Thursday, July 9, 2009

On the nature of dominant negative.

On the nature of dominant negative.

The question arises: what is this dominant feeds? Why it remains so enduringly? Those who are familiar with this little object here will open a small but very important from the standpoint of protecting the secret. The author can afford it: not being "interested person" and the exclusion watching "extra" area of human endeavor, he finds no reason to entertain, and now some perceptions are the traditional myths, which enable one to keep people in fear of other people, play other people.

So that feeds negative dominiantu? Usually, the picture appears as follows. Inductor sets with some percipient us, the so-called "repeat." At the end of the XIX century. repeat described as a sort of "mental cable" - the hose, which could escalate the inductor in poor percipient / or draw off from him or anything he wishes, and in unlimited quantities. Here too, all hope for "an experienced occultist, capable cable" snack. " Today, talking about field interactions: the alleged inducer "typed" in the field structure percipient a "destruktiruyuschee" cliche of negative information, the so-called "vampirp, and poor percipient to imagine this" cliché "is, until it finally destroys it -- Of course, if something good psychic is not a cliche destruktiruyuschee destruktiruet not "otsechet vampire."

The secret lies in the fact that you lie all the time. You were forced to create a "cable" to be able to then have a bite of his. You are forced to create "vampires" to enable them and then cut off. Since you have played and played.

Between the inductor and percipient really set repeat, in what terms he would have not been described, no matter what the conceptual model, - repeat is a psychological fact. Yes, repeat - it is really foreign body in a thin body "percipient" induced structure "in his" power structure ". But the power of the induced structure of an infinitely more fragile than an integral power percipient organism.

Yes, repeat - it is really a kind of parasite that receives recharge from the percipient, "living his juices, but in respect of scale in relation to the percipient, he is like a bug. But whether many of our able to drink bug juice? Yes, repeat really created a "dominant negative", BUT NOT ON ITS Pita - he eats it.

ITS nourishes our imagination. Target repeat befall us on our own strength, vklyuchti avalanche-like cascade of our imagination. Imennno inflammation of imagination makes us see in the vampire bug, and it is in the imagination of the kernel is "dominant negative". A mechanism of dominant / Ukhtomsky on / in and is that sustains itself, it is. At the same time nourishes the dominant and gradually enabling her repeat. If it were not for this feedback, if the repeat did not receive their minimum recharge - and need it quite a bit - then very soon it would "usoh" and no longer needed.

"Interested person" may ask: Is not the author attaches great importance to understand? In fact, the whole essence of mental assault, and just that and is that it is done without the knowledge of the victim. Unhappy not know what is going on and realizes the only result.

The essence of this objection is just that and is that poglubzhe poddet the imagination of potential "victims" that they worked in the right direction and when the person is OK, so that it trembled all the time in the troubled anticipation, and at the first sign of weakness or malaise / Do not be that the reasons / humble sighed with relief: "Well ..." - and heightened symptoms hundredfold.

Speaking of the attack outside the awareness of pointless: if you do not understand the attack, then it is not possible. Pointing and the introduction of negative charge, establishing repeat, are only "seeds" in the design of the mental attack. Percipient "digest" this charge is very fast and then starts by dominant negative digest itself - and, incidentally, may well bring the process to a fatal outcome.

In the case where there is the possibility of an uncontrolled reaction of mental samoperevarivaniya, occurs naturally, and the need for psychological self-defense, that is to be protected from himself.

Recall, however, once again, that if the negative charge does not penetrate deeper energy shell, Natural DESIGNATION which - vzaimodeytvovat any effects / both positive and negative, both strengths and weak / the need for protection does not arise. Yoginy, developing their awareness and razotozhdestvlennye from their shells, generally do not enjoy any protection, since any protection by shutting us out of the world, makes us less conscious. But if a person is not the power of their inner world, in certain situations it becomes necessary on this part of "themselves" to protect themselves.