Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lost time and the familiar cycle

Lost time and the familiar cycle

Living in hard times, hard slog. Sooner or later we begin to feel the need to relax and rest, to bring myself up. But the sense of "worn out" and the desire to somehow respond to this feeling leads us to a more passive phase of the difficult time. Namely, to the wasted time.

The fact is that if you are stuck in a period of difficult time, no vacation will not help you regain your strength. You can not build themselves into a coherent whole. You will begin to spend time looking stupid, useless television, playing computer games, shopping, chatting with friends or wandering aimlessly on the Internet. In this case, your brain would still be loaded with unnecessary problems, and you will still be deaf to the cries of his own soul.

You can enter in a different way: select a couple of weeks, and lie on the beach, reading a cheap novel, hoping to recover - only to have to fourteen days to proceed to the same cumbersome mechanical work. This period was rightly called the "time wasted", because you will not be able to recover their strength and energy to stock up or get real joy from such "entertainment." (Think of how many people get real pleasure from the fact that watching soap operas, full of false passions, or make tedious trips to the markets?)

The period of lost time can help us cope with stress and frustration in the best case for a short time. Having lived through this period, we will be able to continue in the same style and the next: week, month or even a whole year. (In the same way people "help" tranquilizers and antidepressants. Taking these drugs, people believed that coped with the situation, although in reality it is not.)

The tragedy of western culture is that, despite the presence of uymy free time every day, and constant reminders that he should be even more, we are spending their leisure time on some bleak and useless activities. This is due to the fact that we have lost touch with their inner selves. We are becoming increasingly difficult to assess the simple pleasures offered by life itself. It seems pointless and boring just to sniff the roses, because we ourselves are not here in full. We are only committing a series of movements and actions.

When does the period of lost time, we continue to feel exhausted, unfulfilled, worried, and empty. So, we were unable to recover energy. We passionately want to fill myself more in order to feel the integrity of his ego. And here lies the fallacy of addiction and dependence, so characteristic of Western lifestyle. Being in a period of difficult times, we strive to find a solution outside of ourselves. And since we can not allow ourselves to go deeper into the quiet, solitude and connect with their inner selves, then continue to look for causes in the external world, trying to still achieve integrity through work, love, sex, TV, religion, sports, drugs, alcohol or simply employment.

For some time it is our creek, then - get tired and we again descend from heaven to earth, starting to look for another way to end their own frustration. Illusion Turns us even further. We think that if one tries hard enough or wait very long time, the strategy should work. And then we'll be happy, satisfied and at peace. However, it turns out not quite so. The more persistent we are trying to get to happiness, the further alienates himself from his inner self. Therefore, such a plan would inevitably defeated. It wants to tell a story. One night a certain gentleman lost his keys and began to look for them near the lantern. "Are you sure that dropped them right here?" - Asked a passerby coming up. "No, - the answer - but there is much lighter.