Sunday, November 15, 2009



One of our friend wandered once at sunset on a deserted Mexican beach. Ahead he saw a figure. Approaching, he saw a local resident, who now and then bending down, picking something from the sand and threw it into the ocean waves. This was repeated again and again, and when our friend approached even closer, it turned out that the person picking up starfish, made by the tide on the shore, and sent them to turn back into water.

Our friend was puzzled. Stopping beside him, he asked:

- Good evening, friend. Tyr What are you doing?

- Returns starfish back into the ocean. You see, now low tide, and they were on shore. If I do not return them to the sea, they die from lack of oxygen.

- I understand, - said our friend. - But on the beach of a thousand stars. It is unlikely that you will be able to reach each of them. There are too many. And besides, as you know yourself, the same happens on many beaches around the coast. Is it by your works can be any use?

In response, a local resident with a smile on her face bent down, picked up another star, threw it into the waves and said:

- The benefit is - at least one of the stars!
Helis Bridges