Thursday, April 29, 2010

Excerpts from the book Zora Aleph Answers uninitiated II "

Excerpts from the book Zora Aleph Answers uninitiated II "

... on advertising, such as "lapel", "Privorot", "true man" - "one hundred percent effect" ...
Do the relationships these actions to witchcraft?

- Yes, this is the lowest manifestation of magic or sorcery.

- What is here is witchcraft?

Witchcraft here is any occult influence on the free human will, which is sacred, because it will make a man divine being fully utilized.

If you think deeper, the Satanic are, in fact, many of the types of advertising, as if imposing man a certain mode of behavior. For example, advertising of some products: "You have no other choice - and so on. This is code that is stored in the subconscious, and thence to some point - as calculated by psychologists, simulating that ad - float and make a person strive for the cherished commodity. Privorot - this is the same ads, just magically rendered concrete and clad in a form of ritual, having a historical continuity.

- For example, some granny Frosya advertises itself, saying: "It is true husband." She really can return her husband?

- You misunderstood. Similarity Privorot and advertising - something entirely different. This is not Grandma Frosya advertises itself as Grandma Frosya - the same model - advertising Uncle Yegor personality Aunt Dunya. That's what it was. And this is done on the Astral Plane is not verbally, but through the transfer of psychic energy, bearing the image of Aunt Dunya in the subconscious Uncle Yegor.

- Still, if it really can Grandmother Frosya return of her husband, as promised?

- Grandma Frosya can have such an impact on her husband, in which he physically returns to the family. But as a rule, the family after such a return will not
may be restored on another - at home - level. My husband (or wife) returned with a sense of "rape". A man could escape because he was emotionally raped earlier in her family, after that it might charm and such a way that he kindled the desires of someone, and then bewitched him again (this is the third rape), when he returned to the family . They say that in this way with him "removed Privorot. But in fact this Privorot nobody shoots. Just sent another encoding pulse with an active reminder of the need to go back.

- I emphasize that this is possible:

a) If the soul of man there is a corresponding point of vulnerability, which may let the negative impact;

b) if the will of man is already pre-crushed;

c) if the relevant grandmother Frosya really knows how to conduct such an effect. I must say that among advertisers frank swindle (thank God) have been ninety-nine per cent. If, however, for them it is a business involved in the game of Satanism, one percent of these people, alas, may have certain techniques that affect a person's will on sensual and sexual level ... And it is a practical Satanism.

- But when talking about "lapel" probably means that if someone is bewitched by side, they are able ...

- The same people who declare that they impede the coding sense, these actions and conduct. This is similar to how hackers launch viruses in the Internet, in order to then make anti-virus and get money for it. But here the situation is somewhat more complicated, because, as already stated, we are confronted with the overwhelming majority of blatant quackery touting themselves witches and all sorts of "non-traditional individuals. Advertising itself "Privorot-lapel" should act as an emetic to a reasonable person: he must be feeling rejection, disgust, should see itself demon. That demonic generates in man the conviction that it is possible to beneficially affect someone else's free will. And also, that such actions can somehow be morally justified - that's especially sad.

- And yet the press is negligible sumnyashesya publish this kind of ad ...

- Well, first, as it is said: "Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do" ... Although many newspapermen not so ignorant and realize that provoke its readers. However, they say to myself: "So what, because they pay money for it" - or: "We have a democracy and everyone has the right to any ad. But if the print type declaration: "professional killer" - then this will certainly be interested relevant authorities ...
Why did not the less provocative and dangerous information without compunction advertised and exploited? Obviously, it is believed that this is some kind of frivolous things, something like a game. But even if an advertiser can not do anything and just put on a mystery, even in this case - the very proposal to apply for such assistance is, in fact, provoke a man to strike a deal with the devil.

- Assume that we are talking about the very grandmother or a sorcerer, which is really something they can. How is a concrete impact on human feelings?

- I call it "encoding feelings. There are the same as that for any occult effects:
introduction of alien psychic energy, belonging to the sorcerer, in the astral body of the victim and the establishment of the victim astrosome imprint of the personality, to which she should be attracted. This mark is active, endowed with qualities of attraction and magnetism, and often incantatory-method combined with the preparation of so-called privorotnogo potions, over which also committed certain rituals. Philtre composed of substances that stimulate sexual instincts of Man. Accordingly, privorotny effect (after the potion drunk man whom they want to charm) is the active act of sexual centers, and awakening of interest in the person concerned. As a result, the astral body is deepening the impression, which has previously been imposed energy ...