Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do not be afraid to acknowledge the fear

Liz Burba

Do not be afraid to acknowledge the fear! The people who kept to himself alone and lead a bitter struggle with their fears, constantly affected by them. Exhausting their inner voice, sounding day and night. Open it, and you will see that you start slowly and surely getting rid of their fears until they get rid of them forever. Attempts to escape from fear, using drugs or alcohol will only lead to their suppression - fears returning to seek revenge.

If you feel that you're afraid of something, ask yourself: what you lose or priobretesh, giving way to fear. When the truck rushes you, your fear gives you a lot. It's real, and therefore a justifiable fear. But the fear is usually not useful, it only weakens and prevents you succeed. After meeting with him face to face and recognizing it, you will find an amazing self-confidence, which will extend to all areas of your life.

Fear makes us in some situations to make bad decisions. For example, in a night you have to choose where and with whom to go. If you're going to make a decision, guided by fear, you will inevitably make the wrong choice.

Be always very careful to understand how fear affects your life.For example, accepting the invitation only because of fear of upsetting someone, you make the wrong choice. You supervised fear. If you are invited, but did not decide to go, because you're afraid to go home in the dark, you are again making the wrong decision.

When your actions are motivated by fear, it only leads to frustration and disappointment, gradually depriving you strength and self-esteem. Acknowledge your fear - and you will make the right choice. You will learn to open and go forward, knowing that the correct solution is always opposite to the decision taken out of fear.

The better you learn to cope with their emotions, the less you will feel fear. You are always surrounded by a vibration of fear, and they will penetrate you apart from your will if you let it to them.Becoming a master of your emotions, you dissociate itself from a solid wall of fear. Agorafobikami are usually very sensitive, emotional people who are open to the penetration of external fears.

Imagine that your etheric, or subtle body forms around you excellent protective sphere. Imagine that the outer layer of the sphere is made of the energies of all fears, with which you managed to cope. In the area there are weaknesses - fear, to cope with that you could not. Through them, the fears seep inside, breaking your harmony.

All-powerful love, which is located inside the sphere, strengthens, heals and restores the weaknesses in the defense. Sphere is impenetrable. You become immune against the invasion of destructive vibrations!

Feelings of guilt in our culture has become almost an art. This is one of the most powerful emotions, and use it all and sundry.

"Feel" guilty and "to be" guilty - these are two different things. Be to blame, then know that you intentionally caused harm to yourself or someone else. Look closely at yourself. When the last time you intentionally caused someone harm? I will assume that for a long time, if ever, ever do so. Very few people can be called truly guilty.

Understand and recognize its deep inner perfection, you will begin to realize their freedom from whatever it was guilt, and hence of guilt.

Here, the key word is "intent." If you, for example, inadvertently offended someone, that person, become angry, may try to make you feel guilty. You say to yourself, "My God, I can not believe I said this to him!" Then ask yourself, 'How can I blame myself for that purpose it hurt? Did I intend to offend him? "If the answer is" no ", you may be not guilty of anything.

No need to apologize or feel guilty if you unintentionally did or said something that could hurt another person (or yourself). If you are determined to feel for the guilt, the subconscious mind you must punish you by sending you a signal in the form of an "accident." It tells you that guilt is useless for you.

If you hurt someone and you are thirsty for revenge, then you are guilty because they are acting knowingly with intent to hurt this man. This will upset the inner balance that will make you confess.To neutralize it, you should recognize their thoughts or actions and apologize to that person or at home.

Remember, every thought - a vibration that is sent into the world of you. The man you think gets it - he realizes it or not. Whether it's the thought of love or hatred, it will reach the one who is.

Maybe you had to notice that you're no apparent reason, you feel close to some people very uncomfortable. Apparently not show any visible differences, but there is an internal exchange of negative energy that causes you to feel uncomfortable. This is an indication that one of you - and maybe both - live in contradiction with the Law of Love.

To clean your inner "I" to love unconditionally, you must learn to get rid of any emerging emotions. If you are in front of someone to blame, contact with this person and ask his forgiveness. Do it for yourself, no matter what reaction do you expect from this man.Your ego, an inner voice that keeps your growth, may say: "What if he says so-and-so? He think of me? That if he would laugh at me? That if he blame me? "do not listen.

Your best friend - it's you! You forgot about it? Forgive yourself, accept yourself and know what you're doing the best that you can.When you learn to treat yourself with love and kindness, the same feelings you will be to other people. You will be much easier to see their perfection.


1. Identify all your fears. Choosing one of them, begin to act - to take a step by step to cope with it. Do the same with all the other fears that you include in your list.

2. Make a list of what you felt guilty over the past three days.Beside each item write down whether you were guilty or simply "felt guilty".

3. Listed all the "accidents" that happened to you lately, and try to determine what you then feel guilty.


(To be continued)