Thursday, July 16, 2009

43. Devraha Baba.

43. Devraha Baba.

One of the recent great masters of India was Devraha Baba. He resigned in 1989. They say that at this time it was 250 years old. Baba had lived on the shores of Yamun, opposite the town of Vrindavan Krishna. There, to this day is Devraha Baba Ashram, white tower is visible from afar. In the ashram you need to cross by boat. There are already more than ten years living Kesha Das, German follower Devraha Baba. Ashram run by two close disciples wizard. One of them, on behalf of Bali Maharaj, was a boy, when Baba came to a merchant with his wife and asked yogina show him a miracle.
Baba told Bali to take the fistful of rice in the palm and to throw into the air. To throw rice stood in the air, creating a sacred syllable "Om."
- Nonsense! - Exclaimed the merchant. - These stunt shows fakir in our village. Show me a miracle!
- Well, - spoke Devraha Baba and waved his hand. A salesman turned into a buffalo. The wife he was received by the yell, the buffalo that is not responsive - he stood peacefully chewed their cud. Luckless trader kept in this state forty minutes, Baba returned to him a human face. Then the two - and the merchant, and his wife fell down in front of Baba, and after that until the end of his life remained loyal. Devraha Baba was Brahmarishi - this is the highest level of comprehension of yoga.

Devraha Baba.

Baba lived in the Mancha. It is called a platform raised above the ground for six, at which there was a thatch hut yoga. Mancha survived so far. Devraha Baba did not allow people to touch him. We believe that his energy is so strong that can kill. Sometimes the old man down the leg from the platform and put it on the head of the visitor - so he was blessed.
By Baba flocked many people from all walks of life, and once arrived, Mahatma Gandhi [Mohandas Gandhi (1869 -1948) - A political reformer, founder of the independence movement in India. - Approx. auth.]. During a call Devraha Gandhi said:
- Do not ezdi in Madras.
- I can not - Gandhi objected. - There will be a great rally and I am waiting for thousands of people.
- Then take the blanket and never with him not to give up. - With these words Devraha Baba threw him his old blanket. Gandhi wore a blanket with you, but forgot his speech in front of the car. During the rally, the Mahatma was shot dead.
Baba walked bending, as shown in the photographs, because to keep the internal Kumbhaku and Uddiyana bandhs [Kumbhaka, bandhs Uddiiyana - yogic breathing technique delays in breath and pull the muscles perineum. - Approx. auth.]. Sometimes he walked on Yamun "wash" - disappeared under the water for several hours, sometimes people are seen as the yogin walked on water. Devraha loved the river and said that he - a child of Yamoun. Feed on Baba's milk and water from a river.
For Baba ashrams Devraha stretch the field, in which five thousand years ago, Krishna played with his gopi [Gopi - Shepherds, beloved of Krishna. - Approx. auth.]. Here is Raddha Rani Kunda - a pond, created for comfort Raddhi Krishna, his beloved home, where обиделась that Krishna has given it little attention. Local residents still greet each other by saying "Raddhe, Raddhe!" in memory of the beloved of Krishna.
In the late 1980's Devraha Babu visited the Soviet journalists and report about it was shown in a popular then the "View". Among other things, Baba blessed correspondent, putting him a leg over the head, and said that gives the blessing to all Russian people. He added that the Russian will have to suffer, but all this will be for the better.
He predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and Gorbachev's visit to India, which still has not been announced officially. Baba said, "well aware" of Gorbachev, and even if they say, he comes to him - "I will give him advice and bless them." We know that Gorbachev arrives with his wife and then to Baba - near Mancha was equipped heliport for dignitaries. What advice provided Devraha first and last Soviet president, is unknown.
One old man came to a team of western researchers and journalists who studied the Indian yogis, and sadhu. One of the scientists asked Devrahu how many years it. Baba just smiled in response. Then the researcher asked yogina to give them a lock of their hair for research in the laboratory. Through the analysis was to ascertain the age Devraha Baba. The master agreed and cut off the hair strand. Three months later the scientist returned to Baba. Approaching to the Mancha, he wept. The analysis showed that the hair belonged to the five-year child.
Sometimes Devraha Baba went to the Himalayas, allowing you to escort him only to Rishikesh. Where he went next one - no one knew. At the great religious festival of Kumbha Mela yoga seen simultaneously in different places.
Once Baba said, Swami Rama, the author of famous book "Living with Himalayan Masters": "Happiness - the greatest of all riches. Punctuality is also crucial. The practice of advanced breathing techniques are equally important. Technique is not aging - a technique Pranayama.
When life is very fond of old cows and cared about them. He said the cow - the only creature whose urine and dung had medicinal properties. The last words of the master were: Save the cows. "
When the yogin died, his cannon cop skulls - it happens with strong yogami, when their life-force leaves the body, looking straight up. In his testament, the body Devraha Baba was placed in a wooden crate, which is down in the water Yamoun. When, after several hours, the stand removed, it was empty - the holy dissolved his body in the water. Before departure, he said: "Without a physical body, I can help you even more."
Mantra resort to Devraha Baba:
Om Namo DevrahAya DigambarAya ManchAsinAya NamahA!
Glory to you, Devraha, vested in the space to sit Mancha!