Friday, July 10, 2009

Outside of sensual perception.

Outside of sensual perception.
* There are many forms of perception that can not be rationally justified and which still can not be denied:
* Telepathy - the transfer of thoughts from a distance. You suggested the other person.
* Acute sensitivity. You clearly feel when someone lies, traces inconsistencies.
* Clairvoyance. You "see", what is happening in a remote location, or "define" the nature of unknown person.
* Sverhsluh. We hear claims of conscience, indicating "internal voices" or "internal teacher".
* Anticipation. You know the future, worrying developments have not yet occurred, looking at things to come.
* Psychometric - energetic reading. The subject provides information about its owner, such as its nature or circumstances of life. Fluctuations in energy related fields, you can catch with this subject.
* The perception at a distance. For example, a mother feels when a child something happens, although it does not nearby. Loving understand where partner good or bad without seeing it and hearing.
* Retropoznanie. The ability to immerse themselves in the past, live in it. Enhancing the experience of those times, which in normal circumstances it is impossible to remember.
Have you feel that something like this, whether you have accumulated the same or similar experiences? Does any one have come true your dream?
Perhaps you will remember more about a certain case of insight, a sudden flash of thought or feeling about it is not clear, which kept you out of any act?
Do not you ever happen to recall any person on the same day to get from him a letter or a few minutes to hear his voice on the phone?
You met this person? And perhaps, in an unusual atmosphere for both of you?
Have you become acquainted with the man, where you at first glance were confident in the long-standing and well-known? Confirmed whether this is a feeling in the future?
Does you ever feeling separated from his body and travels to different places without it by? Or, you know the feeling of the presence of someone nearby, although you will not see nor hear?
All of these experiences relate to the outside or supersensible perception. By focusing, you will no doubt remember the similar striking episodes. This proves that you once got an "third eye" and took advantage of its capabilities. Most likely, you are simply not aware of what is hidden in your ability, because so far used them instinctively, and saw the results as something accidental.
But these and other abilities of this kind can be developed and strengthened. You are much more gifted, you are hidden in a lot more than you expected. But if you have not found such memories, it does not mean that you are poor in this respect that you have no intuition. Perhaps you do not pay attention to such things and not remember of the episode.
In you is hidden much longer than you think - to develop their abilities.
Who has the intuition?
Reply to this question is very simple: everyone has the intuition, has the appropriate capacity. We all know strange presentiment, good or bad, to prevent the internal voice, pulling sensation in the stomach, under certain circumstances, or perceptions. Opportunities offered insight to each one of us, most people are left in neglect, even rejected as having no meaning. Each of us has the ability and knowledge to any situation, make the right decisions and to cope with the worst problems. Unfortunately, few use their existing capacity.
Important role in a number of conditions intuition plays perception. There are two kinds of perception: an informed and intuitive. For each of us has his own unique way of processing experience, conduct in certain situations, and remember. Informed rassudochno perception and instrument of expression. Verbalization This tells us the confidence and brings confidence, because we are so accustomed since childhood. Thus we have "processes", all that consciously perceive their five senses, that we see, smell, tangible, hear and try to taste.
With an intuitive perception of the case. The signals received on the energy and holistic levels. What cognized intuitive, difficult to express words, it is imperceptible, invisible, неслышно. This difficulty for modern man: how to trust elusive and incomprehensible as it should be inaccessible for even five senses?
Some may say that they generally lack the ability to comprehend intuitively. Therefore, I can not repeat the following.