Tuesday, July 7, 2009

23. Watch the essence.

23. Watch the essence.

We will watch this movie and the rest of lives, until we do not get tired. Then we will turn the channel or the TV on or off. This will mean that we are factitious. The game was made possible when the source has limited himself and is divided in itself - thus, there we are, and all the rest. We seemed to move forward on the steps of evolution, but, in fact, come back - a place where we come to the source, which is in the beginning and end of creation. "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last."
Our practice - a process samouznavaniya. We know ourselves and through that to find out who we actually do. Thus, the source back to itself through us. This is the meaning of his game, which, as we have seen is impossible without trust. The credibility of the source is fully unconditional return and merge with his playing, ever showing nature. Living and working in the trust, we begin to comprehend it. The quickest and surest way to comprehension of the nature of the source of all - is to look directly into its essence.
If we had glimpses of this fact, it is necessary to continually, trying not to be distracted, look into it. It means to see and feel the essence of everything. How to determine if this - we fantaziruem or not? Signs that we are doing the practice right, three:
The first sign is that the essence of the whole remains unchanged. If, as we look, is not changed and never under any circumstances - we got gold.
The second feature - the lack of clinging. For the essence of not utsepitsya, keep it, whatever we wanted. She, like water, will always leave us blind eye. Therefore, it is impossible to grasp the essence or mind or feeling. It is - beyond all the constructions and evasions. What invent mind, it also destroys. The reality is impossible to think of and it is impossible to destroy. Therefore, it is beyond clinging mind.
The third sign came when maturation of our practices. It would certainly be. At some point we will disappear doubt about the nature of the source. We are just going to get to know the substance spilled everywhere as easily and naturally as a child learns his mother.
If we do not understand what is involved, it does not matter. The essence is everywhere, so find and enter into it easily. For example, she put in all that we hear - we can find it inside of any sound. Any sound, word or a melody that we hear - is the voice neunichtozhimoy fact, directly addressed to us.
She always talks and talks to us a vote of other people, or surf the noise of cars, music or birdsong. Or shouting accident, killed by torture. All this is one voice, one sound.
Pictures outside world and all that we perceive the inner eyes - of the same is not unichtozhimoy fact. The essence is not different from its manifestations, so all that we see - so it literally, though it is hard to believe. Are we constantly see God directly in front of you and do not need to go look for it? Yes, this is the case. Go anywhere and do anything you do not need. What we are looking for, every second is located right in front of us.
The essence of all pronikayuscha - it is in the outside world and within us. Therefore, you can open it and in the flow of current thinking, and in between them. That's why you do not need to stop thinking during meditation. Running or zamershy on the ground, deer will always remain deer.
Just do not give our thoughts and values did not believe either of them, nor the reality that they create. You can easily slide between the thoughts, as the snake to slide on the sand. It's like walking in a crowd - we find a free space between the reaching and moving forward, not faced with anybody.
It is important not to lose time. We thoughtlessly and bad spending huge amounts of time for our precious lives of suffering, doubt, hassle, bustle, rather than respond to an invitation from the source. He invites us to play.