Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jill Edwards
Do not do anything for the money
The golden rule for creating prosperity is: "Do what you like."

If you agree to do something just for the money, then you do so exclusively on your ego, which believes that the money you have always in short supply, or do you think that in order to survive, you must suffer. Maybe you think you are unworthy of prosperity or naively believe that life - the struggle. So how do you do so out of fear and negative emotions, it attracts the same, and in the future you will become increasingly difficult to earn money by doing your favorite job.

I know it's usually on a subconscious level, many years, and then experience has shown me in practice how it is true. After I left the NHS, and so far published my first book, for almost two years I earned almost nothing. Many times I offered to write articles for women's magazines and lectures on psychology graduate students. But by the time I saw myself already, "a metaphysical teacher and writer," and determined to say "No" to all other proposals to make money. Sometimes I had to give up almost a virtue, especially when offered a choice morsel. But I firmly believe that the universe will support me in carrying out business of my life. Of course, since it always worked.

After three years, half of my income is brought to your private consultation, but I began to understand that this activity does not satisfy me as much as before. After 15 years, a psychotherapist, I felt that I want to write more books and seminars, which have always been my passion. So, with some anxiety, I'm still gradually ceased all personal consultation. In subsequent months, my income from your favorite sources has increased significantly, and I soon began to receive twice as many than before. The universe has to offer unlimited abundance, and if we follow the dictates of his heart, the easily attract money.

On the other hand, some people can harm themselves, making "leaps of faith" that comes from our ego. I remember a wonderful young woman who attended my seminars. She retired from a boring job to become an artist, but now it is seriously concerned about the lack of progress. It turned out that she knew little of the artist's career and did not have any drawing skills. In general, it was a real novice!

"But I followed my dream!" - She said angrily to me when I suggested that she should not have immediately leave work and its action was reckless. Then it turned out that all her life resisting their parents to become the Secretary to "always have a piece of bread." She had to do the job, which she hated. We discussed a plan for how it should be done to keep the dream step by step.After a while she wrote to me that went to work for the Secretary to art school, and she really liked it. In addition, in his spare time, she began to walk a course of drawing.

What would you do to get money, promise yourself that is not going to do anything with a heavy heart. Otherwise, you link money with martyrdom and struggle. Do not look for excuses like, "Somebody should do it!" I personally believe that if enough people refuse to perform routine, monotonous work, leading to stress, especially in environmentally and socially unhealthy conditions, such work will cease to exist at all. Therefore, in this case, you could even do a good deed if you say "No".

Many people, rejecting the martyrdom, engaging in a job can choose when and what to do. Others are reviewing their relationship to existing work, give it a new definition, and thus the work becomes more creative and efficient. You can also get a part-time or agree to work for several hours every day. But preferably, when a person is looking for a place where he can better and more fully express his deep "I" and fulfill its higher purpose.

(To be continued)