle in an increasingly practical. Now you can come to one of Moscow's schools and learn telepathy, this will not be surprising. At school, Mr. Bronnikov you show how children can read with my eyes closed, playing computer games through a closed panel of the monitor will show a completely unique children who are capable of with his eyes closed playing football and stuff. In Russia, about a dozen such schools, where people can get real, practical skills. They are somewhat ahead of its time, soon, perhaps, many of these abilities will awaken the people en masse and totally spontaneous.

But if we're going to invade science, we miss the most important - that, in fact, what these skills are used - for a holistic vision of the world, to obtain information of a higher order than telepathy. Although telepathy opens the door to understanding the third signaling system. The brain as an electrochemical organ, experiences emotions, and thus creates momentum. There are all definitions of this process is not offered and scientists and parapsychologists, starting and ending telepetemy bioplasm. But the name actually does not change. If the psychic apparatus looks like a sum raznozaryazhennyh foci, it opens the door not only to communicate without a telephone, but also to the possibility of correction of mental energy of human life. Thus, American intelligence agencies have created a whole program, which allows to control other people. It is enough evil intentions - to control the man, and yet, more than twenty years have been spent on the program mind - control. Fortunately, these skills are almost impossible to use for evil, at least for a long time.

In contrast to the solid matter in space micro-distance there.

Therefore, we observe phenomena such as reading with your fingers, vision through dense obstacles, telepathy, energy impact of man on man.

These skills can not be applied for evil, as they are at the level of thin automatism of nature.

S. Jagdish