Monday, July 20, 2009

What spiritual path other than the ordinary?

What spiritual path other than the ordinary?

Each genuine tradition suggests that people belonging to it must be to ascend to God. The meaning and purpose of such a path - a gradual improvement of human and assimilation of the Supreme Divine Home. This means the transformation of human nature, to overcome its flaws and shortcomings in a nurturing virtues and merits. Such a path is infinite, because God is infinitely perfect man. However, all traditions are divided this way into several major segments (stages, phases, "parking", levels), for the successful passage of which requires special conditions. If the first, most important to maintain the enthusiasm and passion for people, then at the higher stages of the ascent to the forefront of emerging such as the quality of responsibility, sincerity, maturity, self, deep self.

The true spiritual path is unthinkable without the support of the teachers, traditions, religions, esoteric school. If the goals and objectives selected correctly, as marked by the aspirations of the spirit of sincerity, much in the life of a student is changing for the better. On a purely physical event, all is organized quite differently. There is no unnecessary contact, have new friends, there is good creative possibilities. Stronger happy feeling that life is not just a set of coincidences, but performed a deep sense of beauty. Each event gets the deep, multifaceted. Logic is organized as a way of life to God, to establish contact with higher forces, the disclosure of an unusual ability.

At first, people tend to overly romanticize all the changes with him, attributing even the smallest events of global importance. Artistic life begin play in the initiation, occultism, or holiness, and it experienced a spiritual mentor wise word in time to stop this game. But on the whole people, "sound mind" to enter in a spiritual way, not only feels a burst of enthusiasm, but also the strength, confidence, cheerfulness.

Improved "fine", psihoenergeticheskoe-being. Increasing sensitivity to astral phenomena, the movement of energy flow in the body, which in itself is a testament to start a new life. The man begins to feel the subtle energy field around itself, the boundaries of its aura, is aware of the increased power of the energy that fills all his words and actions and allows you to cope with heavy loads than before.

And finally, most importantly, though, and low changes in the spiritual world. In humans gradually born confidence that he is not one for white light, and higher powers are ready at any moment to come to his assistance. And although neither of conscious and permanent relief from spiritual teachers such a beginner student to say no (higher powers at first preferred to test a candidate for the dedication and skill to properly dispose of the knowledge, and thus give him an opportunity to act independently). However, neophytes think that it is already "under the highest beam. This gives him a feeling of security, self-confidence and helps to overcome not only a trifling obstacle, but also more serious obstacles. Man accumulates around good psihoenergeticheskuyu and spiritual atmosphere. Let it still does not protect a teacher, but is already beginning to protect against impact energy of the teachings and spiritual traditions.

It is impossible to embark on a firm spiritual path immediately pass jungle walks and stages of spiritual pre-apprenticeship. He feels a growing responsibility for their actions and the need to obey all the more serious discipline. Of course, people do not choose this path in order to utyazhelit his life, but rather to get rid of suffering, but, in reality, spiritual evolution - is not pleasure walk. The deeper a person is elected esoteric tradition, the worse he begins to feel the burden of the Agni Yoga calls "the burden of peace." The symbol of the responsibility of spiritual seeker - mythological Atlas, holding on his shoulders the vault of heaven.

Much of what was possible before, it is unacceptable for looking. Changing the way of life, human behavior, his relationships with people. No lies and insincerity towards oneself and others. Produced clarity and completeness of vision of their psychological reactions and motives are brought up in a continuous self. There is intensive work on the spiritual self, the transformation of their own shortcomings, advanced quality of education, focusing on higher ideals and purposes. All internal mental time filled with intensive work on each other. Die laziness and idleness in deeds as well as minds. At advanced stages of the ascent, even a short period of psychological oblivion of sleep and higher purpose, there is something painful. Man learns every moment to do something in itself, create a psychologically and spiritually. Man tries to deter the spirit of its aggressive nature selfish, not to inflict evil, and all sorts of difficulties to use the benefit, considering them as a test, which opens up new opportunities.

On the spiritual path is changing the nature of security rights. It is certainly growing, but it is a very complex, nonlinear process. The first steps of student heightened sense of vulnerability to the blows of fate and the excessive openness to the subtle influences. It is as if dropped from a shock-absorbing cover of the illusion, which protects against the suffering caused by their own imperfections. Therefore, he lives in many ways more difficult than an ordinary person. However, his growing awareness of the world and how to properly maintain it themselves. Change the attitude to barriers. Despite the fact that in the first stages of becoming more, they are much more easily transported and are increasingly viewed as a learning situation. The student is happy with them, because it all leads to a greater truth, Top Reality wish to acquire a permanent and spiritual refuge. In sorrow and misery, the inevitable path to climb, gradually born courage, fearlessness, and thanks to fate for a good course, tempered in the Spirit. This is perhaps the main difference from the student's spiritual path profanicheskogo walk on the margins of life.


Think of the difference of vertical ascent path to the Light and perfection of quiet horizontal walk from one goal to another, and sometimes even without a purpose in daily life. You can submit as you can to brighten as meandering horizontal line into a strict vertical. Try vdumatsya in the benefits received by people who choose to climb, as opposed to an infinite random walk. Thoughts go, both expensive to live and feel all the difference between them. Think often on the subject until your heart is not born a clear aspiration to the top, and you do not feel that, freed from the yoke too earth horizontal targets and magnets.