Wednesday, July 1, 2009

15. The inner guru.

15. The inner guru.

In the experience of ultimate reality, there is no difference between the perceived and perceive everything is one the indescribable state of unity. This unity can comprehend only in a position of openness and wonder. As a surprise - the beginning of wisdom. True Sadhana - a state of amazement.
The main problem is that there is no and there can be no way leading to this state, is outside any practice and effort. Whatever we do, whatever the ascetic feats occurred, as if desperately trying to either escape the dual perception, all of this, in fact, only delays the loop, rather than dissolve it. The only thing that remains - this is to abandon any effort. But it also involves force! We fall into a vicious circle.
The fact that the range of break is called in Sanskrit guru kripa - the mercy of the guru. A guru does not necessarily have in mind people, training us. The human Guru is the manifestation of the universal teacher, living in the heart of every living creature. This inner teacher - indeed, the highest mentor. Only he unmistakably leads to a goal, and he met us at the end of the road. If we have full confidence in the internal master, the foreign teacher is not needed. This requires an absolute faith that lives in our hearts Lord, and we are able to hear His voice and feel His will.
The return itself to the will of an external guru often ends in disappointment, and sometimes tragedy. I met a lot of completely zombirovannyh searchers totally deprived of their own will and initiative. They have become a shadow of an appendage of his guru, completely forgetting about his divine mission. External teacher, willingly or unwillingly, their authority, power and knowledge is always a greater or lesser extent enslave minds pupil. A wise mentor will do everything to help students get rid of this dependence.
Apprenticed there is another danger. Communication with the teacher, with an ancient tradition, awakens in the heart seeker a sense of pride and self importance. How - because now I am truly touched, really! - With delight shouting inner voice student. He does not notice how his false "I" with the already increased the size of the snow mountain.
Great inner artist lives not only in our hearts and manifests itself in holy wise man - he stands behind everything we see, hear and perceive. And he not only stands for everything. He, at the same time, and it is all of that. Moreover, we ourselves - nothing more than himself, returning to himself. That is his great game.
But all this only seems to us. In fact, it is our master, never himself lost. In fact, we, with all of our searches and the problems have never been. Always has been and will be, but, rather, always - it is only one. Therefore, any search, the feeling of isolation and incompleteness, can all be stopped and dropped to a fraction of a second.
Do you know what that means - between him and us there is no difference! Differences, which has never been, and can not be. We do not need to be perfect as our heavenly Father, He is already perfect in us. In our weakness and ignorance we have His power and wisdom. In our doubt and unbelief, we find his devotion and faith. Devotion to yourself and faith in himself.
Of course, no belief in yourself it does not need - just as we do not need to believe in the reality of their own existence, it is self-evident. All this is just an endless game is a great creative forces of the universe - sometimes drama, sometimes comedy, in which the actors, screenwriter, director and audience is one person. The person to time-remaining in the shadows.