Tuesday, July 14, 2009

38. Termination of the search.

38. Termination of the search.

Direct path is not difficult of comprehension. In fact, it is so simple that we can not believe it. We are looking for smart and beautiful books of his explanation, only to sooner or later turn to themselves and discover what has been with us always. We can not understand what we are looking for something that is. That already has been and always will be.
We can not believe it, because that is, we are not satisfied. We are looking for God to get rid of problems and thus create a huge, intractable problems.
We can not believe that the world and ourselves, as we are - this is what we need. We are looking for something else. We want to find something good, immortal and perfect, in the existence of which we are deeply and sincerely believe.
We are told that we must give everything to understand it. But to give all - means to give himself with giblets, including the search itself. Does the rejection of himself and also the refusal of a search? Certainly. Search can not continue if the seeker is no more. What remains in the disappearance of seeking, together with his finding? There is just something that is - the same tree outside the window, the same room, the same people around. Mechuschiysya lost in all this people.
When we finally calms down and discouraged - what we are looking for, it comes to us. Search for truth - the same neurosis, and all the rest. This method, by which time we want to solve all our problems. This method does not work.
So high, immortal and perfect, as we dream, really exists. His find, find, and will find countless generations of seekers. Enormity of this findings, we can not even remotely imagine. It is infinitely redeem all the suffering that we have made towards it.
But we can not find a higher. It finds itself us when our time comes. They say that the Mount Kailash are seekers who have exhausted their opportunities sadhana. They have done everything that could. Now they just sit and wait.
So what, it turns out it is necessary to lay down arms, to sit and wait? That would be the best. But we can not - we are too impatient and concerned. We always have something to do, somewhere to go, something to do. Though ear scratch. Even such small stuff, we are pleased. Our existence becomes meaningful - we will not sit idle. The main human solace lies in neurotic activities as irrational justification of its existence.
The phrase "I am busy" - the main mantra of today's world. A man willing to do anything, even the spiritual search, simply would not stay alone with itself. Being a boring, more interesting to do something. For the average person to stay alone with each other and simply meant to be quiet sleep.
We are boring and uninteresting with because it had not yet opened and the deep, on the surface of which is the tiny island, where we live. Vanity on an island - our main occupation. So what, continue to fuss. But remember that, of all types of fuss practice - the best.