Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Follow one's inclinations. Jill Edwards

Jill Edwards

Follow one's inclinations

There is one golden rule, following which we move the work in the carefree time, namely: Do what you like. Our work gives us the means of subsistence. It should fill us with joy, energy, vitality and joy. Work should fuel your soul and heart, let us give and receive love, to express our creativity, to develop wisdom and compassion, as well as increasingly become who we are. If you do not jump out of bed on Monday morning to start work quickly, so it does not matter in your life.

For many people, work is a necessary evil, a means to pay the bills. It's just "work". Our egoistic "I" goes to work only because such a situation a little better situation when it comes to live on the interest, and because he was afraid and in need of an alternative sense of security. Ego often feels that he put pressure on, always concerned about something and disorganized in the workplace. It happens that it is simply boring and uninteresting.Thus, it focuses on basic survival. According to statistics, the largest percentage of heart attacks occur between 8 and 9 am on Monday. It turns out that the yield on the unloved work literally breaks our heart.

In fact, the work must be directly associated with joy, enthusiasm, creativity, enthusiasm and inspiration of the game. It is a sacred expression of our profound 'I'. The work should mean to us true happiness. (If you won the lottery a very large sum, it would continue to go to work and if not, then you are not doing their job.)

The case, which we serve, allows us to release our inner child.Then we feel as though came to my house. But many people have to wear a mask to work professionally, they are the "I" hide until until they leave the workplace. However, excessive dryness and gravity cause more harm than help. Most people feel good insincerity and hypocrisy, it repels them and unhealthy.Playfulness, spontaneity and passion of our Inner Chad play a crucial role in the work.

What you really enjoy doing?

What pleased you and your heart is full joy?

What a challenge you would have accepted with pleasure?

Do you enjoy meeting new people? Or listen to the unseen? Or play with colors, drawings, fabrics? Or wander through the woods? Or train your dog? Juggle or abstract ideas? Or read books about spiritual growth? Or nailed to the walls of shelves?Or speak before a large audience? A skate? Or telling stories to children? Maybe you love to tinker in the garden? Or drive a car?Or watch the stars?

What exactly do you like in these activities? How do you spend your free time as a child (other than watching TV)? If you had to choose a job in the shower (no looking at the money side of it), then what would you stop? If you have no idea what you are particularly pleased to try to do at least something. Change the lessons each week, until you find what you need for you.

Good idea to pay attention to the perfect (in your sense) a lifestyle.

What do you prefer: the town or village? You would like to work on a specific schedule, or have irregular working hours? As you'll feel much better work as a team or independently? Do you like constant pressure, and jobs involving all hands, or do you prefer to choose their own pace in your work? You love to travel, or just adore her nest? How long do you intend to give the job?

If now you describe your ideal lifestyle, and it may change over time, how it will be in the future? By the way, the work of your life can bring your life to an ideal.

Following the dictates of his heart, we gradually get closer to their true work. Sometimes this process is similar to making a mosaic pattern, where the fragments are knowledge, experience, personal qualities, strength and vision. Gradually, out of all this arises and a complete picture, like a butterfly from its chrysalis. At first it may be unclear as to earn a living doing what you like. But if we believe the universe and its wisdom will lead us exactly where we want.