Thursday, April 15, 2010

Features of perception of energy

El Tat

(To be continued)
Features of perception of energy

Sensing a strange power, we process and to comprehend it. In the process matures and soul mined karmic debt. By the way people appreciate the people around you, he understands who he is. So he understands that prevents him to find happiness in this world and what it takes to be happy.

You can absorb the energy of the stars (which, apparently, did the ancient Egyptians), natural elements (like the Chinese are watching the interaction of the sky, sea, sun). You can take the energy of nature: flora and fauna (druids, South American Indians, tribes ancient Russians). In this process, the soul also acquires knowledge and power, the soul grows and matures. But the road is apparently not connected with the working out of our karmic debts. Carmo, a person gains among men and among them her "work off".

Each person is perceived the same energy. This amazing phenomenon is impossible to understand from the standpoint of human reason.

A man comes into the shop, and insulted him there. Something clicks in his head, and it offends someone, just maybe, more and more. Another person in the same circumstances decides not to offend a dirty word and nobody ever, because he himself felt as unpleasant.

One child beaten as a child, and he then beats his children, believing that this is a good way of upbringing, because of himself turned out a "good person". Others also beaten, and he was embittered, becomes a criminal, he hates everyone. With the third act as the first two, but he grows defender of the weak and oppressed, fair and honest man. He can not just hit, but hurt, because he knows how it feels.

Why is one and the same action, the same aggressive energy message is triggered in different minds and souls of so differently? We know these things, only one Creator. We can only assume that the way each soul is unique, as unique, and every soul! Therefore, written in the Bible: "Judge not! For God did not know and can not know whom to blame for that.
How to help your soul

Perceiving another's negative, we either accept this energy and with it live, or rejects and try to overcome its negative effects. Obviously, to resist the dark and dirty can only be strong and light showers. How to make a big heart and strong?

Hermeticism gives the answer: more and more to think about the bright and good!

Not for nothing in the literature described a spate of stories about bad childhood, when the child, humiliating, devoid of warmth and affection, bears in his heart pretty good dream, and it helps him to overcome all the ills of life and lead ship of their own destiny in clean water. Let us recall from childhood familiar images of Cinderella and the little Cozette, Alyosha boy from the "Black Chicken", Pinocchio and many other characters. Children's writers with their inherent sensitivity, are trying to give children this energy formula for finding happiness.

Bright ideas, pure dreams, belief in a higher power, faith in God gives man power to cope with evil. The idea is material, says hermetic, all have a thought.

In the animal world aggression breeds aggression. In the human world, even a proverb is: how will backfire - and respond. So what makes us different from animals? The fact that we are able to force the mind to transform negative energy into positive, to extinguish the aggression did not answer evil for evil, and thereby terminate the evil.

You tried once to send positive impulses enabling your energy irritable and angry man? No need to humbly accept his anger and aggression, do not need to bow, but overcoming the pressure of his aggression, to send the momentum of goodwill and understanding, peace and compassion. Try!

First, you will feel how hard to resist the onslaught of negative energy, while maintaining their independent status, as much emotional strength you need to collect to exhale the positive charge toward aggression. But if it happens - you'll see a miracle! In your eyes people calm down, his irritation go out, he himself would find it strange. He may begin to apologize, or will feel uncomfortable. Do not laugh at him and not the triumph of their victory. Send him a more friendly energy, and you'll be forever friends. How simple! And as hard!

(To be continued)