Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lise Bourbeau. Cause and effect

Lise Bourbeau
Cause and effect

Understanding the immutable Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect will help you become a master of his destiny. Simply put, any action causes a reaction, or "what you sow, so shall you reap". What you make in your life, do you want from it and get.

The Law of Cause and Effect - is a universal law governing the physical, mental, psychic, cosmic and spiritual worlds. "I do not believe in it" is as meaningless as to deny the law of universal gravitation. If you convince yourself that there is no such thing as gravity, try to jump from his desk and noticed how long you stay in the air.

The law of gravity exists. Planting beans, try to convince yourself that you sow carrots. And how do you think that you gather as a result? Exactly. You gather what they sow, and that's what you do in life. Everything you reap in life, was sown thy conscious and unconscious thoughts. This seed of your reality, so try to understand what you sow.

I could give thousands of examples to illustrate this law. Here are a few of them.

What do you think right now you could move into a house that is worth a million dollars? No? It is not for you - this is only for "rich" right? And now you're here! You reap what they sow your thoughts. Why do so many people live in expensive mansions? There are thousands of millionaires. But why should they, not you? Only because they believe in it!

Would you like to take a vacation for a whole year? You replied: "I can not afford it - I certainly would, but it is impossible - there is no money, no time - where it lead me?" To where you are now.

Do you believe that the disease is hereditary? Course. Most likely, you think that you have in this matter no choice. You will never be another choice, as long as you do not believe that it you have. You create this in my life, because you believe that it should be. Do you accept the idea that the disease is hereditary, and this is your truth.

And you know that at present scientists recognize less and less "hereditary" disease? Although a genetic predisposition to the disease, the only "inherited" disease that I am ready to accept a way of thinking passed down from generation to generation.

The Law of Cause and Effect applies to all of us, as well as the law of universal gravitation. He did not choose any race, any generation, or economic or social status. Rich or poor you are, the Pope or the beggar, man, woman or child - this law applies to you. Whenever you try to ignore it, you'll suffer the consequences. But, in order to determine the consequence of any specific reason, it is often necessary to have considerable wisdom.

If you spend your life in idleness, waiting for all you given on a silver platter, it never will achieve that success, what is making people who are enthusiastic and always works hard. Many constantly envious of others, watching their progress, being sure that they themselves have no chance. Nothing was done about it, they reap what they sow.

If you feel that your life is not enough love - someone forgot to sow? If people do not show enough affection to you - someone forgot to sow? If your attachment is untrue or if you are at the same time waiting for something, it does not lead to a rich harvest. Expectations are born mind, they do not come from the heart. However he did not heart-felt love and affection without any expectations, and you'll enjoy the harvest!

Guided by the mind, you can not reap the harvest, who grew up in someone's heart. Intimate conversation, going from heart to heart - not the same thing as "conversation", "talking about this and that, is not it? He is always open, sincere, he has no borders, no barriers. The same should be and love - from heart to heart.

If you want to change the investigation and the results in any area of your life, the only thing you need to change - this is their cause. See what you reap, and look back to check that you have sown. No doubt you will find the cause.

Sit too close to the fire and you burn yourself. Touch a piece of ice with bare hands, and they freeze. Too simple? The Law of Cause and Effect, with respect to each area of your life, is just as easy.

The reaction corresponds to the product action. Human beings, dealing with such a simple principle, reached perfection in the complexity of their lives. They are hopelessly entangled in constant agitation, doubts and fears. It leads nowhere. Before you decide which direction to go, take a minute to look at themselves. It really is the place where you would like to come?

If you do not understand why some situations in your life is constantly repeated, remember that you reap what sow from early childhood. If you, as a small child, he decided to self-pity, you will continue to self-pity, and then, when you get an adult. Such programming can occur in the form of ill-health, mental disorders, or an unbridled temper. Most likely, you do not remember that taking such decisions, because usually it is done unconsciously.

But in order to understand this concept, not necessarily return to their early childhood. You can start a new chapter in my life right now! You can change the consequences that were worried, starting from this moment to change the causes. If you decide that starting from this moment on, you want to reap more love in your life, begin to sow it everywhere.

Shoots appear very quickly, and you can harvest and enjoy even the young shoots. Stop wasting time, tormented by the past! Everything that exists, there is now - make it work for you - it is here, in front of you and you can use it!

'This is what you will reap! Begin to think about abundance, if this is what you would like to have. If a fine restaurant gives you more pleasure than a cafeteria, go to this restaurant! Enjoy these visits - live according to its true nature. Your subconscious quickly reprogrammed to express exactly who you are - and you can be sure it really is what you are. Trust yourself and therefore change their attitude.

He speaks aloud, mentally and only those words that should become the seeds that you sow. If you think that eating in a fancy restaurant, you can not pay for your apartment, that is exactly what will happen. You should always program itself according to your goals! Say to yourself: "I am rich, I have everything in abundance. I can not know whence it comes, but in my heart I believe that I draw from the Great Universal Source. There is an abundance of everything that I need! "

It is not necessary to the extreme or to go beyond reasonable limits. Start with small accomplishments, as if knowing its purpose. Are you ready for action?

To get the desired reaction or result, you should begin to act. If you're going to sit home and think about what you get, it does not lead to any results. Clarify its purpose and put it in her power to achieve - only then will you move forward.

If you want to update your wardrobe, get rid of old clothes that you no longer wear. Pretend that just frees up space in the closet for new clothes that you just bought - so you can clearly visualize them in the closet. Then, when you are gradually buying new things, hang them on the vacant place.

You probably say to yourself: "This can not be so easy. If it were so easy, I would have done it long ago. It is quite impossible. You see the reason that you put into action? You must be aware of his every thought. What do you think, reading these lines? Do they believe in? You're still in doubt in this whole process - or ready to begin? Doubts to anything you will not. Effective. You have nothing to lose, but you can get everything.

If you want to be always surrounded by friends and lead an active life, begin to act in this direction. Find new friends. Go to where you can meet other people, keep them talking and do it every day. Committed an act you put in place a new cause.

Here are the basic steps towards achieving what you want:

1. Clearly define what you want, and visualize what they want.

2. Breathe it in his imagination so that you could touch it, taste and feel of this deep joy.

3. Effective.

Remember: you can only get what you expect to get!

Perhaps your efforts will be rewarded not in the same moment, but do not give up! It is important that you persevered.

When you fully understand the Law of Cause and Effect, you will become clear how foolish revenge to anyone else. If you think that someone hurt you, do justice for this - none of your business. Let go, you'll no longer feel the need to judge or punish others. In most cases, other people are not going to hurt you. You only hurt the way you perceive it.

If someone said or did something, wanting to help you, and you took it negatively, that person will still reap what they sow his intentions.

What you something perceived as inappropriate, does not make it so. You can see things only through their beliefs. Always try to see the meaning, which puts them in another person, then most likely you're no longer going to be so upset.

Bated for someone to hurt, you stop talking to him, you sulking and angry, saying harsh words and demand that others have changed to justify your expectations ... this kind of behavior indicates your belief that you are superior to others: you - God, and they - something finer. You say to them: "I'll show you what it means to be perfect, like me." Stop for nothing to spend their energy.

As I have said, if you feel that someone has hurt you, not your job to punish him. The Law of Cause and Effect will take care of resolving the situation in accordance with the intent attached to another person in his action against you. A man will reap what they sow. To maintain their health, in your interest to distance themselves from the situation and take such person as it is.

Not people to hurt you - you yourself allow yourself to feel pain. The desire to take revenge on you always has a negative effect, interfering with your spiritual growth. You will reap the negative, because your intentions were negative. It is important to never allow such feelings.

1. Make a list of goals that you would like to achieve tomorrow. Make lists and goals that you want to achieve in the next week and next year. In this case the only limitations should be those that you impose on itself.

2. During the next three days, try to keep aware of any of their negative and unnecessary treatment, which can become an obstacle to your goals. Translates these thoughts into positive ones and this will help you get what you want. Closely watched his attitude!

3. How can often repeat the following affirmation:

From this moment I am using their thoughts, words and actions, to sow and reap only what is helpful for me.