Sunday, November 8, 2009

Difficult times, carefree time and downstream

Difficult times, carefree time and downstream

Imagine that this misty summer morning you're on the green lawn by the river, have a picnic. On the snow-white linen tablecloth next to a huge wicker basket are generous remnants of bread and cheese, glossy red apples. Placed pieces of sumptuous fruit cake, and bottled wine. Nearby hear unhurried conversation, occasionally interrupted by a laugh.

Some of those present quietly slumbers under the warm rays of the sun, moving in the face of a yellow straw hat. Others prefer to glide serenely on boats on the river, surrendering to the will of the flow and only occasionally dipping their oars in the water. In the still air like a frozen aroma of wild flowers. This wonderful, heavenly day, which seems will never end.

Or imagine a picture. Small children play in the big garden, where they each have their own cherished path, favorite lawn or rope swing. Chiquititas worn on the magnificent garden each other. They laugh, climb the green tree, climbing on their gnarled, oddly curved ancient trunks.

Every now and then one of the boys stops to admire the bright flower, or brilliant bug. And once you start to feel that this day would never end. All the concerns are discarded, they cease to exist. There remain only a game, laughter, joy and admiration.

Here is a state I call a carefree Time. In those minutes, hours or days, "here and now, you live carefree, enjoying every second of its existence. This is a world of pastel shades, serenity and confidence. There is no place annoying colors or sounds, no sharp edges. Nothing and no one bothers you. There are no conflicts and anxieties. No thoughts about the past or future. There are certain goals. That now you live in a constant, eternal "now".

When a person comes carefree time, he can feel the joy unheard only because it falls into the hands of leaves from a tree or he looks at the pale winter sun. He was a great pleasure to listen to the child laughs or sings lark. He enjoys the fact that just stroking the mossy bark of the tree-giant. Then we feel "filled", we begin to feel his integrity. Our mind is calm. There is no desire to seek something, to act. All we need is already there - here it is, at this point.

Carefree time can restore their strength in the most literal sense, because only in such moments we become ourselves. We fully relax and just live, having a space for reflection and return to his "I". In its highest form, carefree time is a place of mystical experience, when an expansion of consciousness, unity with nature. It was in this period, we reunited with his own soul.

Carefree time may mean in practice that you "just sit" in the garden, strolling through the woods, "soak" in their own bathtubs. You can do reading favorite poetry, visit an art gallery or listen (really listen!) Music. You can watch the dancing butterflies or admire the view, as the morning mist gradually dissolves in the sunlight. You can just look in the eyes of a loved one or meditate, or simply do nothing!

On the other hand, a carefree time a person can do and more vigorous activity, which is close to him in spirit. For example, spend some time riding, meet with a friend at a cafe or even visit a fun fair with sham. The essence lies in the fact that no definite effect here at all and no. Time spent in such a way, has no purpose. You are completely devoted to his own satisfaction and begin to live these moments, giving them completely.

Of course, we can not stay permanently in this state. We have to balance between mere existence and actions, making decisions, moving forward, learning and changing, releasing its past. This is the essence of the human condition and life in general. Carefree time is not something static and unchanging, it is just one part of a smooth flow of time, which, in turn, is characterized by cycles.

The very existence of carefree Times gives us an opportunity for reflection and consolidation itself into a coherent whole. And after some time, we quite naturally turn to the state of open, receptive mindset. As long as we "follow his energy," that is doing exactly what we want (for example, doing needlework, vozimsya in his garden, manage the house, or even just sit and enjoy their inaction) - inside, we remain calm and unhurried. Consequently, open to the most delicate movements, proceeding from the depths of our souls.

Since the moment we are in a state of complete relaxation and peace with ourselves, then we will feel and subtle voice coming from inside ", which is a kind of subtle hint of our inner selves. In the carefree time, we quietly immerse ourselves in thinking about any problem, present or future, and suddenly - without any effort on our part! - We get quite a clear answer, inspiration comes to us, or are we beginning to see the direction in which to act. It will take a little time, and you will easily return to their normal activities. But then you will already "know" how you should do ... Jill Edwards