Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brothers of the mind - or sisters?

Brothers of the mind - or sisters?

Incredibly diverse appearance UFO occupants. It seems that we attend every species and subspecies of reasonable entity in the universe.

Most often they are referred to simply as "gray." These creatures rising from 90 to 120 cm, with gray skin, a disproportionately large Bald head, apparently poorly developed limbs and thin torso. They have large dark eyes, corners are slightly bent upward. For other details about their appearance, there is diversity of opinion, but it could be argued that the "classic gray humanoid has a very small nose, or did not have any at all, he has a small mouth, lips bare, thin fingers. According to some descriptions, the fingers may end in claws, or something like a sucker. Their swift and clothing made humanoid body structure similar to human embryos.

Stories about the hybrids - half-human half gray, allegedly abandoned the means of genetic engineering - not uncommon in the popular literature ufologicheskoy. They are also associated with stories about sexual contact between the earth and the alleged aliens. The number of myths about the "gray" is very large and is rich in detail. Reports of contacts of people with gray humanoid appeared primarily in the United States of America. Of the other regions of the world reports on the meetings with these newcomers for some reason there were much fewer.

Often the "aliens" to describe those who allegedly had a meeting with them, attributed to features that make them in many ways similar to humans: a more or less cylindrical torso, crowned head, two hands with the shoulders and two legs with thighs. Hands could be very different form. This is a basic description of the variation was different, sometimes very exotic. In certain descriptions (eg, belonging to George Adamski) "aliens" appeared almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Sometimes the newcomers, according to testimony kontakterov have very beautiful appearance, close to the so-called Nordic ideal: blonde hair, attractive features, impressive physique. Other visitors from outer space were dark and even compared with the typical Italians and the Gypsies (can recall, for example, the case with Truman Beturumom). Humanoids can also appear before the people in the form of extraordinarily beautiful women.

The growth of the alleged aliens varied quite widely: from a giant (up to 3 meters) to the tiny - a few centimeters in size. In some stories earthlings encountered humanoid, seen in the past clothing with metal shade. Other newcomers are the mantle, and even a sort of armor. Humanoids can have some semblance of brushes instead schupalets. There are stories in which the aliens were attributed unlikely long arm. Even with regard to the number of eyes there is no agreement: sometimes one, but in most cases, however, two are often dark, with the corners turn up top.

In some descriptions of aliens had glowing eyes, as, for example, the guests celebrated kontaktera Alberta vendor. A variety of facial and skull are also quite common. Humanoids might have ears, or be deprived of them. Sometimes, in those places on the head where normal people are the ears, a humanoid stick antenna. Seen noseless and nosy (and very nosy), visitors from outer space, without rtov and with small, narrow, bezgubymi mouths. Although the vast majority of job humanoids have legs, they are not always used for the movement, as is often claimed that the aliens can fly.

However, usually the legs end feet, and although there were exceptions to this rule (for example, in a fairly well-known case of Kelly - Hopkinsvillya humanoid legs ended in some disc-entity). Sometimes, though not very often, the aliens noticed the wings.

Most often, people who met the stranger, felt either male or hermaphroditic. However, there are exceptions: for example, the famous "Captain Aura Ranes - beautiful inoplanetyanka to participate actively in contact with Truman Beturumom. Part humanoid well tolerated by the earth's food. Says small, overgrown with hair, shaggy creatures, and giants. The latter is sometimes called "big foot" - a name more familiar to the abominable snowman (yeti).

In ufologicheskoy literature contains many descriptions related to the physiology and anatomy of aliens. According to rumors, the autopsy performed on the bodies of aliens who died as a result of the collapse of alien spacecraft in a desert in the southwest United States, showed that their hands and fingers are very much like the hands and fingers of ordinary people, but at the finger tips were Education, like tiny suckers.

According to the same rumors, the teeth aliens were in good condition, and the digestive system is completely absent (for details see chapter "How to dissect the stranger). However, it should be noted that different stories contradict one another, and generally contain a lot of questionable information.

Interestingly, in different countries, humanoid was described in different ways. In some countries, people reportedly saw the huge aliens resembling robots (such as under Voronej), or creatures like goblins.

It is a kind of humanoid allegedly came to Earth in a UFO, is the so-called "men in black" - ominous male figure appearing after somewhere nearby saw a UFO, and aim at the horror of those who have to meet them. "People in Black" was described as a conventional earth in a dark dress. However, their unusual was in an awkward movements grandiloquence expressions used in conversation, sometimes unusual pallor person. "Men in Black" groups usually appear (in two or threes), and time and again making every threat in talks with the earth.

One of the evidence on this subject belongs nebezyzvestnomu kontakteru Albert Bender, alleges that he was visited in a black substance, perhaps because of his interest in UFOs. Making contact with other worlds coming to Earth in their spacecraft, may have different forms. The newcomers turned to people verbally or written communications transmitted.

Sometimes they resort to telepathy, or direct reading of the thoughts of head kontaktera. It should be noted that for the most part the message of humanity, whose authorship is attributed to aliens, the difference between vanity and inconsistency and improbability.

Humanoids appearing in the stories of our time, have long-lasting interest in the reproductive and excretory systems of rights. In many stories describes how the stolen earth they had been subjected to painful research and some surgical procedures performed on these systems. In the bodies of the abducted, for example, in the nasal passage or other parts, different kinds of implants were left (mostly small metal or ceramic spheres).

Often describing humanoid appearing before the people, unwittingly suggesting their similarity with the ghosts, and even forced to recall the demonic forces. In these stories contain references to the sudden feeling of cold, unpleasant smell, of deception, the ability of mysterious creatures to change their form, appear as a luminous figure, or even take the shape of famous people. These features are usually attributed to ghost and demons, which allows us to attribute the phenomenon of UFOs in the area of paranormal phenomena.