Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coaching, Training and more training.

Coaching, Training and more training.

* Use every opportunity to exercise their intuition. Try to guess who is calling you, who will send a letter and what will be - good or bad.
* Check your ability to predict who will come and lift the first, a way to work would be very short, what the weather will be tomorrow.
* Used immediately to solve various minor issues, such as choosing a lunch menu or a pair of shoes.
* Parking, rely on the guidance of internal voices.
* For the training of perception, try to watch TV when you turn off the sound and understand what is happening on the basis of visual impressions.
* Give a sketch of the first of the counter: what it is growth in that dressed as a complex plug what color hair and eyes ...
* Then, figuratively, imagine that person.
* Describe the person had just met and talked: that he for the character, what his family situation, a job, guess interest rate the state of health ...
* Set the characteristics of their instincts for example, its predominantly manifested in the form of feelings, figurative representations or internal voice.
It is also useful to dream, "dreams dreams". Let your future be held in front of your inner eye, as the film frames. You may be a long time want to live and work in Italy. So imagine how you have your own home state of a holiday in the circle of his Italian friends, as you explained fluently in Italian with his superiors, or as you and his family the evening go for a walk, enjoy nature and being entertained. Let the events evolving thoughts flow freely, even if played with imagination - remain an observer. feel like in a movie theater - the audience of his personal movie. You find the momentum of their own dreams. are not left behind their own feelings. Is it good to you, happy Are you happy there, when you look his film? Is your feeling that all this is for you? Is this your way? Revitalization dreams activates intuition and its daily impact on your life.

Intuition and intellect
Manifestations of intuition are linked to the functioning of the right brain hemisphere, which is often called the silent party, because it does not use forms of verbalization and articulation. Such ability to function due to right hemisphere to provide a logical way of thinking. Last unfolds as a series of individual interdependent operations. It requires spiritual aspiration and a certain mood. If you possess the ability to use both brain hemispheres at the same time, this will improve efficiency and ensure the highest achievements. In this case, you can use and intuition. The immediate comprehension of truth, reality takes place independently of conscious thought, of reason from.
Very often, the intuition is waking up when the mind is silent, when a malfunction occurs in the mind and not know where to find a solution. In such cases, many people like "lightens up". This outbreak resulted from the sub and the matter of the decision immediately adopted the only correct category. Sometimes intuition complements mind all day long We analyze, process data? can not find a solution. And suddenly, committed! unexpected happens spiritual breakthrough: we have a fantastic idea!
It happens so that you will find a rational decision, but the internal peace it is not you So you continue to seek out and to come out a different result, in which intuition and intellect Slit Интуиция may prevail.
Difficult to recognize the manifestations of instincts, if it is only a slip in consciousness. We can only scrape it; "Just could not grasp ..." The decision was so close, Mr. disappeared like melting snowflakes on the palm. But intuition can be returned. It's enough to reconstruct the circumstances of its gleams. Tune is still, in front of Maite, the same thoughts - and you restore the desired state.
Intuitive comprehension - Energy and holistic - is the direct understanding of reality, all-encompassing and boundless. It transcends all boundaries on the way to the "universal thinking and thus to awakening.
Intuition and intellect can complement each other.
Will play a leading role and ability, which makes extensive use of
and exercise

Our opportunity is richer than we think
You certainly know that every person - your subconscious. But Did you know that all the people and culture are based on a single initial experience, irrespective of whether he was then in Africa, Asia or the Pacific Islands? Unbelievable, but all the myths of the Earth describe the same and just as it looked when it was not people. Another surprising that these descriptions from a scientific point of view, it is estimated to be accurate. This is convincing proof of the collective unconscious. It unites all people in all times and is based on the ancient universal forms of thought, whose content is accessible to everyone. This does not play any role, whether in a large North American business, a Tibetan monk, or Latin American peasants. All people, regardless of their social status, age, religion, race or era, "connected" to the subconscious. This can be seen as a common spiritual foundation of the personal nature. Each child's nascent capacity to put these original, it is known the world order, while the infant and can not yet speak.
Psychoanalyst CG Jung has proved the existence of a universal way of thinking, which occurs everywhere, and which became known as the archetype. It follows that every person has tremendous potential of knowledge and experience. Intuition offers a direct link between consciousness and the archetype that allows to meaningfully interpret the experience and at the right time bezoshibochen! to spiritual activity. Anyone who uses his? what is happening in the world. He will be able to anticipate developments open new opportunities.
If the name was used more potential! effectively, our lives and our world would be a different type we find the key to this treasure.

Why we can not meet the 5% of our spiritual capabilities?

You may be surprised to learn that even people with high intelligence use only 15% of their! spiritual capacities. Imagine that you are in the automobile shop. It only works every fifth machine. You ask the manager who accompanies you, why such a situation, and he will explain to you that the machines in good order, but another entirely, and therefore are not used. And you will understand why the company was threatened with collapse.
Why do you have dovolstvuetes only a proportion of their! spiritual power? You is not desirable to the end of the deployment of its spiritual possibilities, awaken hidden Sealy and forward them to improve their lives? And for that! you need only to master the tools of their own thinking. This work will cause, and a favorable side-effect: to increase your IQ. Do not limit mental attitudes, try to think independently. Let the ideas seem delusional Index - expand thinking. Brain training can be the same as muscle. In order to formulate a special training exercises. For example, every evening, remember all the details of certain situations. At the end of the week podytozhte all such impressions. Same again at the end of the month. You can do and the challenges to the intelligence. For example, set out to finance the round trip, or find a groom unmarried aunt ...
Finally, an exercise that will help unleash your spiritual strength. They break you think "linear", to which you have become accustomed, and provide opportunities "holistic", holistic thinking.