Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is the occult?

Dion Fortune
What is the occult?

To give an impartial assessment of Spiritual Science, we must study originals, and try to penetrate the minds of the great mystics and intellectuals, whose works indicate the direct knowledge of supersensual worlds.

There are states of consciousness that transcend the normal, and then dominate these states, we can recognize the forms of existence, which, as a rule, do not touch. All prophets are unanimous on this issue, and we can take it as a basis for explaining the origin of the occult. There are stories about the world superhumans who taught occultism of our ancestors and created their civilization.

Excess capacity of human reason reveals man weird range of experiences. This accumulated experience of generations of weird perceived through the excess capacity, sporadically have evolved for mankind, is the subject of occultism and delivers the facts to his theories.

The word "occult" means "hidden" and the word "esoteric", often used as a synonym to mean "for the elect. If we combine these two words, one can conclude that the occult - is actually a branch of knowledge which is hidden from many and is intended for the few.

Science bases its evidence on the five senses of a normal person; occultism is appealing to the "opinion" of feelings, which are found rarely develop in humans. The average person when expressing its views on occult matters must come from the surrounding evidence. Occultism, like classical music, designed for the elite. Rate it might only people who have natural or acquired as a result of learning a gift. It is frustrating is not available, since it has no common starting point from which to push off.

Some people have gained experience, which forced them to think and ask questions. These people saw something outside the four walls of our daily lives and they are no longer satisfies the assertion that nothing exists except us visible. In their search for these people can follow the path of experimental research, as did the spiritualists, revealing in his work to a huge mass of phenomena supersensual states of being. Or, following another line of promotion, they enjoy the merits of those appeals to the legend for an explanation. Until then, until you begin to study the literature on this subject, unaware of its extensiveness. And this course extends the one hand, from the oral tradition and mythology to the works of well-educated philosopher, whose thoughts put them up our limits of time and space.

However, it should be remembered that the occult - this is more than a scientific philosophy. This is - a great experience, and it is this vast experience of the theory of occultism seek to systematize and explain.

Not identical to the occult and psychology. His subject is much broader, since exploring little-known aspects of the human mind and intelligent part of Nature. His findings, properly defined and understood, coincide with the findings already are indispensable in psychology and natural science. There were no differences in the conclusions of the occult and in the conclusions of science on issues that science is able to check, should not be. We can no longer be satisfied with fantastic statements mediums, not confirmed by impartial evidence.

But the occult - this is more than science, so you can deal with it impartially. Among other things, he expounds a philosophy of life, are due to the experience, and it is this philosophical or even religious aspect has attracted the majority of those who dedicate their lives to him.

He who seeks, gets into those plans, which come revelations, and they have for him a completely different meaning and validity. He no longer depends on faith, he has gained personal experience and that experience tends to formulate a religious belief, which prompts him to take part in an act, usually intended for the saints and angels as servants and messengers of God. To this end, since time immemorial been trained and training of specially selected people in schools, known as Mystery School.

Knowing more rare forms of nature assures that they have on the life of an ordinary person elusive and obscure the impact is much more than you can imagine, especially during the illness and its treatment. But, in addition to teaching on the nature of invisible planovsuschestvovaniya, Mystery School teaches the great fundamental doctrine of reincarnation, in other words, fluctuations of the soul between the visible and invisible. This concept changes the attitude to life, and at this stage, the occult is not only a philosophy, but a system of ethics.

A man or woman, dissatisfied conventional explanations of philosophy and science, which are limited data of the five physical senses, the occult opens the rich deposits of rock for opportunity. His theories have shed light on all aspects of life, explain much of that being considered only in the worldly sense, seems inexplicable, and put religion on a trial basis and not on the basis of blind faith.