Sunday, November 8, 2009

Live your DREAM

Live your DREAM

My friend Monty Roberts - the owner of the ranch in San Isidro. He invited me to stay in his house, and try to win some money by betting on horses and competitions. The money I had been necessary to develop youth programs.

When I was with him last time, he introduced me to the inhabitants of the ranch.

- I want to tell you why summoned Jack. Is an old story about a young man whose family was engaged in training horses, moving from place to place, from farm to farm, the ranch to the ranch. Because of the frequent relocations guy constantly interrupted his studies at school.

When he was in the graduating class, students were asked to write an essay about what they dream to do after graduation.

That evening, he scribbled seven pages talking about his dream of becoming a rancher. He talked in great detail about his future life, even drew a diagram ranch 200 acres in size, indicating the location of houses, stables and training fields. Then the boy drew a detailed plan of the house to 4000 square feet, in which he wants to live.

The next morning the young man carried an essay, submit a detailed design of his future life, in school and gave the teacher. Two days later, the teacher returned the essay back. On the first page was inscribed in large red letters "F" * it is written: "Stay after class.

The guy who dreamed of horses and the ranch went up to the teacher and asked:

- Why did you put me unsatisfactory?

Teacher replied:

- Your dream to become the owner of the ranch and raise horses unrealistic. You have no money. Your family is constantly moving from place to place. How are you going to breed horses, even when one horse is extremely expensive? You write that you want to buy the land, breeding herd ... You'll never be able to do this, because you do not have and never will be money. - And then the teacher added: - If you write another essay in which you tell about some ordinary, realistic and achievable desire, I'll change the unsatisfactory mark on the positive.

A guy came home and was considering the offer teachers the whole evening. He asked his father what to do, and he replied:

- Son, you must live his mind. I think you ought to make a decision.

A week passed and the young man, not correct in composing a word, returned to his teacher.

- Let me be unsatisfactory rating, but my dream I will not betray, - he said.

Monty then turned to the people listening to him and said:

- I told you all this because you are in a house the size of 4000 square feet, located on the ranch of 200 acres. And then a school essay about my dream still hangs framed on the wall near the fireplace. But my story has continued. Two years ago, in the summer, he brought a schoolteacher to live on my ranch, thirty students. When he left, he told me: "When I was your teacher, it felt like a man who steals from other people's dreams. All these years I was doing that stole children. Fortunately, you have found a strong guy and did not allow me to cripple your life .

Not let anyone steal your dreams! Live heart - this is the most important thing in life.