Sunday, July 12, 2009

36. Where to get money.

36. Where to get money.

One time, I gave private lessons in English, and to declare unto me a man approached Robert with him a letter requesting transfer of America. In addition to letters, brochures in an envelope was the New York School for the execution of desires, where it is seriously proposed course, at the end of which could get anything you want. On the cover of the brochure beautiful portrait of the founder of the school - hot brunettes with lush forms.
Techniques described in the booklet was very simple - it was necessary to provide what you want to get until it comes to you. The letter was dated brunettes.
Before you listen to the transfer letter, Robert told me his story. He worked first as a worker at the St. Petersburg jewelry factory, and once he was sent on a business trip to Arkhangelsk. In the train deaf and dumb to sell books and magazines, and Robert bought a manual for the execution of desires, of course, in Russian.
Robert wanted to become rich. He began to vigorously engage in the American system, all day imagining realized the dream of young Loin - with a purse of five thousand dollars. Robert told me that he literally began to see the wallet, smell the skin, to feel his weight.
After six months of occupation, walking on the deserted alley evening the park, he found the wallet in the accuracy with its visualization. Inside the purse was exactly five thousand dollars brand-new banknotes. R. obezumel. He realized that was the magic key to the execution of desires. By purchasing a used "Lada", he felt Creusot. Execution of the remaining dreams was a matter of time.
Robert lived at that time in half-attic room with a leaking roof and his dream was to move to a one-room apartment. He resigned from work and stubbornly continued occupation, is now introducing a flat of their dreams in the smallest detail. It took several months, but it fails - no flat do not foresee, and the money is coming to an end.
Robert, however, do not despair, and sought the advice of a psychologist. The psychologist gave him practical advice: once he had found the purse, then you need to focus on money, an apartment can be bought.
As a meditation on the wallet the next one year. The efforts of Robert and this time succeeded - this time a purse lying in the phone booth inside was exactly ten thousand U.S. dollars.
Robert moved to a one-room apartment and decided to relax. He went to Sochi for a walk there three months before returning to St. Petersburg to continue his financial studies. But luck turned against him. In fruitless meditation two years. Maybe he is doing something wrong? Despaired, Robert wrote a letter to the American mother-founder of school. In the letter, he described his success and asked what to do next - materialize for some reason stopped.
To answer your question, and Robert came to me. I noted with interest spread printed on good paper and a letter has been translated. Madame R. congratulated and encouraged him to buy many new books published by her school in order to deepen their knowledge in the materialization. In addition, she invited Robert to come to New York to undergo a course costing several thousand dollars.
Having finished the translation, I looked at Robert drew his face from frustration. To go to America, he was already on that, and the language he did not know.
- What are you going to do now? - I asked him.
- I do not know. I sold a car, furniture, too. The apartment, however, remained. Sitting in an empty apartment and I do not know what to do. - Upset he offered.
Robert was a simple man, but the imprint of his face lay a meeting with an unknown. He gives the impression of people, experienced the devil. To bid farewell and paying for the translation, Robert passed away. More, I never saw.
A more radical way to solve the financial problems has Siddha [Siddha - literally "perfect". - Approx. auth.] Nityananda, a teacher Muktanandy. When, in his ashram there was a need of construction work, were hired laborers. They have appointed a price for the work. All property Nityanandy consisted of loincloths, and the disciples did not understand how he would pay.
After the first day of Nityananda told workers to go on the road and up the first stone that get them noticed. They did so. A stone lay new rupee - day money brigade. Workers turned all the rocks nearby, but more money was not.
Similarly, the team received "wages" throughout the building. Rumors spread quickly in India and, finally, in the ashram nagryanula the police to find out where the money is Nityananda.
- It's very simple - is pleased to explain the master police. - I know a place where money apparently, invisible. Do you want me show it to you?
The police are happy to agree, and Nityananda went with them in the jungle. Had to go long, and the order of the guard began to talk among themselves, not knowing where they are.
- Nothing is near - invigorate their Nityananda, probirayas through the impenetrable chaschu. Finally, he went to the overgrown lake, and Nityananda, it is difficult, entered the water. The police were horrified, as the lake kishelo crocodiles. Not long thinking, Nityananda catch the nearest crocodile opened his mouth and completely zasunul there hand.
- Look! - He cried joyfully, from the crocodile vytaskivaya womb sealed packets of money and throwing them into the water. - See how here!
The police rushed headlong heels. On the question of the source of funding in ashram, they no longer applied.