Monday, July 27, 2009



In every language there are words and phrases that define the time: "It is the past", "she has no future", "to keep pace with the times", etc. Moreover, in different cultures, time is indicated in different ways: for some it is a complete cycle (birth-death-birth), the other being portrayed in a line. It turns out that people do not appreciate the same time, relate to it and identify themselves on a temporary line.

Short human-oriented in time can be divided into 3 blocks:

1. Oriented to the past, that was before. The man can talk, mostly in the past tense, but not necessarily.

2. Focused on the present, to what is happening now.

3. Oriented to the future. You may say, most of the time in the future, talk about their plans.

This orientation is often the basis for a specific belief, including the restriction. For example, if a person "stuck" in the past for their mistakes, not intended targets of the future, or live with dreams so that forgets the joy of this moment. There are people who like to accumulate experience in the moment that most clearly rethink their future. Thus, the perception "here and now" caught. Or vice versa: the construction plans, the dreams of the future - the most pleasant experience, that when the long-awaited moment of losing its relevance.

On the interpretation of the time you can work, but to begin to determine how useful a way of encoding time is commonplace.
Ways of encoding time
How can you describe the difference the last time from the future? What you invest in the concept of past and present?

Try now to imagine yesterday. Provided? Now think that'll do tomorrow. How do you decide for yourself where the past, where the present and the future? How do you know that some event has occurred, and the other only to be done? How do you have the events of the past, present and future in space?

Most people simply visualize the events, ie represent them in the form of images. If so, you have a way to delineate the space in the image of future and past. One picture you put either the right or above the other. One may be closer to other more. Brighter or dull.

Now we need to go further: to continue to have events on the lines of time, increasing the time interval. Such visualization can learn, and paired with another person who will help you understand your position and images of future past. Once you narisuete a temporary line, and it can be done on paper, you will be easier to understand its relation to the events of the past, present and future.

Interestingly, the time line can be different: the one on the left is the past, and right - the future. Other past behind, the future of the front and above, as if the past. A third is a 3 way: go back left, now right, the future right. Met through time, twisted into a spiral and a circle, where the time is counter-clockwise: right back, and left the future.

To understand what the line can interfere with, again, consider what your past is different from the future: how do they differ in size, brightness, distance from you. How they are formed: in the form of slides or film, in color or not. Do you see yourself in the past by, or do you see what you did then, and again worrying developments? And in the future? Try to keep all the differences in definition. Why do we need it? Now that you have identified with their way of encoding time, you can test and others. Perhaps you know that people see the future vague.

They can be characterized by such constraints:
- Unclear goals
- Uncertainty
- Difficulty in planning for the future
- Lack of motivation to achieve results

In addition, you can see that around complaining about the disorganization man, that he did not value their time and ill, he has no direction of motion, etc. Some people do not notice that the unplanned actions bring inconvenience. Usually at this point other.

In this case, you can try to recode the temporary line.
Learn how you coded the future interlocutor at the moment. Where he sees? How? In a line or in another way.
If the future of small and dim, there may be problems with the achievement of goals.

To focus on the future need:

- First of all, realize that this is an experiment. If you do not like it, it will be possible to revert to the old temporary line.

- Begin to hold your buddy through the changes: if the future is behind him, and move it forward. If the period of time lines relating to the future, a short, lengthen it. Make it brighter, add a nice feeling and sound.

- Let the people have in your line of specific events that have wanted for him.

- He can also lay ahead in the overall value (eg, health and welfare), without specific events. Visualize the future you can add some additional lines, reaching close to the main line and connecting it to alternate solutions. You can expand the time line or some way to decorate.

- Do not forget about the ecological conversion: the person you want to compare the old and the new time line. New to enjoy more. If not, the experiment further.