Sunday, November 15, 2009



Your life flows on one channel, so try not to deviate from it.

Henry David Taro

Going with the flow, we, paradoxically, both have no purpose (live the moment) and at the same time somewhere going back to (move to the execution of our dreams). We are aware of their uniqueness and feel in harmony with its own purpose and activities. It seems that the boundaries of our "I" washed out, become unclear. During this period, male and female energies are in complete balance and harmony.

(The terms "male" and "female" do not have to do with who you are: male or female. They are simply a method of describing your "male" side, which tends to their own individuality, or separateness, and "feminine", which aims to unite , harmony and integrity.)

Many of us seem true bliss to lie all day on the beach, somewhere in the tropics, sipping cool cocktails, and occasionally soften skin cream for sunburn. However, studies on the psychology of happiness show that most people do not find him in idleness. Most of us seemed to be a living hell, the traditional Christian concept of heaven, when all around you are angels on harps, and you exist in eternal peace and tranquility.

In fact, most people feel the joy of the moment of desire to achieve his goal, which he consciously chose himself. It should be borne in mind that this goal should be decent and go from the heart. In the quest for it, we are improving and to deepen their knowledge and develop our personal talents.

Each person should have his dream, which would represent a significant and worthy goal in life. But here, of course, is not intended jackpot, which in essence is a desire to escape from everyday life. The conversation is about this dream, in the name of which you are willing to spend all their time, effort and skill.

For example, this dream may be a desire to find work in his soul, to meet a friend in life, a beautiful house, be of good health, to write a novel to become a true sculptor, winning the championship in golf, give birth and raise children, start their own business ... When you live your dream, but do not expect it to specific performance, when you approach it step by step process and enjoy themselves, that's when you swim with the stream.

This downstream heavily fueled human energy, revitalizes and seemed to cheer him. However, after a certain period of time we need to "slow down" and realize your new experience. We need to spend some time out to reflect on what happened, to relax, restore life balance, and in this period to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, do not aspire to any particular purpose. Consequently, we again turn into a phase of carefree times in which, as we recall, there is no particular goals. Thus, the cycle time is carefree.

Downstream and carefree times nourish and support each other. When we live our dreams, it becomes much easier to relax and enjoy every moment of existence. One midnight I was amused by the fact that blow bubbles with her baby, who suddenly decided to wake up just in my working hours. Very soon I realized how much I liked this innocent occupation. I am not a bit worried that held so much time, blowing colorful bubbles, and had not written a single line of his new book. Moreover, I have successfully completed a large section of the manuscript until the little boy asleep during the day. "The fact that there are already enough" - so says one of the principles of carefree Time. I therefore with a quiet mind allowed herself one night a little mischief with my crumbs.

Similarly, carefree time increases and downstream. After all, when we are slowing down and settling down in the period of carefree times, we become open and receptive, and thus able to receive direction and inspiration, which brings us back to the Movement. Cyclical carefree Times samosohranyaema. In addition, the cycles lead us up and only up - to get more joy, creativity, freedom, clarity of thinking, as well as to the execution of our dreams.

Theoretically, people can feel the joy in every situation (even in a concentration camp, as noted by Victor Frankl). There is a famous parable about a Zen Buddhist monk, who was persecuted in the mountains of the tiger. Finally, the monk managed to hang on a tree branch over a bottomless gorge. It is clear that in a couple of minutes, he met his death, and at that moment the monk noticed berries on that branch. It is located just within his reach. It disrupts berries and enjoy its truly amazing taste!

Whatever the circumstances, has always existed and will exist natural beauty, sensual pleasures, joy, love and a miracle of life and ability to experience joy. There always remains the possibility to move into a carefree time and enjoy peace and quiet. But if at that moment the monk "swam with the current", what then would happen to him? Perhaps his path and not be crossed paths with a tiger trail.

Going with the flow of life, we always find ourselves at the right time and place. This improves and the quality of our lives. Carefree times give us the opportunity to assess this quality, and enjoy it. Taken together, the same movement and carefree time helping us create a paradise on earth.

Each of us can survive more than one cycle of a carefree time during one day, and even a few minutes. Carefree time and motion can serve as an imperceptible shift of energy: relaxation, creativity, dreams, work, supervision of scenery from the window. Furthermore, within these cycles, there are others.

Some of us follow the rhythms of nature: become more quiet and contemplative in the autumn, looking for inspiration and fresh directions in the winter, and then - in the spring and summer - seek to implement new ideas and projects. Each of us has his own project: writing radio plays, improvement in the office garage, landscaping, etc. But then again, activity gradually subsides and the autumn comes.

For others it is different. For them, on the contrary, the summer seems the best time to relax, rest and reflection. Some people feel that now it needs a long rest to his project is fully "ripe". And someone else will run or two, or three years without a rest for the implementation of their plans. Then comes a year would slow down, take stock and awareness of their new experiences. Length of cycles at all different. But only after thinking about change, we are ready for new creativity.

Keep in mind that if you have a busy, this does not mean that fell on hard times. If you are still experiencing the bliss and enjoy the moment, you're still a carefree Time. You chose for themselves some very rich life. Conditions in the carefree times of an understanding of their own natural rhythms of life. Your body and inner "I" will themselves give you the warning signals, requiring little to reduce the pace of your activities or, conversely, to accelerate it. It also happens that you get a feel for when you need to simply "be" not doing absolutely nothing. If you begin to ignore these signals, then inevitably fell on hard times.

Living in any of the two states is not something permanent. Most of us move from cycle to cycle and live like a carefree, and in difficult times. Often these changes occur several times a day. Some people, for example, is constantly in a state of carelessness and during work, and among relatives, but it's worth it, let's go to the store to shop or just to think about costs, they immediately "jump" during difficult times. Another can be a carefree time on several days, especially after the holidays, but then every time they, as if some invisible hook, again delaying tough times.