Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who I really

Who I really

One teacher of a secondary school in New York decided to make a pleasing its graduates, to show them what each of them stands out among the rest. Using the method proposed Helis Bridges of Del Mar, Calif., she calls each of the students to the board and talked about the place in her life and the life of a class he took. Then she handed each a blue ribbon on which was written in golden letters: "Who I really am."

Subsequently, the same teacher, conceived to determine what role in society is the recognition of the merits of any person. She gave each of his students on three more ribbons and instructed them to conduct a similar ceremony outside the school. Then they had to sum up, finding out who is who and for that I decided to tell, and to inform the class about a week.

One of the students went to the nearby office of the company to honor ribbon assistant who helped him with career planning. He pinned this recognition of his shirt, then gave him another two similar ribbons, and explained:

- We have now carried out in a class experiment, so we ask you to find a man worthy of recognition, give him the blue ribbon and give him one more, that he gave it to the third, and so continued the ceremony. Then, please contact me and inform about the results.

On the same day, later, the officer went to his boss, who, by the way, all the slaves believed killjoy. He suggested the Chief to sit down, and then explained to him that admiration for his business acumen and foresight. Chief looked extremely surprised. Then the young man asked him if he would take from him the gift of a blue ribbon, and asked for permission to attach him to her breast.

- Yes, of course - said the affected supervisor. Assistant took the blue ribbon and pinned it to the jacket of his head just above the heart. Then he gave him the last remaining ribbon with the words:

- Could you assist me by taking that ribbon and handed it to someone whom you would like to tell? The boy who first handed me a tape, is participating in a school project, and we're going to continue the ceremony to find out how recognition can affect people's fates.

In the evening, on returning home, the chief sat beside her son and his fourteen said:

- Today happened to me something incredible. I was in my office when one of my assistants came to me to say that he admires my business acumen and vision, and handed me a blue ribbon. Can you imagine? Then he fastened so that the blue ribbon with the words "Who am I really" on my jacket above my heart and gave me another one and asked him to find another person whom I wish to distinguish. On the way home I thought about who would give me a ribbon, and immediately thought of you. I have a very tumultuous life, and often, coming home from work ? É, I do not give you proper attention. Sometimes I scold you for bad grades in school or a mess in the room, but today I just wanted to sit next to you and say how much you meant to me. After your mother you are the most important person in my life. You're a great guy, and I love you! Amazed by the boy cried, his body shaking with sobs. Then he looked up at his father and said through his tears:

- I was going to commit suicide tomorrow, Dad, because I felt as if you just do not love me. Now I changed my mind.