Saturday, July 11, 2009

32. Communication and fear.

32. Communication and fear.

The main principle in the relationship with the people should be a simple rule: do not want them. There is no need to change the people you want us to side - nothing but harm this would bring. The desire to change others to their own, we think the benefits in the wrong. It is necessary to keep the surrounding such as they are, and deal with them.
This is, in fact, the most effective way to help others. Only by changing and moving towards the source, we can attract people in the same direction. The practice enhances the vibration of our consciousness. Vibration impact without coercion, and thus bring them to maximum benefit.
People feel in our waking source to which they instinctively seek. When looking for is not able to find a way for themselves, they come and ask to specify the direction. If you are asking for assistance, it is necessary to act, keeping in mind that you can only teach what you know yourself. Give the correct direction of movement - is already very much.
When we got to the end of the road, you need to throw down a ladder to climb to the other. Awakening to reality, we must do everything in our power to awakening sleeping. But the man pulled on the road can not be, it is like to pull the grass out of the land, rather than allow it to grow.
In the communication need to comply with the rule of energy conservation: do not ask - do not say. When we speak, not to talk about yourself. The two sides need the energy of our attention. He wants us to vnikli of his problems and helped to resolve them. Most people just need to reprimand, but few know how to listen. Normal people do not notice that he always talks about himself. In communication, as well as in life, people - selfish.
After carefully listening to people, we are able to penetrate deep into the consciousness of the other person, to feel the hidden springs of his action, to go along with him his neurosis. After listening, knowingly allow the source to talk with us. Let's not worry about words. "I will meet a person who zabyvshego of words, and talk to him" - said Chzhuanztsy.
When speaking, remember not only the words but also about himself. Right words come, it is important to dissolve his ego, which constantly выскакивает and wants to speak. As soon as we notice selfish motive in that, say, you need to safely realize this. A simple awareness of a force that the motive of the solution. Be a source of speech is to be clean, empty and does not speak for themselves and from themselves. Being a guide means in place to stop thinking and take care of themselves.
To do this you need to get rid of fear. Fear - a huge destructive force that can completely transform the energy of creation. Fear is rarely acts directly, much more often, he puts on the mask. It can ryaditsya in the sense of duty or responsibility, to act under the guise of patriotism, and even love. When the mother is afraid of playing in the yard of a child, she did not understand the fear that it attracts to its Chad real danger.
When we learn to recognize the sticky vibrations of fear for them to wear masks, we find that the lives of most people, drenched in fear. This is a very ancient feeling. Once the fear was needed, it allowed us to survive and reach the level of rights. But karma has been exhausted dinosaurs, karma of mankind - yet. Now fear is the obstacle of evolution.
Our weapon in the struggle with fear all the same - the power of awareness. Once we recognize the hidden under the mask of fear, or encountered it in its pure form - we just know that we fear and remain in this awareness. We do not run, do not turn away, do not try to escape, but the direct beam of awareness directly into the heart of this fear. Knowledge - This laser gun, dissolved in a beam all that it seeks.
Not allowing fear to leave the field of awareness, we can see that it is dissolved. Thus, in the horror of the huge shadow of gnavsheysya for us, we suddenly realize that this - our own shadow in the light of street lamp and smiling with relief. Energy, which made it the fear of life, it becomes ours, it comes back to us.
Rid of the fear of oppression, of despair, we clean internal space for joy. Rule is simple: do not ever be afraid. Now, natolknuvshis to fear, obraduemsya him. Finally we know what to do with it! Net Radiant joy permeates the work force, and the key to it, which we are looking elsewhere, lies in our pocket.