Bashan or samskary - is recorded on the hard disk memory of the countless evolutionary experience gained as a result of the huge number of past lives. The disc that is located in the vertebral column and looks like a glowing, intertwined with each fiber. As the brain is memory. Samskary life appear on the desktop, like the awareness of the files on your computer. Samskary past lives hidden in the hidden system folders.
Some of the files, we may disclose, including the mechanism of memory - "porytsya" in it. Most files, however, reveals itself, clogging up the screen of awareness. They выскакивают one after the other and not be closed, clogging up the screen and preventing us to work. Thus, we live in the graveyard of memories. Memoirs of birth of thought, consciousness permanently clog the field.
The memory works correctly when click on the desired file, and after looking at it close. But we are not able to close dozens of files, a popup on the screen! My mind is like a computer, get into a wax. This, however, the matter does not end there. We react to what is happening and make plans for the future. Plans for the most part, these do not come true because they are built on a false interpretation of reality.
All of this also appears on the display computer, which is filled to the limit unnecessary information. Thus, we truly live in an illusory world of memories and hopes - the world's past, which never returned, and in the imaginary world of the future that never comes. We live in a world without this.
In order to properly organize the work of memory, you need to turn off the mechanism of involuntary memory, working 24 hours a day, since dreams are also based on memory. This does not mean that we become senseless, nothing is remembering idiots - information stored on the hard drive and remains there automatically. You need only to stop self-discovery of files.
To do this you should learn to recognize those moments when we start something to remember. As soon as we caught ourselves at the same time, there is nothing else do not have to do. Mere awareness of the fact that we are beginning to delay in the illusory world of memories, enough to vynyrnut back the scope of awareness. The inertia of memory, however, is enormous, and need to spend a lot of effort to develop a new habit than to remember about anything.
"My dear, you can talk or listen to countless scriptures, but you will not be self-sufficient, yet not be able to forget everything," - said Ashtavakra Gita.
Streamline the work of memory, we lishim feed another large part illusory inner world - our fantasies, hopes and fears of the future. Engineering work here is the same: you should learn to recognize the moments when we begin to pull down an imaginary future. Awareness of this movement is to go back to the present. Start a practice you want, but with the destruction of the habit continually remember and after the transition to the projections for the future.
All that we need in both cases - it is carefully, precisely, to develop a habit to be careful. To do this, it is important to discover a quality of natural open carefully. So careful of everything a small child. He was not immersed in memories or fantasies about the future - it just opened in surprise to all that's happening right in front of him. This natural attentiveness remained with us since childhood, she has not left. Open it to yourself and use to purify our minds.
The practice, therefore, is aimed at cleansing the field of perception of the illusion of past and future. All that happened, happens and will happen, is now committed, at this moment - a moment that already and simply! Next second the same way elusively, as just took place. Nevertheless, and remember and think and dream about the future, we are now, at this very volatile time - another time, we do not have. Therefore, past and future, in fact, there is only now.
So: watch the scene inside and out, constantly staying in the sliding time this is not merging with the images of external and internal worlds, we do not allow us to claim the power of distraction in the illusory world of illusory interpretation of images.
Simply: we stay here and now. Even simpler: we will worry. Simple vigilance is calm enough for the detection of a witness, not affected by what he sees.
The witness is the pain or pleasure, with the merger with the object perceived them, or, in other words, believing in its reality. In this respect he is like a man sitting in the auditorium or the front of the TV. The pain and pleasure to the spectator experiences the characters are exactly as far as he empathize them and lets them yourself. If sakshin [Sakshin (sanskr.) - an internal witness. - Approx. auth.] do not want this - no force can make him cry and laugh along with litsedeystvuyuschimi characters.
By opening an internal witness, did not affect either pain or pleasure, you should keep in mind that this - not last resort. For there is another witness to the fact that it has created. This source, consisting of himself and the witness, and the fact that he is watching. Thoughts are dissolved in the awareness of the witness, the witness is dissolved in the spring. There is no need to seek the source of consciousness - it's not there. He is not anywhere else, because it includes everything, not vice versa. Therefore, we do not - the search for the source.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
16. The memory and attentiveness.
16. The memory and attentiveness.