Sunday, November 8, 2009



One rainy day fifteen enthusiast John Goddard sat down at the kitchen table at his home in Los Angeles, took a piece of paper and titled it "The objectives of my life." Under the heading, he wrote 127 life goals. Since then, John Goddard managed to reach 108 of them.

Look at the record Godtsarda provided below. There are marked not simple and easy target. These include the conquest of the mountain peaks, extensive study of water space, the ability to manage a mile in five minutes, reading the complete works of Shakespeare and the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Explore the river:

1. Nil

2. Amazon

3. Congo

4. Colorado

5. Yangtze (China)

6. Niger (West Africa)

7. Orinoco (Venezuela)

8. Coco (Nicaragua),

Explore primitive culture:,

9. Congo

10. New Guinea

11. Brazil

12. Borneo

13. Sudan (nearly killed in a sand storm)

14. Australia

15. Kenya

16. Philippines

17. Tanzania

18. Ethiopia

19. Nigeria

20. Alaska

Conquer peaks:,

21. Everest

22. Aconcagua (Argentina)

23. McKinley

24. Huascaran (Peru)

25. Kilimanjaro

26. Ararat (Turkey)

27. Kenya

28. Cook (New Zealand)

29. Popocatépetl (Mexico)

30. Matterhorn

31. Rainier

32. Fuji

33. Vesuvius

34. Bromo (Java)

35. Grand Teton

36. Balde (California)

37. Take up the medicine and research (study of disease symptoms and the primitive tribes)

38. Visit all countries

39. To study the Indian tribes of Navajo and Hopi

40. Learning to fly the aircraft

41. A horse walk in the Rose Pered,

To photograph the waterfalls:,

42. Iguazu (Brazil)

43. Victoria

44. Sutherland (New Zealand)

45. Yosemite

46. Niagara

47. Repeat the path of Marco Polo and Alexander of Macedon,

Underwater research:,

48. Coral reefs in Florida

49. Great Barrier Reef (Australia) - to photograph clam weighing 300 pounds

50. Red Sea

51. Fiji

52. Bahamas

53. Peat deposits Okefenoki and the Everglades


54. North and South Poles

55. Great Wall

56. Panama and Suez canals

57. Easter Island

58. Galapagos

59. Vatican City (see Pope)

60. Taj Mahal

61. Eiffel Tower

62. Blue Grotto

63. Tower of London

64. Incident leaning tower of Pisa

65. Holy wall of Chichen Itsza (Mexico)

66. Climb on the rock Ayers (Australia)

67. Proceed to the Jordan River from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea,

Swim in the lake:,

68. Victoria

69. Top

70. Tanganyika

71. Titicaca (South America)

72. Nicaragua

Learn and perform:,

73. Become a Scout-"eagle" (Boy Scout first degree)

74. To sail on a submarine

75. Take off and land on aircraft carrier

76. Fly on the airship, balloon and glider

77. Take a trip on an elephant, camel, ostrich and Mustang

78. Down under the water at 40 feet and hold your breath for two and a half minutes

79. Catch a lobster weighing 10 pounds and 10 inches in snail length

80. Learning to play the flute and violin

81. Learn to type at 50 words per minute

82. He jumped with a parachute

83. Learning to ride on water skis and conventional

84. Doing missionary activity

85. Become a follower Muir Trail

86. Explore traditional medicine and to gather useful recipes

87. Filmed the elephant, lion, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and the whale

88. Learn fence

89. Master jujitsu

90. After college

91. See cremation ceremony in Bali

92. Explore depths of the sea

93. To play in a Tanzanian film (now John considers this item a pipe dream child)

94. Buy a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot and coyote (yet has a chimpanzee and cheetah)

95. Become hobbyist

96. Collect telescope

97. Write a book (published "Journey on the Nile"

98. Publish an article in the magazine "National Geographic"

99. Jump in height at 5 feet

100. Jump in length by 15 feet 101: run over a mile in 5 minutes

102. Raise the weight to 175 pounds (not yet implemented)

103. Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups

104. Learn French, Spanish and Arabic

105. Explore draconian lizard on the skeleton bureaus (boat capsized about 20 miles from the coast)

106. Visit Ded Sorenson in Denmark

107. Visit Ded Goddard in England

108. To sail on the ship as a sailor

109. Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica (already read most of each volume)

110. Read through the Bible

111. Read the works of Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Thoreau, Poe, Rousseau, Bacon, Hemingway, Twain, Burroughs, Conrad, Tolstoy, Longfellow, Keats, Emerson and Uitera (yet mastered only selected works of each author)

112. To meet with the works of composers: Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, Mendelssohn, Lully, Rimsky-Saks, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Verdi

113. To be able to handle the aircraft, motorcycles, tractors, rifle, pistol, canoe, microscope, play football and basketball, archery, throwing the lariat and boomerang

114. Compose

115. Playing piano

116. View torchlight procession (Bali and Surinam)

117. Drink milk a poisonous snake (bitten by a cobra during photography)

118. Lights the match with a shot from the rifle 22-caliber

119. Visit the studio

120. Move up to the pyramid of Cheops

121. Become a member of the Explorers Club and the adventurous

122. Learning to play polo

123. Take a trip to Grand Canyon

124. Circumnavigate the globe (toured the world four times)

125. Fly to the moon (maybe someday, with God's help)

126. Marry and have children (has five children)

127. To live up to the onset of the XXI century (he turns 75 years old)