Friday, July 10, 2009

Evil invisible.

Evil invisible.

In 2004, something eerie appeared in the village of Deir al-Gusun in the West Bank. That Something met schoolgirl Suha Suheil Ghanem. When she stood on the balcony, someone grabbed her tightly by the hand and pulled down. The girl took his hand, cried and threw herself into the house. At the creek ran away relatives and neighbors. Suha showed him a bloody wound on his hand ...

A similar case occurred in Manila. The town was submerged in the afternoon, sandman, when suddenly the silence penetrate Creek. From the porch at home jumped a young girl. She was called to the aid of power, discouraging of ... Dazed passers nothing and no one saw. But on her body one after the other appeared bloody bites. At any moment it seemed to be able to get rid of the pursuer. She scrambled to guschu crowd, but managed to run several steps to take once again to call for help, screaming, and makes convulsive movements, it brought to the police station.

Duty to immediately call a doctor and took the girl asked. It turned out that her name is Klarita Wi-lanemoa that it is a nurse and lives together with his aunt. According to Clary-thou when it disguise the house, attacked her on something invisible and has to bite.

"We are dealing with a specific form of schizophrenia," - concluded the doctor. But to explain the origin of bites and could not.

Klaritu put in the hospital. Soon she calmed down, and her wounds healed. She was discharged. Nurse caring for Klaritoy, explained that once he pochudilos that he came across a hand at something invisible, cold to the touch ...

Such stories are not isolated. Researchers have collected mysterious phenomena for a long time, several thousands of various facts of poltergeist. Many testimonies of victims documented and have become textbook examples of unexplained phenomena.

Very often, poltergeist tricks painted in bloody color. For example, for several months under the roof of the house Claire and her teenage daughter Susan lived invisible vicious nature, which severely muchila measured them and turned the family into a nightmare.

Once Susan has her school homework assignments, his mother reading a book - a normal night scene in the family home. But something went wrong in the living room was the third man, feel his invisible presence.

Suddenly, the peace and tranquility have been infringed. Susan sat back abruptly head back, tongue vyvalilsya mouth. She started to squirm and fight in convulsions, then rose from the chair and began to whirl around the room like a man, who moved evil force. It seems that Susan is unconscious and not aware of what to do. Her mother, Claire, has sought to reassure his 15-year-old daughter, even though internally, and realized that it did not help. It was one of the most frightening evidence of poltergeist, who decided to settle in their house. Then events began to take an even more horrifying turn. Once Claire had heard the cry of the daughter's room and jumped from there. At its carpet shaving was written: You. Kill, or I will do it! "

After that incident the inscriptions began to appear everywhere. Some do not contain any sense at all, while others have been predicting, but the third - the threat. Desperation mother grew because she could not help the daughter. But then she met Maurice Gross of the Society of psychiatric research, one of the leading experts on paranormal phenomena.

By this time the spirit of the activity is clearly increased. Pour on top of oil paint, coverlet on the bed was set, saliva appear on products, eggs broken, spread excrement, and two sticks of sausage disappeared and then appeared in the condom.

"This was truly disgustingly - says Claire. - Once back into the living room, where I just came out, I was there, Susan. Sleeping on the pillow and a blanket. It was moved there from their rooms. Twice it was like: Susan went from apartment, I heard the front door clapped, but after a moment she returned, saying that someone пинком returning it back directly through a closed door. "

But the story does not puzzled Claire Maurice Gross. He has already participated in some extraordinary cases of poltergeist. According to him, often poltergeist raises about a young man during his puberty, as it is a particular source of energy. After several conversations, during which time no Grosso reach of the invisible spirit, poltergeist ever left the house Claire and Susan.

Blood in the light of night-light.

Domestic connoisseur poltergeist Alexei Priyma makes an unusual hypothesis about the nature of the mysterious invisible. He believes that the manifestation of poltergeist "zasvechivayut" a psychological essence of deceased children. Their behavior is typical child. The child is bored, he wants poshalit ... The truth is, these jokes are sometimes zhutkovaty, and even frankly frightening character.

... Nina Petrovna woke up because in the next room a loud groan and hripela came on a winter vacation daughter Vlada, a student of the university. Mother lit the light in the corridor and went into the bedroom to the daughter. What she saw terrified her: Vlada lay across the bed, shivering with their feet on the bed, pressing his hands to the throat, as if trying to tear something dushivshee it.

Nina Petrovna has a daughter by the arms, with difficulty separated from the throat, podula Владе on the forehead, as she did when the daughter was little and she dreamed terrible dreams. Vlad did not woke up, she just zapolzla to cushion the head and clotted kalachikom, quietly fell asleep. Woman clicking on night-light: room light up dimly-pink light, all was quiet, breathing and sleeping the rest. "It looks like something dreamed Владе" - thought and wanted to reassure his mother put out the night-light, when suddenly her hand came across as a shaggy, hard and bony. Nina Petrovna otdernula hand, and tog same moment something invisible from the painful emptiness in her ear was bitten. The woman, not trusting myself, took a seat ukushennoe and saw blood on his hand.

The next morning, Vlad woke up as if nothing had happened: the night adventure, it absolutely does not remember.

A few nights after that, all was quiet. Then Nina Petrovna again woke hoarse moan Vlad. His mother ran into the room her daughter, quickly lit night-light: the picture are brought to her, terrified her. Vlad seems to fight with someone, fought desperately, the entire shirt was her izodrana, shoulders scratched, hair vsklokocheny face preserver blood, as if a strong asphyxia. Once, however, fire pink light night-light, as Vlad instantly calmed down again comfortably settled in bed and not even awake.

Nina Petrovna had not tried to turn off the night-light. Apparently, it has "chosen a place in it! Worth it to put out as "it" to throw on malice Vladu.

Nina Petrovna began searching the literature of unusual phenomena, and, eventually, to subtract one from the books, like to get rid of the poltergeist in the house settled.

In the evening with girlfriends Vlada went to a disco and had to return home rather late. Nina Petrovna wore leather gloves, began a hard nylon hair kerchief, tied a thick neck scarf. Then the daughter came into the bedroom and turn off the night-light. There appear invisible something she firmly grabbed his hands and suffered in the kitchen. Something squeal, scratches and bites, but Nina Petrovna, firmly holding their prey. In the kitchen, she threw over evil gas cooker, prigovarivaya: "Here live, do not go, no harm, here is your place." Over the stove after the poslyshalas any race, but then all subsided. Vlad returned late, immediately went to bed and slept quietly until morning. Poltergeist it was no longer concerned.

Ghosts of the Kalahari desert.

But it is not always magical rituals help cope with the unclean force. Some time ago, parapsychology been a matter of a young Spanish on behalf of Charles, who lived in eastern France. Unhappy woman became the object of a truly horrific poltergeist. She is regularly subjected to violent attacks, for example, often been struck in the abdomen, as were the culmination of deep cuts in the form of a grid that appeared suddenly on her shoulders and hips.

French doctors initially thought that the woman caused the wound in a fit of hysteria, but in the end, came to the conclusion that dealing with the poltergeist. The team conducted a study of parapsychology phenomenon and saw his eyes spontaneously appearing on television, women wound.

In addition, while researchers were in the house of Carla, their devices permanently scrap a film mysteriously perished. Thermometers showed in separate rooms the night temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with heating turned off, while the temperature outside drops to 20 degrees below zero.

When was the control over temperature, over 72 hours were detected monstrous changes, moreover, the thermometer have horizontal cracks, which technically can not be repeated.

Parapsychology tried to get in touch with the invisible essence of using a rotating cup. Soon, they succeeded. Being named Henry, and then appeared in front of researchers in all its illusory "beauty."

Unfortunately, communication with poltergeist not help his desire to leave the house. That is why Charles and her husband Thierry surrendered and fled, leaving the house empty, unless, of course, do not take unrequested guest.

Only subsided in the press brouhaha involving invisible attacks in France, as the evil invisible substance appeared in Africa. It is not remarkable up to this high school in the southern African Ritfonteyn town on the border with Namibia became famous because of leprosy mysterious ghost who came, according to local sorcerer of the Kalahari desert.

The first was attacked by the invisible Copper Snyders. In her stories, one in the class, she felt severe pain in hands and feet. The parents brought her to the X-ray examination. It showed that in places where there is pain, metallic needles were stuck! They were removed surgically, but no one believed the story the girl that she did not know exactly who it votknul needles into the body.

Moreover, copper began to tease. As a result, she had to transfer to another school. A strange stories immediately forgotten, but suddenly it reminded me of the extraordinary event: the five students of the same school suddenly appeared scratches on the body, as if someone held in their hands and feet with sharp claws. And clothing was not damaged.

To investigate this unusual case came to the school, Colonel Kobus Dzhonker, head of the police department for occult crimes. He interviewed victims and made this conclusion: "The police have nothing to do. It must deal with local church ministers."

Soon to come Ritfonteyn Reverend Andrew Dzhulis. During a meal in the school cafeteria, he suddenly cried, and dropped the spoon on the floor. With a duck in a thunderstorm priest looked at his right hand, which appeared incomprehensible to deep cuts. Already half an hour later, Andrew Dzhulis away from school with the words: "One can only pray."

After all these visits, the invisible ghosts of the Kalahari desert have become more aggressive: the number of incidents increased extraordinary. Prayers did not help. Only after the expulsion of evil poltergeist, finally, settle down ...