Wednesday, July 1, 2009

18. Satpati.

18. Satpati.

An old Tibetan lama said that most people life just going to seriously address the practice, and then comes death. Therefore, it makes sense to start now. However, consider the practice of some special sublime pastime means nothing in this same practice is not understood.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of searchers do so, and refers to the process of spiritual search. Their search and their lives - two different things. Perceive everyday life as the primary means for understanding the practice of both. One of the brightest people I encountered while wandering across India - it is CB Satpathy. His life and practice inseparable.
Meet with Chandra Bhana Satpati was not easy. This story began in 2006 in northern India, in the state of Uttaranchal, where he lived, my friend named Yogesh long and deeply involved in yoga. I asked him how many of those artists whom he knew, the most remarkable. It is difficult for Yogesh exclaimed:
- Of course, this is Mr Satpati!
- Where does he live? - I asked.
- In New Delhi, - said Yogesh. "Strange" - I thought. At that time my wife and I traveled to the Himalayas, suggesting that most mysterious wizard to live high in the snowy mountains.
- Satpati officer of very high level - something like the Minister, - continued the story Yogesh. - He is a very busy man, he is always surrounded by people, and get to it will not be easy. Satpati is a living incarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi [Sai Baba of Shirdi (183? -1918) - The most revered saint of India since the time of Adi Shankaracharya. It is considered one of the most famous avatars Dattatrei of embodied in the XIX century. - Approx. auth.]. The spirit of the holy lives in it.
- How you met him? - I asked.
- When I came to it at work, I do not know how I will talk with him, since heard that he is always surrounded by people. However, he sat alone on the windowsill in front of the door of his room and smoked. This surprised me. Since I did smoke, it drew attention to the brand of cigarettes that smoking Satpati. I smoke other cigarettes.
"Want to smoke?" - Appealed to me the master. I nodded. Then Satpati out a pocket of a pack of their cigarettes, print out a cigarette, and from there to me. I looked at his cigarette and did not believe their eyes: it was my cigarette brands. Since this started our acquaintance.
Joined us Yogesh Reeve's wife has just told some tales. She saw his eyes, as a master fly, materialize and dematerializuet items, makes a lot of other incredible things. According to her, for Satpati there are no restrictions of time and space.
He can heal illness, made numerous predictions, some of which have already been fulfilled. In particular, he predicted the assassination of Gandhi's family members, after which they took the Indian secret police, Satpati suspected of involvement in the conspiracy. As a result, the master stopped making predictions of famous people.
Reeve told how once sat at the feet of Satpati with other loyal. Suddenly he shouted: "Out! Won here immediately!" First, Reeve does not believe his ears, but the master is applied to it. Shock, she obeyed and ran into the street. Before entering a building on the road lay a woman, just shooting down of a car. Then Riva autumn: Satpati sent her to help that unhappy.
Likewise history has not been completed, and although I well knew the love of the Indians to the history and exaggeration, I did not leave, how to ask where to find Satpati in Delhi. Yogesh said that twice a week in the evenings, he appears in one of the temples of Sai Baba of Shirdi in the capital.
Once in Delhi, we have recovered in the said church, but Satpati was not there. After asking we found out that he comes to another of the holy temple, situated on the outskirts of Delhi. By rickshaw, we went there, but the master was not there. All that we have been able to get - this is the phone of his colleague.
Then within three months, they find themselves in Delhi, paragraph transplantations in our travels around the country, we call this number. However, always polite heard that Mr Satpati where it went or not yet arrived. Finally, we received a phone personal secretary wizard. The result, however, was the same: busy, had not yet arrived, left, call later. "
Despaired, we have left a mobile number from his wife's request to the Secretary, Mr Satpati call when he can. The call was a few minutes. Satpati call himself and immediately invites us to come to him in office. Out of the hotel, we jumped in the rickshaw and went to the specified address.
Upon arrival at destination, we could not believe my eyes: it was a huge complex of buildings occupied by a quarter in one of the central parts of Delhi. The complex was fenced in a high fence with barbed wire and armed soldiers literally kishel. This was the central office into operation of industrial facilities. Satpati was the chief of all this.
We investigated at the entrance is not worse than at the airport. Name Wizard, however, had a magical effect. Two of the military with rifles raised us on the elevator to one of the top floors and enter the office Satpati. He looked exactly like in this photo, but a bespectacled, in uniform and heavy cigarette smoking. On the wall hung a small portrait of the Cabinet of Shirdi Sai Baba.

Satpati seated us, called and told to bring some tea and sweets. The slave master named gurudzhi [Gurudzhi - honorific to the spiritual mentor. - Approx. auth.] and included in the study, the low slopes and hands folded on his chest in a pose greeting namaste. The wizard gave us an hour, that was unbelievable, because the office people are constantly looked and asked where he was released - it has long been waiting for the machine.
Satpati asked about the purpose of our visit to India. We briefly describe his project, which is then worked - ritritnom Center for Russian searchers in India - and asked the blessing.
In response to a request Satpati showed a hand on the portrait of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Then followed a series of questions and answers. This Satpati were of high intellectualism. Despite his impeccable English, had to be in suspense, to monitor the progress of his thought. Among other things, he said that there are three ways: the way the character, the path of self-knowledge and the way impact the guru.
The way a character. What is character? The icon, prayer, a symbolic image of reality in sound, color, gesture. The path of any religion. Lord indicated, and is replaced by the symbol.
The path of self. Suitable for non-religious people are accustomed to rely on themselves. Find out who you are, how your mind works, to understand the mystery of life. When you know how organized you are, you know the rest. Satpati observed Raman Maharshi.
The way the impact of Guru. His consciousness, his faith, his entire life seeker pays a teacher. In India, this model is very popular, but in the west people are more cynical. People encountered a true guru, a little bit. Most have to go through a difficult self, open to all.
Then the master added that none of these three ways, it still does not work without the grace of the guru, whose ways are often mysterious and inexplicable. Then he told us his story.
In November 1989, Satpati served as an officer in the organization, led by now. One day he wandered to New Delhi and accidentally entered the shop, selling videos. There he took out a video with feature film about the life of Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Having come home, put Satpati tape and began watching. It was a good feature film of Manoj Kumar. The first episodes of the movie was full of miracles and healings. Then, when it was shown 72-hour samadhi [Samadhi - eighth stage of Yoga Patanjali, yoga trance, merging with the object of practitioner practice. - Approx. auth.] Baba, all of a sudden, instead of individual talent, Satpati saw the face of his father, who died in 1982. Wizard greatly loved.
Then again, a person is Sai Baba of Shirdi. The image continued to evolve. Satpati called his wife (he was married and the father of three children), but the wife did not see anything. Called neighbors. For them, the film continued to be a film. Satpati turned off the TV, again included - the person continued to change, and saw it only Satpati.
He took this as a sign that he needs to go to Shirdi - a place in the state of Maharashtra, where the destroyed mosque Baba lived for 60 years. Now this place was built a huge mausoleum of gray marble, and Shirdi is a place of pilgrimage for millions of people. It happened with Satpati great miracle. Before the statue of Baba, he realized that, finally, met his guru, who cared about him for many lives.
In the split second Satpati got the full realization and Siddha [Siddhas - supernatural abilities. - Approx. auth.] his guru. Prior to this, the master has been faithful and looking for a man, but never seriously engaged in spiritual practices. When Satpati returned home, his life completely changed. Dedicated to Sai Baba of Shirdi, people from all walks of life, подвижники and ascetic, began to come to the officer from across the country. He healed, found missing, edify, bless and help all those who came to him.
The same thing did a great Sai Baba of Shirdi, famous for its many wonders. When someone asked the Shirdi Baba, why it works wonders, Baba said: "I give people what they want in the hope that one day they will take what I want them to."
Thousands of people began to gather in front of the house Satpati awaiting assistance. The wizard has been difficult to get out of the house to get to work. When Satpati sleeps - is unclear.
After what happened with him transfiguration, always surrounded by people he did not cast their work, but dosluzhilsya up to the rank of the head of a huge organization. "Why do not you leave your job?" - I asked him. "But I like it," - replied laconically Satpati. He writes music, poems, books. Satpati organized the construction of more than 50 temples of Sai Baba of Shirdi.
- I do not understand how this happened, "- says sitting in front of us master in uniform and military uniform. - I was a human suffering from disease, desires, anger, and harassment of superiors. Did I have someone very special to him or it was just His mercy to me? Of course, it was a mercy.
As for the Satguru [Satguru - spiritual guide of humanity. - Approx. auth.] for the Baba is not important, it keeps the physical body or not. He can take any form of desire. Time is also not an obstacle for him. In his last earthly life of Sai Baba of Shirdi was Kabir.
- Are you the embodiment of Baba? - I asked.
- No, - answered Satpati. - I'm just the conductor.
- What's your mission on earth?
- Leads people to him - the officer again made a hand gesture in the direction of photography teacher.
- Is there a mantra Baba?
- Om Sri Sai Nath NAmaha!
- Is there any opportunity for the searcher to find a true teacher?
- Absolutely no. The teacher always chooses himself.
We did Satpati a small gift. In response, he presented his book "Shirdi Sai Baba and other Perfect Masters". Then the master drop something about miracles. We do not attach importance to this phrase, and at this point he has shown us a miracle. I can not tell about this remarkable event in our lives, in the execution of the request Satpati.
At the farewell, the Indian tradition, I asked permission to touch the feet of the master. At first he refused, but I asked again, and Satpati agreed. I touched his hand military nachischennyh to shine shoes, and then attached a hand to his forehead.
- Can we would still see you? - I asked already at the door.
- If something prevents the coming of the Father, come.
- We want to invite you to Russia.
Satpati long look in his eyes, then said:
- Yes, I come.
As long are you going to the Himalayas and meet the cave hermit, or a whole day tryaseshsya on Indian roads on their way to some remote ashram, where the noble old man, with a special yogic fire in the eyes, you are more or less ready for the meeting with something wonderful. But when it happens in the heart of Delhi in a modern building, full of armed men, it is quite another story. This is about the same as if the KGB led by Seraphim of Sarov. This is possible only in India.
After meeting with Satpati and other masters of modern India, it became clear that the great spirit of this country alive, despite the poverty, filth, lzheguru, trusting morochaschih millions of simpletons, and simply scam in apparel sadhu, corruption in the ashram, laundered money mafia. Despite all the unfulfilled hopes and pokalechennye destiny, India remains the spiritual heart of our planet.