Thursday, July 16, 2009

Protection centers. Ritualistic defense.

Protection centers.

People with higher sensitivity is that the mental attack is not the background, and selective: as a rule, negative charge is introduced in the energy shell in the sixth or the third point - Adzhnya or Manipur Chakra, ie a "third eye" or "solar plexus" / A centers, see: N 20. Policy issues and the general theory of Chakras Tantric concept of the body, 1982 / in the future - PVOTCH /. / The principle of protection against a localized attack on a center is simple: have attacked the center must increase the threshold of response to external influences. This can be achieved in two ways:

1. Through the active material impact on the attacked center - for example, rubbing tiger ointment to the area or pressure mezhdubrovya crossed hands at the solar plexus with a concomitant decline in abdominal muscles.


2. By increasing the internal activity of other centers. Thus, if attacked by animals, it should be "loaded" head / books, films, etc. /, as if attacked by the head, it should be "load" the stomach. Dion Fortune states that "if we want to keep the points closed, then we should not keep your stomach empty. A person who is attacked must have at intervals of not more than 2 hours / Dion Fortune., p.164. / In this affluent blood to the stomach and the threshold of the reaction center is vastly improved.

Ritualistic defense.

Both options / meditative and kontsentrativnom / protective mechanisms of the "change of object of perception" must be clearly included in the appropriate system of beliefs. It should be clear why the operation is hampered by the introduction of your "negative information". For example, the "shell" is a consolidation of the artificial surface "tension zone" of individual bio-field. As a more tightly structured and energy-intensive education than the "charge", the shell allows it to penetrate to its limits. Conversely, due to the lack of a sense of structure / frame / rotating bio-field does not notorious "charge" the possibility of gaining a "grind" and absorbs it. Cold shower and dance are deep peretryaskoy and updating all the energy frame, the radical disintegration of "induced" structures, etc. etc.

Unlike kontsentrativnoy and meditative, ritualistic form of protection is not needed in this argument. It is about protection, based on external actions. On formal grounds that it pulls together with certain meditative protection, also require external action / and not just internal, as in kontsentrativnoy. However, unlike the action meditative protection directly alter the overall physiological condition of the person, ritualistic acts such changes do not produce.

Typically ritualistic operations - poplevyvanie over the left shoulder and tapping on a wooden items. Protection is initially an act as such. It was very ritualistic operations, executed with proper attitude and spirit, in some inexplicable way to prevent the negative effects of "mental assault."

However, the mechanism of this protection seems irrational and inexplicable, only at first glance. Seared in our memories, ritualistic physical action reinforces the "dominant protection" in the imagination and helps it to absorb the resulting "attack" dominant pathogenic, which, as a purely mental entity, any natural supplement no. In other words, by means of ritualistic acts, we are connecting to the cause of protection of the imagination, bring to us as a result of the attack so much mental trouble. Specifically, switch the imagination - just as we switch it kontsentrativnoy protection.

Unfortunately, the ritualistic operations often turn into the so-called "obsessive actions" take precedence over man and become something like a drug - without them, he begins to feel totally powerless. Gradually, ritualistic acts replacing all the others and in the end, the operator is exposed hospitalization.

For the same reason, should be very careful with kontsentrativnymi forms of protection, which can turn into obsessive domestic actions. The author finds that, of all forms of protection "to change the object of perception" the most effective and devoid of side effects is a meditative protection.