Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oak Forest mordovsih

Oak Forest mordovsih

In the forests of the Mordvin Alatyr river is an ancient tract Knyazhiy log - local know it. And standing there as much since the XIV century, a huge oak, which has long been called Satan. No wonder the so-called: a long, terrible and mysterious history with him. We will tell you about it, what is known from chronicles, legends, historical works.

We will not go into the history of princely mezhduusobits in Russia back in the XIV century, say the main thing. In a bitter struggle the Grand label on the throne of Moscow was a young Dmitri, later to become lrozvische Don, and the neighborhood in the Nizhny Novgorod Suzdal principality ruled by princes of the genus Konstantinovich, were three of them, but in our story appeared only middle of the brothers - Dmitry.

Autumn at times in 1374 on the river came Alatyr squad prince Postnikov, pursuing Mordvinian army. So far Nizhniy Novgorod army never entered before. Mordovtsev part of the beat, and partly dispersed, and in memory of the victory, as if to say: "there were Russian, prince planted dubok.v the same place, which was later called Princes ravine. Since that time, and begins a long and eventful history of the Satanic oak.

Whether Mordovian sorcerers conspiracy to death in retaliation for the defeat, whether such was the fate of Ivan Dmitrievich, but he became the first victim of Satanic oak. What happened was this: in 1377 in Nizhny Novgorod moved horde Tartar prince Arapsha, coming from the shores of Lika, and the Aral Sea. Prince Dmitry had sent him to meet a strong army under the leadership of his son Ivan. Russian squad stood on the river drunk and carelessly spent time: the governor had received the news that Arapsha still far away - somewhere in the region of the Donets.

It was the July heat - armor were stacked on the carts or not at all packed in packs, weapons, too, was not prepared for battle. Prince, the governor and the boyars brought to the hunting fun. However, soon began to come alarming reports, but they did not pay attention. "Who can stand against us?" - Said Rusichi and began to ride in a simple dress. In addition, the army began a wholesale drunkenness.

A Mordovian princes, who knew in their own lands, all the secret paths, secretly brought to the encampment Tatars Russian militia. Second of August suffered a sudden and devastating blow. Russian proved to be totally ready to resist, and fled in terror through drunk. During the crossing prince Ivan with many of the boyars and simple warriors drowned, others were mercilessly killed by the Tatars and the Allied Mordovtsev.

And again, once again, broke horsemen Mamaeva hordes in Nizhny Novgorod region. We knew that there was no Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich of Nizhny, and without him nobody would have a proper rebuff. Townspeople in boats, plow - to all that stood tethered to the jetties, - rushed to the other bank of the Volga, and from there watched the ant flickering robbery, a sore destruction and fire. Finally the smoke cleared. Ordyntsev too as the wind blew.

Hoping that after such a defeat of Nizhny Novgorod principality o'stalos without protection, and Mordovians wanted to try his luck - swam up and began to plunder all that was left after the Tatars, then went home. But the Russian squad caught up with her at the drunk and brutally crushed. And to teach it, the winter collected princes strong army, which entered into Mordovian land and created it is empty ", according to the chronicler.

Quercus is known to be inherently good tree - for him people are going to gain silushkienergii. However, seedling prince Ivan, it is clear from the outset that something went wrong. Another saplings he had absorbed a pre-mortem energy of fear and pain, bruising, Mordovtsev, cruel joy of the winners. Perhaps it has changed its energy on the negative. As living tree in the XV century, no one knows, but it is well known what was going on under his shadow in the XVI.

Interested him history researcher Andrew NIZOVSKIY wrote: "Princes oak log was popular in the middle of the XVI century. Evaluated its spreading branches and a strong, oak was used as a ready-made gallows. This practice is entrenched in the era of the capture of Kazan (the conquest of the Kazan Khanate in 1552. - Ed.), where the oak log Princes, according to legend, was hanged two prisoners Tatar "magicians", and the Tsar's time, and during the Troubles, when the overnight on the branches of an oak rocking of the body at once fifteen robbers ... The body gallows were buried there in the wells - the custom of hanging had no right to be buried on consecrated ground. "

And in the XVII century oak used for the "rogue business. Do not forget about it and during the uprising of Stepan Razin (1670 1671): first the rebels jerking nobles, and then to know "decorate" his captive trash.

We can say that the oak log from the Princes are out of luck: in addition to death, he had in its history, not seen. Under the roots of his rotting remains of the mingled gallows, swinging on the branches stinking "ornaments.

And soon it's time and the history through which the tree got its grim nickname Satan oak.