Tuesday, July 14, 2009

40. Development practices.

40. Development practices.

The development of practice is to transfer the state of effulgent awareness in all activities of daily living.
Learning to dive in clear consciousness in a static posture of meditation, and achieving sustainability of the experience, you need to begin a series of simple movements. These movements not only does not distract us, they are an expression of our state. Movement must grow out of, to be its continuation.
In the sitting position will do a few slow smooth movements of hands, without losing clarity of perception. Sami movement had no significance. Main - they must come from our internal condition, which overflows in them.
If we diverted, and the process estimated rassudochnogo-thinking, it is necessary to return the hand to the place and return to the feelings of inner clarity. This exercise should be done until we have not learned to move with your hands, without being distracted and without tension. Exercise may seem simple, but it is quite subtle and difficult work.
After mastering the conscious movement of the hands are connected to the work of other parts of the body. Used walking, jogging, dancing, static and dynamic asana [Asan - the position of the body in yoga. - Approx. auth.] Hatha Yoga. The practitioner learns to move again, like a child learning to walk. In this respect the principle of expression of awareness through movement.
Then the work begins with a clear speech. The challenge of informed speaking - not the exchange of information and expression of feelings of pure consciousness through speech.
Next, the same principle applies to all types of activity, including food, work, recreation, administration, and will not sleep. Scope of work in a dream to give the floor to the Tibetan teacher: "When there was the dream state, not lezhi in the dark, like a corpse. Come to the natural care, discover their dreams, and make the illusion of bright light. Do not sleep like an animal. Do the practice in which dream and reality inseparable. "
The meaning of this work is thus reduced to the integration of the state of clear awareness of the state of wakefulness, sleep with dreams and dreamless sleep. All these states of consciousness become one that leads to the final stages of practitioner practice.
It is important to engage with an open mind and not expect results. You need to be fully immersed in what we do at the moment, without expectation and fear. You can not dig into the details, but always strive to the principal - for as a basis. The practice should be simple and effective. Otherwise, it can be fun sophisticated or justify another part of our substance, and always searching for satisfaction in all the senses.
In addition, you need to know that there is a trap, as the attachment to the practice. That is why the teacher Shvetaketu, yogina of the Upanishad, fly to the student with bad language, when he sat to meditate. We are very deeply ingrained habit attached to everything we do, see or hear. And Sadhana, in this sense, is no exception.
Attachment to the practice, however - small change compared with the inflated sense of their self-worth, importance and uniqueness, quietly steal into consciousness seeker. Implication of the great ancient tradition or a relationship with a great teacher can give fuel to the fire here. Ego by all forces opposed to the destruction and the ability to find the most sophisticated ways to preserve his false identity.
Let us not forget that at the time of death, we will have to leave everything behind, including our practices and for themselves. And if we do not know how to control the time of death, then it can happen at any second. Therefore, as the young pioneers, we are always ready. And learn to follow through practice, without attachment to it.
As the practice becomes more mature, subtle effort required to start, stop. Meditation begins to happen is, without our intervention. Spontaneous Meditation can not bind us. This is a sign that the process began samoosvobozhdeniya consciousness. Once to the end, we will disappear. At the time of the disappearance becomes shrill clear: neither me nor my search has never been. It was always just that.