Sunday, November 1, 2009

The seventh spiritual law of success - is the Law of Dharma.

The seventh spiritual law of success - is the Law of Dharma.

Translated from the Sanskrit word "Dharma" means "destiny", "life plan". The Law of Dharma says that we have a manifestation in the physical body in order to implement this plan. The field of pure potentiality of divine essence and the divine takes human form to carry out its plan. According to this law, you have a unique talent and unique way of expression. There is something that you know how to do better than anyone else in this world - and every unique talent and unique expression of this talent is also their unique needs. When these requirements are combined with the creative expression of your talent, this is a spark that creates wealth. The expression of your talents to meet the needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.
If you could become a child again and start his life over to these ideas, you would see what effect they have on your life.
I actually did this with their children. Again and again I remind them that there is a reason why they are here, and they must reveal themselves to this cause. They hear it from the age of four. At about the same age I taught them to meditate, and I said to them:
"I do not want you to ever worry about how to build their lives. If you do, when you grow up, can not build my life, I'll support you are, so do not worry about it. I do not want you to have focused for success in school. I do not want you focused on getting the best grades or admission to the best colleges. I want you to focus on the question of how you can serve humanity, and ask yourself, what are your unique talents. Because each of you has a unique talent that no one else, and a special way o the expression of this talent, which does not have anyone else. "

As a result, they attended the best schools get the best ratings, and even while attending college, they differed from all others that were financially independent, because they focused on the fact that they are here to give. This is the Law of Dharma.
Law of Dharma consists of three components.

The first alleges that each of us is here to discover its true I am very convinced that our true self spiritually, that in essence we are - spiritual beings manifested in physical appearance. We do not have human beings who receive occasional spiritual experience - all just the opposite: we are spiritual beings who receive occasional human experience.
Each of us is here in order to open their higher, spiritual or Y. This is the first expression of the Law of Dharma. We need to discover that inside each of us lives in an embryonic state god or goddess, who want to be born, to express our divine essence.
The second component of the Law of Dharma - an expression of our unique talents.

The Law of Dharma says that every human being has a unique talent. You have a talent, unique in its expression, so unique, that on this planet there is no other person with the same talent or the same expression of this talent. This means that there is only one thing and the only way to do it better, than you can handle better than anyone living on this planet. When you do this the only thing you lose all sense of time. When you express this unique talent that you possess - and often more than one unique talent - the expression of this talent immerses you into timeless awareness of boundaries.
The third component of the Law of Dharma - is service to humanity.

It means to serve their fellow human beings, constantly asking myself questions: "How can I be helpful?" How can I help all those with whom I have contact? " When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, you are fully using the Law of Dharma.
And if the experience of your own spirituality, the field of pure potentiality, you can not get access to the full abundance, because this is the real way to achieve wealth.

This is not a temporary abundance. It is constantly because of your unique talent, your way of expression and your ministry and devote himself to his brethren, to which you came, asking myself the question "How can I be helpful?" instead the question "What is it for me?".
The question "What is it for me?" refers to the internal dialogue, which leads the ego. The question "How can I be helpful?" - Is the inner dialogue of the spirit. Spirit - this is an area of your awareness where you experience your universality.
Through a simple shift of his internal dialogue with the question "What will it give me?" to the question "How can I be helpful?" you automatically go beyond the ego and into the realm of spirit.
It is best to enter the realm of spirit during meditation - a simple shift of the internal dialogue to the question "How can I be helpful?" will you access to the spirit, to the area of your awareness where you experience your universality.